Trading NASDAQ stocks with Jerry Olson & Ian Hodgson

Racer said:
So a confident trader knows about bullying the market in your view?
And "No matter what you will come on top"?

You are right and the market is wrong I presume you mean by all that.

Tell me, do you average your trades by any chance?

You traded wrongly to demonstate? Most traders know all about that already, so what was the point!

"for the sake of others sit back if you cannot contribute technically" 🙄
Racer, mr.marcus, rols, fxmarkets etc,

If you don't like what you find on this thread let me suggest you go elsewhere. You will save yourselves a great deal of time typing messages that contain no useful information.
LevII said:
Racer, mr.marcus, rols, fxmarkets etc,

If you don't like what you find on this thread let me suggest you go elsewhere. You will save yourselves a great deal of time typing messages that contain no useful information.

Don't like what I find? I am seriously questioning the fact that someone thinks they can bully the market.

That is not useful!! Oh dear...........
Cheers Levll , and with respect we could ditto those comments back to you, its just debate and discussion... thats the point isn't it ?

all anyone can do is ask for clarity, chew the fat and bounce ideas and views so a potential expansion of knowledge is at least given the chance to be visible for everyone...

and a lot of it could well be down to bad choice of words etc, but it didnt read that way hence questions........

anyhoo, best to you.

As I said, save yourselves typing time. I can't imagine anyone is interested. If someone is then I stand corrected.
levll, why do you feel the need to insult mr marcus for a very polite and point driven post? Are you going to answer that?
hmm well a few are interested as the comments coming from a coach? who advocates that one should set out with the mindset to bully the markets else your a dead duck ,with what a 1000 share trade ? its just not possible is it ? if anything its the opposite hence potentially very damaging for an individual to trade with that attitude.

again good ol Joe Ross, when asked "who will be yielding the stick to beat the trader into submission?" who will be yielding the stick......

his response was "ohh the market will do that " and some of his trades are pushing 7 digits.

not the other way round , unless? .......(open to learn ,here mate)

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LevII said:
As I said, save yourselves typing time. I can't imagine anyone is interested. If someone is then I stand corrected.

Several people have commented on the bullying the market concept and its clarification

Oh, and are you the moderator? You telling me not to post now
mr.marcus said:
dear jerry

.........drill it down to a 1min chart.....and it reveals itself....drill it down to 2 sec charts with volume reading....and yes the anatomy of the trade reveals even further...down to a tick chart and it keeps revealing more secrets.......but believing in theory and executing in practice are 2 obviously have a self belief founded in years of experience...its harder for a newbie to acquire this....but its possible to fast track....anyways..

.....i wish you and all your students continued success jerry.

Morning Mark

Newbies are the traders that have the best chance of becoming professionals. When you come into my class without a bias with a clear head they can learn what i teach rather easily. My methodology has been around for 100 years.

I had the distinct pleasure over the years of sitting next to the finest futures traders anywhere on this planet. I watched what they saw and how they traded, i began to try it myself for stocks, and over the years have perfected it down to what i call my repetative redundant chart patterns that we see everyday on our charts.

I have reduced all the outside "noise" as taught to me by Tom Dorsey himself of Point & Figure Fame, to zero.. I have become a good reader of those charts, and along with candlesticks that powerful combo has helped me and others to make a living trading the markets year in and year out.

The difference is i have taken what i learned, used it abused it and got it to where it's managable for me. I simply trade a 5 minute time frame using 2 indicators and 3 moving averages and thats it.

if traders could just keep it simple, reduce the noise, stop worrying about what they hear and just trade what they see on the charts, then and only then is it possible to become a consistant money maker.

Being a scalp trader has been a wonderful revelation for me since I do not hold stocks over night ever! I go to sleep like a baby, and i wake up ready and eager to trade again. I am working hard to educate others to do the same thing.

So Mark for all intents and purposes anyone can learn to trade if they can open their minds and let the information flow, into their heads even thru Osmosis. Once you "get it" then you need to work it and trust it.

I love the markets, the ebbs and flows, because i think of it as a living breathing entiy ever changing by sentiment and perception. I have a deep respect for the Markets, but i simply have no fear of what i do each day

Hope this helps


Racer said:
Several people have commented on the bullying the market concept and its clarification

Oh, and are you the moderator? You telling me not to post now

Now now Racer

everyone can post here since we live in a free country and society. So relax ok?

