Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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Don't you just love these days when you short 'em on the way down and long 'em on the way back up ;-))
So much better with two major trends in one day, spoilt for choice.
XLNX had a pre-market low of 10.60, when it broke that level with direction I shorted at 10.57 and closed under a minute later at 10.31 for +$260

Presumably Richard the crucial words are " with direction".

Price action in the first couple of minutes can be up and down more times than a whore's drawers so you have to be sure that there is a bit of very short-term direction I would guess.

How do you decide when to exit in that very short time frame ?

I sometimes leave it a few more minutes and catch it going in the reverse direction to where it started.
Hello Richard,

Been a few months hope you and family are well.

Have been through about 30% of this thread, may read some more at some stage :)

Have you heard the terrible news re: David?

I will pop in from time to time to say hello and see how you are! If you have some time lets catch up on the phone.

My best.
Bonjour M. Euro !
Yes, his death is very upsetting - a real loss - at least he didn't know what happened. His poor family.........
Since at least you are looking in here I'll post today's trades - I was doing them for an imminent coaching day anyway.
Take care my friend
A toute a l'heure
1. SYMC long
2. SYMC closed


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1. SYMC short
2. Covered


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1.ADTN long
2. ADTN closed

Always nice to have a day without a single losing trade, huh M. Euro ;-)
Take care


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Another good day then :)

I have found today a bit difficult. I only trade one US stock (can't keep track otherwise and lose focus and money). Been in and out 3 times during the first 20 miutes, all winners but only netted about 30c, but still £300 is £300.

You have any plans to come down this way?
Indeed Richard :)

I have some hornets building a nest right outside my front door so need to be brave and go any destroy it (at least let the kids think I'm brave, I'm crapping myself really!!). These are big nasty things, at last 10 times bigger than wasps and the thought of them attacking the children mmmmmmmm.

Hopefully I'll be back shortly :)
Yes, a nice day again ;-)
No, not this year. I was across the border teaching in Barcelona a few weeks ago and extended it into a holiday - really enjoyed it. Might take the family back to Tobago again this summer instead - we'll see.
I've been using directaccesselite's trailing stop and i must say i get vey impressed with it.(No you cant get it in demo mode).Seeing it changing the settings in the software is a joy to behold.I took a long position in AMZN three hours ago,then added to it and just put the trailing stop in and its managing the position like a dream.

Thats it i'm finished for the week the software can stop me out now.


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I know you had a preference for using Arca for trailing of stops so are you still able to do this with this facility on DAE ?

Yes i am Paul.

Its still managing the trade for me.

Ok i just got hit and i'm stopped out with a $1.11 run.
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Hi All

Can anyone help ?

Does anyone know of a website that lists the main stocks within a particular sector such as Semis, Bios, Internet, Harware etc etc.

Thanks Glenn, butr its not what I was after.

I'm referring to the US stock market.

The esignal market scanner does this with the hot groups scanner,it gives the stocks in a sector and industry group and can be selected by price and min volume if you so desire.Think you can still get a months free trial so it dosent have to cost you anything.
So far it's been a choppy go nowhere sort of day.
As on many of my posts on this thread, I look for quick early scalps in the first half hour using my own patterns and interpretation of level 2 and tape reading.
It may change later, but at the moment I'm glad to take what the market has to offer in those good trading stocks that offer me profits.
This type of trade has a very high percentage success rate. I rarely get these trades ever moving more than 3 - 5 cents against me, so the risk is very small.
No losses today.
I believe this is the type of adaptive trading which should be used on choppy thin days.


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