Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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Fascinating - but now I'm on the sidelines and feel very comfortable.
APOL and COCO are reasonable and safe stand-ins.
Great stuff Mr C. 😎 drinks are on you on the 13th? lol 😆
AMGN L 59.14


  • amgn 5min 04-12-03.png
    amgn 5min 04-12-03.png
    10.8 KB · Views: 653
closed @ 59.27

Also traded
qcom L48.16 closed 48.35
iaci S30.70 closed 30.68
yhoo L43.03 closed 42.95

am actually a bit dissapointed as ive not ben trading to well today, had a few missed entries, a few watched trades with no action and poorly timed entries

Yes ive made money but it has been a head ache.

Hope every one is doing well today


  • amgna 5min 04-12-03.png
    amgna 5min 04-12-03.png
    10.6 KB · Views: 641
There are days like that, Bomber.
Still cutting losses fast as we do is the way.
SNDK possibly setting up.
Grabbed SNDK short at 66.36 and covered at 66.09 for a quick
+ 27cents/share but only got 400 on the uptick, not 1000.
Still mustn't be too greedy, no losing trades so far today.
Have a good evening, Bomber - I must get that coffee.
I'll think I'll treat myself to a doughnut with it.
Anyone shorting APOL and COCO when I mentioned them here on this thread only one hour ago would have made $1.40/share on APOL and $3/share on COCO. They were, as I said, "safe" plays on dear old CECO............. ;-)
Now there's an interesting idea I've just had. Although as I've only had 9 hours sleep this week definite possibility of it being a bit addled.

In order to deal with the US uptick rule, open two accounts. One is a long term short portfolio in which you short your favourite trading shares in the amount you normally trade. No need for huge cash balances as you can set up over a period of days avoiding PDT rules. The other account is your trading account and you start your base position as + the number of shares you trade in the same stocks as are in the short account.

Now assuming you don't get forced out of the shorts in the short account you have a market neutral portfolio that guarantees you can short your favourite shares without worrying if your broker has stock to borrow or even upticks.

Worth considering for an old stalwart like ERTS Mr C? (although when worked out the costs may not be ideal as you'll pay margin interest on the short portfolio, and there would be an element of juggling capital to keep up the margin)

Mr Charts

I also traded CECO today and I have a question concerning your posting of this trade.

Your first post for going short on CECO at $41.90 was at 3.49pm and then 6 minutes later you post again to say that you have covered half at $38.91 For you to have done this you must have entered the trade at the latest time of 3.05pm and covered half at the latest time of 3.15pm unless you allowed a 114c retracement which from your previous posts you would never allow.

So why not post the whole trade in one post rather than give the impression that these were real time trades by posting two consecutive posts at more than 30 minutes after you covered the first half of this trade as this could easily be considered to be misleading?


Mr C and Naz, from a relative novice in trading, it seems pretty obvious that you both know what you are talking about. The charts you post and the training that goes on, not one person who has had any dealings with you personally can fault you! Just take Vince Stanzione, he has a pretty bad reputation, on the other hand you guys are up there on pedastals.....
I like trading the dow emini, I am trying to see how I can take a little of what you do and add it to what I do. The major difference is, I only want to trade for the opening hour only, this means i may get one or maye if I'm extremely lucky 2 set ups that look something like the majority of the charts you post. Whereas because you trade individual shares you have many to choose from, I know you have some sort of software to give you a list of prospects, can I ask what it is? secondly, what can you tell me either on this board or personally, that can help me progress to a higher level???

Ps, have you ever considered adopting anyone?
As a general statement, it is very, very difficult to post up real time trades whith charts and comments, if you are in a trade and concentrating. It's a lot easier in the chat room, but you don't get the charts. Once your'e in a trade and 500 bucks up, the pressure is off a bit...
Fair point, I think Felix.

When I first read the post it gave me the impression that the trade was all over in just a few minutes and in time with the post.

I dont mind ppl posting trades they have made as long as its clear 'when' the trades were made, otherwise theres no point in posting it.

I dont want to go down the 'proof of trade' road again, but anyone can put up a post claiming of trade.

Understandably it must be difficult to trade and post charts or even one liners of trades, but if its going to be done then it needs to be done in a fashion that doesnt imply quick and easy profits.

Hi hogs,
What I do is not really comparable to trading Dow futures.
IMHO, the larger the number of candidates, i.e trading vehicles, that are available, the less difficult it is to find potentially good trades. I know many good traders who trade one instrument only, but it's horses for courses.
I create a list of possible major movers and shakers based on my analysis of pre-market stories, gappers, core trading stocks, one other method and the use of a scanner.
Very often these produce good travel range stocks which move well in the first hour.
Learning how to read sentiment and its swings, putting yourself in the mood of the market, going with the flow, matter more, imv, than most people think. Also learn about patterns, develop an almost rigid system of entries and exits, self discipline, discard your ego, make up your own mind about things, reading the tape, level 2, all are very useful skills.
Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated. Please don't talk about pedestals though, I'm just a trader who enjoys getting out and doing a bit of coaching too. I shouldn't speak for Naz, but we do both like what we do. Trading has given us a good living, the ability to meet nice, interesting and kind people and above all, freedom and time for the important things.
Adopting anyone? I have a wife and three "kids" plus two cats.....that's enough!
HTH a tiny bit.
Sorry if I'm about to be controversial again.

What one must remember is these posters are trying to persuade us to part with our hard earned money to purchase their training courses.

A curious feature of this board is the number of self-appointed champions on chargers who appear whenever someone raises perfectly valid enquiries as to the claims made by these people. I think the psychology is they have probably wasted cash themselves and do not want to admit it - even to themselves.

I didn't touch the Charts/Naz course with a bargepole. I do not regret that. I would be willing to wager (sorry mr charts) that nobody who did attend is making any money from what they were taught.

If I am (demonstrably) wrong I will gladly admit it and attend a 1 to 1!

Anybody going to produce tangible evidence of success?
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If Newtron Bomb attended the course, that bet doesn't look too good. What odds are you giving 🙂.
Like mr charts I am not a gambler.

Did NB attend? Is his 'success' a result? Is his success demonstrable?
After mentioning CECO earlier on in the thread i would have thought every Nasdaq trader would have had it on a watch list because of what had happened to it the day before.

The start was a gap play that one would take with what ever set up suited an individual.The rest of the move had fib pullbacks and to cap it all we had an evening move.

$44 down to $32 and then a bounce to $36.50.I would have thought that t2w members would have been grateful to have been alerted to such an oppertunity.
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