Trading ES (Q1 2004)

20/02 ES

The MACD cross overs worked but they are not as quick as signals based on volume and tick combined. 123 patterns all over the shop. Got to suss out China's much talked about time pivots.
Maybe next week.

Have a good weekend all.


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lemme tell u str8 away - I am not trding this as we just returned from Fernando de Noronha, and leaving in an hour for Cumbuco for the last hour of Carnaval and Fat Tuesday :cheesy:

If i was tho - i'd be long this "simultaneous" tick pos div vs ES and macd of tick pos div vs tick. It is a trend down day - so I'd be long AT LEAST until the test of 20 ema/5min where we'd hv 2 c if its an aberration day or our Short 20 ema on a Trend day play out.


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Finished for lunch

Not to sure here so will sit on my hands. It's lunch time anyway.


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Question on the MACD signal on ES. Would you use only todays data or would you draw a trend line from previous days data.

...followed by a sharp fall and bounce off 1136 61.8% rtr, probably collecting a few nervous sell stops just below 1138 on the way. 5 waves down complete now? Dow's bounced off a significant lower channel line too. Hmm, long YM at 10570 it is then.
Sorry slp wave targets are not really my area - I was just struck by the visibility of the 5 wave pattern on the 10 min and though it might engender a retracement.

Guesses based on Fib -

1141.25, 1139.25, 1142.75

or more optimistically

1142.75, 1141.25, 1144.5

But this is wellshot's/a320's patch really!
An observation from China's system. As this is a trend down day the retracement may only be until the NAZ retraces to it's 20 ema
( a few mins ago ) before re commencing a downward direction.
Back to setting up Q charts.
Happy Trading,
Or maybe we should wait for the 40 ema!
Fortunately didn't take the 20 ema trade.
ok lads - this is my last post until Wed - we r leaving in a sec

IF i traded this I'd be stopped out when previous tick pos div was negated (probably about 1.5 pt loss) but wud've re-entered on another tick pos div at about 37. Wud be up overall 1.5 ish pts. Pathetic - yes - but there r too many signs of an aberation day so u dont want to go bonkers shorting.
Short from the open with a stop just above fridays jump up.

Nice channel down, closed with 3 peak positive rsi..didn't reverse...never do.

Two peak divergence giving some decent signals thereafter.


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well - since I am def not trading on Fat Tuesday 🙂 - I am running the risk of turning into an analyst 🙁 telling ppl what he thinks - and the usual story with analysts' "research" (since they dont trade themselves) is u r normally not too far off trading the opposite to their recommendations 🙂 I'd say 3 knocks is convincing stuff, however the last one "knocked" in after hours which many disregard. Watch the morning session as a hawk 🙂