Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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I suppose some could glean 'something' from it, but how would we be sure it's the 'right' thing.

The right thing differs from person to person.

eg. what is right for Prince Charles is abhorrent to me
Salty Gibbon said:
Less of the bovine fecal matter gentlemen and more of the trades please.

Just thought you should know that one person contributing to this thread is a lovely lady! Perhaps you may be aware of her presence which is why you made reference to 'gentlemen' and bovine fecal matter, thus ensuring that your comments would not offend the lady in question!
TheBramble said:
Great trades Richard, well done!

I did keep my eye out for these as you mentioned, but rather expected you would explain what it was we were all to be looking for...

Even in your analysis of the trades though, there wasn't much of an indication of what and how you found your setups and executed your entry and exits.

Is this thread only for those who have taken 1-2-1 tuition from you and if not, what is it for?

(Over to you Salty...)

Ihave only just seen this.

I have just had a good look at Richard's post No. 970, above. It is patently obvious to me, all of it.
It just screams at you.

I am mystified as to what further explanations are required in order to understand it, or what kind of further information is required in order to identify entry and exit opportunities, because both trades and the charts to accompany them are perfectly clear, crystal.

And I don't use Richard's methods exactly, but I find it blatantly simple and cannot understand what it is that is baffling you, and why.

Kind Regards.
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Ihave only just seen this.

I have just had a good look at Richard's post No. 970, above. It is patently obvious to me, all of it.
It just screams at you.

I am mystified as to what further explanations are required in order to understand it, or what kind of further information is required in order to identify entry and exit opportunities, because both trades and the charts to accompany them are perfectly clear, crystal.

And I don't use Richard's methods exactly, but I find it blatantly simple and cannot understand what it is that is baffling you, and why.

Kind Regards.

I have just taken a look at Richard's example chart for his short entry at 48.60 in KOSP - this is shown on a candlestick chart with NO Volume, accompanying Level 2 screen or Time and Sales, decision tools which Richard uses - the only thing that is mystefying Socrates is your belief that people will swallow your above comment about the transparency, from his post, of Richards reading of the situation. As a 'long term investor' do you use Level 2 and/or Time and Sales ? That is all I guess 😆
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I will make it easier for you, timcannel, and I quote :~

The only thing that is mystefying Socrates is your belief that people will swallow your above statement about the transparency, from his post, of Richards reading of the situation.

If you are adressing the question to me, what you have written is very bad grammar and should read as follows :~

The only thing that is mystifying Socrates is his belief that people will swallow his comment above about the transparency from his post, of Richard's reading of the situation.

Now, is that what you meant to say ? Let me have your answer at your earliest convenience please.
Well, if we're going to cleave follicles, I humbly propose that you, Soc, are not the one undergoing mystification.

So perhaps:

"The only thing that is mystifying, Socrates, is your belief that people will swallow your comment above about the transparency of Richard's post, regarding his reading of the situation."

Does the full stop appear after or before the quotation marks, I often wonder? I must consult Fowler, who is often obsolete. 🙂

"Addressing" is also misspelt, for what it's worth.

Who made me a moderator, innit 😆

All tongue in cheek, obviously. 🙂I
frugi said:
I humbly propose that you, Soc, are not the one undergoing mystification.

So perhaps:

The only thing that is mystifying, Socrates, is your belief that people will swallow your comment above about the transparency of Richard's post, regarding his reading of the situation.

Address is also misspelt.

Who made me a moderator, innit 😆

All tongue in cheek, obviously. 🙂

Give him a chance to reply Frugi, please, because if he does, you will be very interested in my reply to whatever he replies.

Kind Regards.
I encourage the former, without in any way diminishing my interest in the latter, as ever 🙂

Blindly enforcing grammatical inflexibility would lead to the demise of poetry, wordplay and true meaning, to name but three.

I bid you good night, Soc, for I have a crucial meeting tomorrow. 😉
frugi said:
I encourage the former, without in any way diminishing my interest in the latter, as ever 🙂

Blindly enforcing grammatical inflexibility would lead to the demise of poetry, wordplay and true meaning, to name but three.

I bid you good night, Soc, for I have a crucial meeting tomorrow. 😉

What I am trying to express, albeit somewhat crudely after a hard days slog , is that I am not convinced that the short entry on the chart KOSP is 'crystal clear' - I dont believe it helps anyone for you to imply that it is.
Kind Regards
Tim Cannell
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Timcannel, that is not an answer.

I will repeat the question to you: ~

Who are you asking this, Bramble or me ?

As I can see you are on line, I await your response.
timcannell said:
I have just taken a look at Richard's example chart for his short entry at 48.60 in KOSP - this is shown on a candlestick chart with NO Volume, accompanying Level 2 screen or Time and Sales, decision tools which Richard uses - the only thing that is mystefying Socrates is your belief that people will swallow your above comment about the transparency, from his post, of Richards reading of the situation. As a 'long term investor' do you use Level 2 and/or Time and Sales ? That is all I guess 😆
The above is your original post which I am recording here awaiting your reply since you are modifying a post, I want this to stand as it is. I am waiting...
I think the best idea is not to listen to other people's views too much but to work things out for oneself.
Salty, please do not get involved. Timcannel has been viewing this thread and my comments since 10.08
I am sitting here waiting for an answer. I think 15 minutes is quite a long time, and an age for any trader.
I am still waiting.....
Salty, please do not get involved. Timcannel has been viewing this thread and my comments since 10.08
I am sitting here waiting for an answer. I think 15 minutes is quite a long time, and an age for any trader.
I am still waiting.....

I think we should ask Bramble whether he thinks the post was aimed at him...
Salty Gibbon said:
I think the best idea is not to listen to other people's views too much but to work things out for oneself.

That is the basis of my appraoch Salty - I wholeheartedly agree
Salty, please do not get involved. Timcannel has been viewing this thread and my comments since 10.08
I am sitting here waiting for an answer. I think 15 minutes is quite a long time, and an age for any trader.
I am still waiting.....

Socrates - this board is not a realtime communication mechanism - to treat it as such is a waste of your time
timcannell said:
Socrates - this board is not a realtime communication mechanism - to treat it as such is a waste of your time
No, you are wrong. What is a patent waste of time is to make statements of the kind you make without substantiation and of a detrimental nature disguised as amusement. I am going to address a reply fully to you in public later on when I have a gap.
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