Trading Stats - What do you measure?


Hi traders, I'm interested in anything you measure about your trading that I don't. I'm a stats and metrics fan (I love Excel!) and would like to know some fields I can add to help my trading improve.

Currently I have CFD, Margin and Futures trading accounts, they are largely similar in what they measure. With my trend system I measure the % of the trend captured (using my swing points) but otherwise the stats are mostly the same over all different trading vehicles.

My Stats:

Trades per day
Num Wins
Num Losses
Average Profit
Average Win
Average Loss
Win/Loss Ratio
Maximum Win
Maximum Loss
Max DD
Profit Factor
Total risk (each trades $ risk totalled)
Brokerage (this is scary when you total it!)
System days (total days trading)
Yearly gross
Monthly gross
Daily gross
Yearly tax
Yearly net
Interest costs
Account size
FX vary + interest (interest payments + and -)

And the stats I keep from my calculators, Position sizing and risk calcs and the like. I run different position sizing calcs such as Kelly, FF, FR and FV.

Risk 1%
Risk 2%
Risk 3%
Risk 3%
2004 Kelly stats
92-04 Kelly stats

Account Size
Winning Probability
Losing Probability
Position Size Risk
Money units
Risk of Ruin

Account Size
Margin per contract
Current contracts
Next contract level

I also run simulated equity curves based on different filters applied to my trading and things like different entries and exits for trades. E-Curves are another subject though!

You could include a stat that measures pleasure gained from measuring stats. :cheesy:

I keep a daily record of the work I've done (rather than just the trades & associated stats) and measure this against monthly and yearly targets. (For work read trading research....not really work if you enjoy such persuits).
You should record everything!!! I find there is a strong -ve correlation between daily profit and number of times I go for a ****. The less I ****, the more I make. You have to be careful about drawing the wrong conclusion, I think it is just that when the market is flat I refill my water glass more!