Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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dsmodi, what do you mean by real name? Are you saying that you have pseudo personalities on here??



Negatives? Maybe, but it depends on what you were expecting. I'll tell you this, if you haven't already figured it out. How do you make a fantastic Apple Pie? Answer, you get a cooking book out, according to some. OK let's do it. You've got all the answers right there in front of you and to cap it all, Jamie Oliver is going to hold your hand...........
To our surprise, the Pie turns out cr**. How can that be?
Simple, you picked the wrong apples!
If you were expecting either of them to pick your stocks for you, or press the deal button, you would have been very disappointed.
Secondly, I would have liked a live demonstration of L2, but it was Saturday, so I wasn't expecting one. I just had to imagine what it would be like......
They didn't provide a free lunch either, but then we all know there are no free lunches in this business.
CM, thank you for balanced evaluation of the Naz/Charts seminar. Glad to hear it is no holy grail but opportunity to learn gaps trading and see a "scalper" at work. Certainly convinced me to sign up to the next similar event but ideally during week so L2 trading can be demonstrated. Nevermind the opportunity loss of missing a trading day!

yes i do have another pseudo name - but not one i post with... my only reason for having it (Pinto) is cos i wanted that name but as i'd continually posted under this name, i decided to continue.

i am not mma etc, but i have met naz, and i know some of the peeps that post here, and i just didn't want to offend anyone, but do think that peeps should not be afraid to give appropriate feedback. As it happens, maybe there is not much negative feedback where this course was concerned......

Thanks for your last post above - makes a lot of sense.....

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BRCD short 6.16


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BRCD covered 6.22
for loss of 6c per share


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SYMC covered half at 29.06
for profit of 68c per share


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SYMC rest covered 28.84
for profit of 90c per share


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LNCR covered 34.23
for profit of 72c per share


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Good trades. It would be nice to have a bit more information but I suppose that is what the 1:1's and seminars are for. I have been looking at the charts here and can get a better idea of why I think you chose these stocks to trade:-
Thanks, Big Business.

The following is directed ONLY at those who came along to the seminar I gave along with Naz at Heathrow last Saturday.
One of the specific techniques I taught I applied today using one of my stock location methods, trade entry pattern rule and exit rules to LNCR going short at 33.71, covering half at 32.00 and the other half at 32.04


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Given your skills... I wonder why you didn't take the short at the pullback just above 34.00 ? Or where you waiting until you got the regular entry?
Early closing today and the plumber is arriving any minute, so I haven't had time to trade as I usually do.
Just a quick reading of the charts and the T&S plus level 2

The long entry 1000 RMBS was at 27.40.
Closed half at 27.54
Closed other half at 27.70
so a profit of $220 in three minutes
Should just about cover the plumber's bill............
I was trading so quickly I didn't take contemporaneous screen dumps, but this is better than nothing.


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I have pasted the following from the "Annoyed of Fleet" thread:

I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised to hear you are getting nasty emails as well, but I thought it was just me.
There are certain individuals on t2w who ran a campaign of vilification against Naz and myself and t2w, in the weeks up to the joint seminar we gave recently at Heathrow.
There were about five such people, some of whom continue to attack those of us who coach.
That's ok, it's a free country, though it's pathetic and sad that some people seem to have unlimited time to constantly have a pop at others. It makes you wonder if they have anything else in their lives, but hey, that's their problem though I do feel a little bit sorry for them.
What is also interesting is that they always choose to ignore the positive feedback which comes from those I have taught 1-2-1, those whom Naz has taught 1-2-1 and attendees at seminars we've given.
Anyway, the curious thing is that the more often these individuals have their little digs, the more people want 1-2-1 sessions! ;-)

I posted a trade yesterday on

which illustrated the sort of typical quick trade I do in the opening minutes of the US day. Many of the people I have coached can recognise the technique. Others looking back on my chart postings of trades can figure some things out for themselves.

However, quite often I (like Neil) receive nasty abusive emails from certain individuals. They do make me laugh and only reflect on the character of the senders.

I cannot say who the sender of the latest email is and I won't enter into "debate" or reply to any of the very small group who seem to get their kicks out of such behaviour.

I have been asked by someone I respect to show the broker details of that trade yesterday and on this one occasion ONLY I'll do so for the sake of the decent members of these boards who might be tempted to believe that small group and doubt me.

It will appear on the above mentioned thread.

What really concerns me is the deterioration of the message boards on t2w. I would be very sad to see this place go the way of other boards before it.
The owners and moderators have obviously put a vast amount of time and effort into t2w and they and the vast majority of members who are not here to be aggressive and confrontational deserve better.
Most people, including myself, are here primarily to learn from others.
Life is one long learning curve for us all and humility is a very useful quality in learning and trading.
People who don't show respect for one another, especially when they disagree, don't understand the true meaning of debate and are better off returning to their playgrounds or cots.


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Mr C

Firstly, I am not one of your Knockers. Your postings and those of Naz show you know your stuff and demonstrate it. As for teaching your methods, why not? The knockers don't have to attend and I don't see lots of dissatisfied clients complaining about you.

Notwithstanding that tribute, can you give me the number of your plumber as his charges sound very low if you intend that trade to pay his bill.

Let me explain :

Profit on RMBS trade yesterday = $220

Profit in GB Pounds = £129

Profit less 40% CGT = £77.40

This is why 20 point/$200 gains daytrading aren't as impressive as they first appear - one of those on every single trading day of the year is not going to provide a very good living. So several hundred $$$ a day sounds good but exchange rate and CGT cut it drastically. Mind, it's better than not making that much.

Hope your leak got fixed.
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