Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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no, only partly
partly, but I watch the price action and its relationship to pre-market trading and another indicator (not TA)
price action, movement of bid/offer, level 2 sometimes
I voted in view of one of your comments in the past, but I've changed my mind, I don't think you are too bad a person after all ;-))) - look now - is that better? ;-)))

PS I wouldn't have elaborated or answered at all if I'd thought you were really antagonistic ;-)))
Hi Mr Charts,

I would be interested in the comment I made that gave me a negative vote.

Sometimes its difficult to get your view across constructively on these posts.


RIMM was a blow off- i am not sure how it looked on the chart- but maybe a gapup !

ps. how is the weatgher in Vancouver?

Hiya coffee, man,
I was coaching someone today and showed him how to choose RIMM before the market even opened as the best stock for the upcoming day. With my usual entrance and exit techniques it produced a massive gain, but I was coaching not trading so no huge profit for me ! :- (
I hope you got a good slice of the action.
Take care, coffee, and have a great xmas/ny ;-)
Best wishes,
Motor! It's been raining for a month.
Mr.C! I got some of it but I could never imagine it would blow off like that.
It's very easy to assume the imminence of holidays means there are no opportunities.
However, look at RIMM y'day.

Today just a couple of trades:

SNDK long 61.60 as it resumed its upmove.
Please note I do not simply trade on charts and specific patterns, but tape reading is essential in anticipating moves and confirming them.


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Closed 61.70, no follow through and obvious weakness
profit +10


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RIMM short 68.45
unable to retrace up, no buying power, target centre of triangle consolidation c.1500 ET y'day


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RIMM covered 67.95 when target reached - in a thin environment I was happy to seize what was on offer in a volatile stock
Profit +50


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I'm finished trading.

Most people are on this site to learn and to seize opportunities to change their lives and become successful traders.
Some of us are already so hey, IT CAN BE DONE, I feel because I did it so can almost everyone.
Hopefully we can all be pleasant and respectful to one another in the coming year and make this board even better.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines.

Sail away from the safe harbour.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream.


Mark Twain.

Happy holidays to everyone,
Thanks Mr Charts,

I was looking at RIMM, but missed the opportunity. Now I have some material to help me figure out what I should have been looking at.

I understand why RIMM was interesting, but what lead you to look at SNDK?
Hi Bobtarrel,
SNDK is on my current core trading stock list so it's always up in my quotebox so I can tell how it's trading at a glance.
Happy holidays,
BTW Bob,
Don't worry too much about missing opportunities. We all do. The problem arises if you see the trade set up and repeatedly don't take the opportunity for fear of losing or waiting for even more confirmation of direction. By the time it comes, a good piece of the move is often over. That type of problem needs addressing early on in a person's trading career, otherwise they don't have a career.
Richard / Naz,
A BIG public 'thank you' to you both for all the time and effort that you've put into posting on T2W. There will always be those people who are unimpressed and will challenge your posts. This, I believe, is broadly a good thing, if done with respect - there is no need for rudeness. So, here's wishing you both a very Happy Christmas and I look forward to your posts in the new trading year as well as those from people who question your respective techniques. It's an invaluable resource for wannabe U.S. daytraders like myself.
Richard, I couldn't help to have been thinking about your latest post, about that problem. Because, quite frankly, this is the MOST important aspect of trading and I consider it the Holy Grail. All those people bugging u to post more info and other stuff seem to be at the beginning of the journey and I presuppose they won't understand what u are talking about. But since u touched upon this subject, could u tell me if u had that sort of problem and how u solved it? I also understand that we, human beings, have our own maps of reallity and whatever u say might not work for anybody but u.
Thanx a lot in advance.
Hey coffee man,
I'm always ready to help you.
There are approaches which I use when coaching 1-2-1 to help people with those difficulties, but if I explained them here I'd get the usual unpleasant response from some individuals.
So, check your email box for some of my thoughts and some other material. If you want some further clarification, email me.
Hi all,

Don't particularly want to be thought controversial again but have a look at this for what those advertising their expertise for sale should, if they can, produce.

If they did there could be no criticism and I for one would sign up for a 1-2-1.

Happy new year.

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