Trading Without Charts?

I was intrigued by one interview in Market Wizards with a trader who was just watching news and quotes. I liked the idea and eventually I got rid of charts. I love it. The only thing is that I need to glance at the quotes from time to time (volume and high and low of the day also displayed).
I have been concisely tracking the way I trade with the indicators that I use and like you have said, determining the necessary thresholds. It's all programmed in now and trading by itself finally. I am adding more things in but on very general terms, I don't get specific because perfect is never a word to use when identifying patterns since it will lock you out of good trades. I take small loses and huge wins. Automation allows me to trade at my best all the time. I use C++ and per trade data giving me many ways to look at data including Level 2. I think automation does not have to be a handicap. It helps me by allowing me to truly backtest and stick to my trading system.


Thank for sharing