Trading with point and figure


Looking at EG this morning for a short. Wasn't on deck for the 6.30 spike but have left a sell order in at .8830 Targets .8800 and .8780

Order triggered. Short at .8830

Am long CAC at 5308 Target 5338 - it just touched 38 but I didn't get filled(n)

Also short ftse at 7605 Target 7580
Provisional national CPI readings in the Eurozone and start of two day
EU summit top relatively busy schedule of data and events; EC Confidence
surveys, US final Q1 GDP and weekly jobless claims, Fed & BoE speakers,
Italian and US govt bond auctions

- National CPI readings: headline readings seen edging up, but will have
to surprise to distract from broader market trade & political concerns

- EU summit: scope for considerable disagreement and perhaps acrimony
cannot be underestimated



Another busy day in terms of both data and events, though it is likely the various provisional national CPI readings in the Eurozone and the EU leaders' Summit (ends tomorrow) will contend with the various US trade battles as the key items. Beyond these there are the sluggish Japan Retail Sales and the modest pick-up in UK Car Production (encouraging given the Brexit cloud hanging over the sector) to digest, while ahead lies the EC's Eurozone confidence surveys, US Initial Claims and the now rather historical final US Q1 GDP reading. On the event side of the equation, the ECB publishes its Bulletin, central bank speak from Haldane, Bostic and Bullard which follows a rather cautious assessment of the UK rate outlook by BoE's Cunliffe. The govt bond auction schedule sees the EUR 6.5 Bln end of month Italy BTP sale, and the concluding part of this week's US Treasury refunding via way of $30 Bln of 7-yr Treasury notes. As previously noted, of forecasts for preliminary June Eurozone CPI are correct (headline 2.0% y/y from 1.9%, core 1.0% y/y vs. 1.1%), then a surprise will be necessary for this to have any lasting impact, with Spanish HICP turning out exactly as expected at 0.2% m/m 2.3% y/y (vs. May 2.1%). The EU summit has so many potential flashpoints, be that a stern warning to the UK that an 'accidental' hard Brexit is now a very real risk (perhaps the more so as PM May is said to be going to the summit with little in the way of new or concrete proposals), or a whole array of divisions within the EU on the thorny subjects of immigration reforms, the post 2020 EU budget, Eurozone reform, or even security issues. For markets the focus may be primarily on what is proposed on ameliorating trade relations with the US. two final brief observations is that this has been a choppy end to Q2, which runs counter to the usually rather more anodyne performance as portfolios are rejigged for the new quarter, above all the normally quieter Q3 summer quarter, and this suggests Q3 will be anything but calm. The other relates to the CNY, which has indeed fallen sharply like most other currencies vs. the USD, and sparked the usual round of 'devaluation' talk, even though one brief look at the attached chart of the CFETS index, the basket of currencies that China targets in terms of keeping the CNY 'broadly stable' underlines that it is some 4% higher in year to data terms, and that the recent setback has been modest.

From Marc Ostwald
Les Blues est dans la merd..??
is le or la merd..??
Does merd have a gender..??

these are important points in philosophy

Methinks philology rather than philosophy...but yes, all nouns have a gender in French and in this case "la merde" is proudly feminine.... "est" is the verb to be 3rd person singular "is" and their 3rd person plural (our "are") is "sont" so your full sentence would be "Les Bleus sont dans la merde".

My usual fee applies:)
Methinks philology rather than philosophy...but yes, all nouns have a gender in French and in this case "la merde" is proudly feminine.... "est" is the verb to be 3rd person singular "is" and their 3rd person plural (our "are") is "sont" so your full sentence would be "Les Bleus sont dans la merde".

My usual fee applies:)

a small package is on its way to yu...
Bizi bizi day today. Not much chance to play games.

Seems Trump is spewing more tariff threats and Xi Jinping thinking whatevarrrrr!

On radio 4 this morning heard excellent news that Scotch Whisky is to be substituted for Kentucky Bourbon.

Displacement of US goods already starting.

At the same time US manufacturers I reckon will be locating in Canada to hookup with markets in Europe.

However, for our purpose as you raised Mr D, tariffs are bad news for US indeces im-changed-o (thank you). Looking at them today US indeces all down and EU indeces all up. How peculiar is that, he asks??? :cheesy:

If Trump does open his trap again, I can't see 2700s holding :whistling

Maybe a good opportunity for EU/UK companies.....I bet we blow it
cos we are too worried about Brexit
as always....who knows
hope i am wrong