Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

From what I saw he didn't change this value of *210* it's just he stated that it didn't work correctly and catch all signals or something along those lines.
To be fair I am sure lots of people made a lot of money on Brent shortening on Thursday/Friday (this was an extremely rare occasion) and money on the EU at the same time. How many pips did everyone here make on those 2 days? Let's find out shall we...does *1100* really sound improbable given what happened? I know 1000 pips is a very large number compared to a normal 10-50 pips a day by professionals. However, this surely would been possible cause of what happened???
Circa 1250 pips trading 7 pairs last week..9 trades 7 winners.

Black Swan

If your this consistent you should think about calling your trades in here or perhaps make your own thread dedicated to your trading and assisting others. What do you think?

I remember a while ago you did state if you ever open own service - you would make sure investors have at least a £10,000 bank - so putting that a side why not prove some of your trades here or somewhere else? We obviously could learn from you as you seem to be a rather intelligent individual despite some of your arguments on this thread.
Black Swan

If your this consistent you should think about calling your trades in here or perhaps make your own thread dedicated to your trading and assisting others. What do you think?

I remember a while ago you did state if you ever open own service - you would make sure investors have at least a £10,000 bank - so putting that a side why not prove some of your trades here or somewhere else? We obviously could learn from you as you seem to be a rather intelligent individual despite some of your arguments on this thread.

I trade for myself and for/with a small investor syndicate, I have nothing "to prove". My own swing trades are taken off a 2/3hr TF strat, syndicated trades off the dailies (position trading/investing in currencies as an asset class). I would never enter the world of vendor/mentorship services, not interested, unless a bank/spread-betting firm/fx broker asked me to provide a blog/FX calls/write articles from a freelance perspective.

My goals are to move past syndication, I've struggled (so far) to obtain the backing I need to move my vision onto a different level, but I'm now very confident that the contacts I've built up over the past two years, particularly overseas, will flourish.
green eye??.. he did state that he had just brought a new car and seeing as TEC is his only current venture, then the subs have paid for it..
So have the TEC losers not been on here recently because the guy has been on holiday? 😆 wtf have you been doing hahahaha?
green eye??.. he did state that he had just brought a new car and seeing as TEC is his only current venture, then the subs have paid for it..

Wow, that's some brilliant twisted logic right there.
HaHa, Black Swan, wow, what a guy..........
Please people, dont give this dick head the satisfaction of replying to his obnoxious posts, he obviously has some serious personality problems and likes to get on threads all over the place to tell everyone how good he is but never offer any help or advice, just shoots people down.
He is probably still having nightmares about the bullies from his school days and is getting his own back now on you lot.
Please folks, the guy is a ******, just ignore him!
Everyone should learn to trade them selves, with something like Black Dog Forex system, you get a great system, amazing forum, live all day chat room, every day! and truly amazing s.upport all for a 1 off payment, which is similar to the amount this guy charges monthly!

<snigger>...😉 chase that grail..go on...
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Many thanks for pointing out the Ignore option - bye Black Swan!😉

Excellent, why not put the thread on ignore, or T2W on ignore? It's not like you bunch of dick heads ever learn anything, sitting there on the thread all day, just waiting to bitch and compare whose loss of hundred quid each killed their dreams more..😆

Heh, if you all put me, the thread, and T2W on ignore you can find a new venture, perhaps finally go and play online bingo, does Ladbrokes bingo have a forum where you can give each other collective hugs when you lose big? Maybe you could all meet up and play it live at Mecca whilst stuffing your faces full of Greggs pasties 😀
I trade for myself and for/with a small investor syndicate, I have nothing "to prove". My own swing trades are taken off a 2/3hr TF strat, syndicated trades off the dailies (position trading/investing in currencies as an asset class). I would never enter the world of vendor/mentorship services, not interested, unless a bank/spread-betting firm/fx broker asked me to provide a blog/FX calls/write articles from a freelance perspective.

My goals are to move past syndication, I've struggled (so far) to obtain the backing I need to move my vision onto a different level, but I'm now very confident that the contacts I've built up over the past two years, particularly overseas, will flourish.

very interesting ,you should put more effort into growing that side of your business than fighting with all the little people who are trying to find their first steps in trading.
All the little people who are trying to find their first steps in trading.

No they're not, they have no interest/intellectual curiosity in trading any you know it..they'll eventually move back to penny falls in the arcades at Clacton, Morecambe and Margate..

I'd hoped this thread had died along with their ridiculous emotion were this TEC nonsense is concerned, I hadn't had an e-mail in the spam folder titled TEC for over a week, then you learn it's only because the guy has been on holiday.

So they've been waiting to bitch for over a week on a subject they're no longer involved in, it's deranged but fascinating to watch, their collective behaviour simply re-inforces the point that no one should ever cater for/get involved with retail traders unless it's done on an anonymous (to a degree) platform such as Currensee or C2. Like the walking dead once infected they move from one black box strategy to the next dragging the zombies in their dead coma trail with them.
Ha Ha Ha, i love this...... the most prolific poster is Black Swan...... i dont get this guy, such a successful trader, yet spends all his time on forums throwing insults at strangers and bragging about being a successful trader but cant prove it. 4,732 post, lol, dude get a life, or a girlfriend or a boyfriend, whatever ya into, but dude, for god sake get a life! What exactly is it you use these forums for? is it a replacement for that life you crave so much but are too socially awkward to get.
its a bit pathetic, the only thing this loser has in his life is his laptop and his right hand!
So just for a laugh, what else are you into other than this forum Lonely Swan?

Come on TEC users, give us an update. Is he illegaly auto-trading for you yet? Is Brent behaving itself better nowadays?
I think he just means the auto-trading because the guy is not FSA registered. Do you have to be?

Hi Andy - Yes, you do. Firms in the United Kingdom that give financial advice have to be regulated by the Financial services Authority ( FSA ), or be the agent of a regulated firm. It is illegal to give financial advice without FSA registration.

Now Forex signal providers try to get around this by saying, "Just FYI, this is the trade we're placing today." They're then not advising you to follow their advice(!). This very fine line is clearly, blatantly crossed when someone cobbles together software to place trades he selects, using your money.

I doubt anyone in the FSA would be thinking him competent to gamble other people's cash away - after all, this is a man who has been refused permission to breed worms! 😆