The term bullying the markets in my opinion is bullying a trade. If you in fact trust what you see and do, then you can feel just as strong about the trade or the makrets as you wish.

The only way the markets beat or bully you is, you do not have a clue, you do not trust what you do, you are not a consistant trader!

What's the difference using the word like bullying. Substitute it with any word of the same meaning and you'll get the same answer.

Either you're successful or your not.

best to you Racer
Dreary me
we are all getting worked up ,
we are all here to make money ,
lets just concentrate on that shall we
bullying --------> To force one's way , hmmm how can you force the market?

bully the market, force the market ? I still dont see the word change helps.

eeek am I being pedantic? I dont think so as the word change is even worse perhaps reading it that way...

go with the force of the market, yes. not force it. now were cooking.
mr.marcus said:
....soros can and did "bully" the the non entities cannot... no matter how deluded our fantasies are......cheers mark j

There were some very big players who, in the market crash of 1929 thought they could hold up the market because they thought they were bigger and better than it and they could stop the crash.

They failed
LevII said:
Racer, mr.marcus, rols, fxmarkets etc,

If you don't like what you find on this thread let me suggest you go elsewhere. You will save yourselves a great deal of time typing messages that contain no useful information.

On the contrary we love what we see on this thread. This is why we keep coming back and will continue to do so whenever and however we please. If you don't like this then may I suggest you go elsewhere - The People's Republic of China, perhaps?

"...Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print [...] or through any other media of his choice."

Article 19 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Signed (but not yet ratified) by China: October 1998
yeah Mr M. im sure some governments have weight to intervene on occassion for as long as they can but refrained from bringing those entities into it.....

and if the whole episode was meant to trade without fear in the market then thats a different way to approach, it express it , but hmmm i couldn't read that deep into it ,from bully the markets. lordy.

hmmm but i thought it may of been a bad choice of words..... and they do count as you point out because of the generalised associations people attach to them...
fxmarkets said:
bullying --------> To force one's way , hmmm how can you force the market?

bully the market, force the market ? I still dont see the word change helps.

eeek am I being pedantic? I dont think so as the word change is even worse perhaps reading it that way...

go with the force of the market, yes. not force it. now were cooking.
excellent, make mine a HOT one!

you won't need to bully me into it.
mr.marcus said:
...agree with 2 major points in your post mind...essential ...and over night trading.....who needs to wake up with a few mores clumps of hair on the pillow....intra day opportunities in abundance for sure....i look forward down the line to joining you in your room for a day or so to make calls if possible?

cheers mark j

Yo Mark

we would welcome you with open arms<G>

and that goes for everyone else too...

just send me an e-mail to mine which i cannot post here....................... 🙄
I was not going to post my P/L but i was asked to do so by few people.. so here we go .. Just one over night trade Short JOYG G the rest intra day to day . MAx drawdawn none as i run into profit shorting JOYG over night ( friday ) but my peak win was over 2K which i gave back some if it .

Risk management is a crucial key to LONG TERM TRADING .



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I am done for the day up $2500.47 C . I will be discussing the risk analysis continuation from last night later on . I also will be meeting three more traders from this BB soon which I am really really looking forward to it .
I never thought I would enjoy coaching my fellow traders but i love it .



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Grey1 said:
I am done for the day up $2500.47 C . I will be discussing the risk analysis continuation from last night later on . I also will be meeting three more traders from this BB soon which I am really really looking forward to it .
I never thought I would enjoy coaching my fellow traders but i love it .


well today was horrible for me 😢 bot MRK on MPD and it keep going down all day.. i dont know what to say since it broke down out of its range the bands moved further apart. i totally feel disgusted Grey1 not even a end of day bounce.

I can blame only myself for the losses. but itf anyone has any constructive criticism to add please feel free to post. I feel miserable 🙁
moreagr said:
well today was horrible for me 😢 bot MRK on MPD and it keep going down all day.. i dont know what to say since it broke down out of its range the bands moved further apart. i totally feel disgusted Grey1 not even a end of day bounce.

I can blame only myself for the losses. but itf anyone has any constructive criticism to add please feel free to post. I feel miserable 🙁


The bands are risk bands and not trading bands ( not like Bollinger bands ) . If you want to use them as trading bands you must be pair trading other wise you are not hedged and your positions become unsafe. This is the most important part of the strategy . if you donot have a pair to hedge your position then your directional trade becomes simply waiting for a bounce on HIGH or LOW of the day and that might never happen .
