Trading with point and figure


Great stuff

Ya could have doubled up at 7630 area

I know but I'm very wary of the ftse as yet. If anyone is going to get bitten on the backside it's usually me at the front of the queue. Am staying light today as I reckon there's a fairly high risk of surprises....and I don't much like surprises:p
I know but I'm very wary of the ftse as yet. If anyone is going to get bitten on the backside it's usually me at the front of the queue. Am staying light today as I reckon there's a fairly high risk of surprises....and I don't much like surprises:p

Don't you just love the Fed - always there when you need 'em:p

Still in my underwater EG from yesterday (Short at .8830)

The trend is and has been bullish and I was looking for a p/b to the .8805 area. Now the universe has decided teach me yet another lesson I 'm now expecting a return to trend support....which handily is around .8830.

Whilst both the 15 min and 5 min are bullish I'm thinking that there will be some volatility around today's numbers however good or bad they are. The mood has been so unremittingly crap for GBP that I reckon that even neutral news will be an excuse for optimism....and, optimistically, that's when I'll get out of my position with a small or no loss.

All will be revealed. And now, back to the music:)


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