Hi pedro01 &tomorton,
I simply can't thank you enough, I still don't know how I even got involved in this discussion but man have I ended up spending some hours on what was begining to feel like a fruitless excersize, but then along came you guys. When I comprehended the implications of you behavior I found myself virtually rolling around the office floor with tears flowing and nearly peeing myself laughing.
Consider this scenario -
Two men feeling a bit frisky walk into the only nightclub where they spy a married couple standing at the bar. They start talking to the couple, after a while the the husband says that he has to go and that he will pick up the wife at closing time. After the husband goes they start buying the woman drinks and talking to her, she repeatedly tells them that she isn't going to give them what they want, unperturbed they continue on. At closing time the husband picks her up and leaves. The two men get angry and chuck a wobbly because they don't get what they want. Does this story remind you of the behavior exhibited by anyone?
Seriously, do you pair have any comprehension how childish you appear?
But once again thanks for the laugh.
For the other posters my actions here have been in good faith.
Good Trading