Trading with point and figure

Where do you get your indicators from mate?

I am using Cute point and figure V1.3 on MT4. all of the trend lines and levels are
inserted by me during analysis, using paint. Using Cute has some unusual drawbacks, let me know if you decide to try it before you download it.

If you havent used PnF charts its worth reading up on them to at least get a basic understanding. 007 is the king I am just an apprentice!

Here is how mine looks.


  • Set up.png
    Set up.png
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Will go have a read. Dax is acting like a stubborn mule. It is probably waiting for direction from the US
Before the Open (Feb 22)
by admin on February 22, 2017
in Before the Open
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Good morning. Happy Wednesday.
The Asian/Pacific markets closed mostly up. Hong Kong and China are up almost 1%. Europe is currently mostly down. Russia and Greece are down almost 1%; Austria, Hungary, Spain, Italy and Norway are also weak. Futures in the States point towards a slight down open for the cash market.
VIDEO: Overview
The dollar is up. Oil and copper are down. Gold and silver are flat. Bonds are up.
The market is on a heck of a run. Every index is at an all-time high. The S&P has moved up 12 of 14 days…the Nas 9 of 10 days…the Dow 8 in a row.
Today we get minutes of the last FOMC meeting. A few Fed officials have stated the March meeting is in play for a hike – that’s not a definite…just that it’s a possibility. I’ve gone on the record saying they should raise. Why not? They want to get rates back to a normal level, so why not take advantage of the high stock market…they have a huge “price cushion” to work with.
Otherwise I’m just a broken record here. The trend is up…the market is making new highs virtually every day. There’s no reason to be anything but long.
The market will top at some point. It’ll consolidate…it’ll drift down…it’ll chop and churn. But the overall trend will remain in place, even if there are disruptions along the way.
Aussie - took a nice short from 0.77 rez, sp 0.767. Levels working well...again. 0.77 a dog to get through...
these rallies are really messing with me psychologically....emotions and everything
this is the third time i knew whatwas to happen but got scared