Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

His auto trading is still not working properly, usual crap about his man in Belarus working on an update.. so he is giving the signals manually onto the auto system (if that makes sense)..

Anyway nothing has changed he has about 25 trades today and currently 65 pips down hahaha.. members might not, but i bet the brokers love him!!!

@chrismidnite - sadswan has the M.O of being a 40 bloke still living at home with his mum, socially inept (probably gay although wont admit it) who has finally found some balls in cyberspace to get back for all those years of bullying and crying... 4742 posts on here what a prize c***...
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Ah well, there's always tomorrow (or whenever the Boy from Belarus gets his act together...!).

rap77 - a more disturbing image is that sadswan is sitting in a rocking chair in his mother's clothes as her decaying body festers under the floorboards....
His auto trading is still not working properly, usual crap about his man in Belarus working on an update.. so he is giving the signals manually onto the auto system (if that makes sense)..

Anyway nothing has changed he has about 25 trades today and currently 65 pips down hahaha.. member might not but i bet the brokers love him!!!

@chrismidnite - sadswan has the M.O of being a 40 bloke still living at home with his mum, socially inept (probably gay although wont admit it) who has finally found some balls in cyberspace to get back for all those years of bullying and crying... 4742 posts on here what a prize c***...

Only -65 is a good day for him. Don't forget he signed all his members up to SLM through an affiliate link so he will be getting a commission win or lose on every trade. Absolutely amazing he achieved another month of subs, do you think he will get May's as well? he must be p*****g himself laughing.
Hahaha..I see the clusterfook of walking dead zombie losers are back on it again, I thought you'd all fooked off and entered into some kind of Jonestown pact.

Don't tell me you've all sat like flies on a turd watching this thread all day. Your weeping noses pressed up against your monitor screens, just waiting for a bit of third hand juicy gossip...You really are a desperately sad bunch of mentally ill fooktards, let go, move on and off this forum.

I really hope that TEC guy is pi55ing himself laughing at you useless c11nts whilst stealing your kids' pocket money, never give a sucker an even break. Nice one..😀
Hi Andy - Yes, you do. Firms in the United Kingdom that give financial advice have to be regulated by the Financial services Authority ( FSA ), or be the agent of a regulated firm. It is illegal to give financial advice without FSA registration.

I don't think it is quite as simple as this because it will depend on whether he is offering advice on trading via a broker or through a spreadbetting company. If it is through a SB company then technically he is the same as a racing tipster and for that you don't need FSA registration. Also he may be able to avoid FSA registration by gaining power of attorney on the accounts of his clients and just use an EA to place the trades although to be honest I am not sure if this is still legal.

Lonely Swan, does your mother know you're using language like that.

Talking of Mothers I see your ma had a bingo win today...Maybe you and your Dad could join her next week eh? Could be a good family career move, you've fook all else to offer anyone have you?..😀

I don't think it is quite as simple as this because it will depend on whether he is offering advice on trading via a broker or through a spreadbetting company. If it is through a SB company then technically he is the same as a racing tipster and for that you don't need FSA registration. Also he may be able to avoid FSA registration by gaining power of attorney on the accounts of his clients and just use an EA to place the trades although to be honest I am not sure if this is still legal.


It is a shame it is not regulated. Working in the financial services industry and having to be regulated myself, whilst I have very little time for the FSA, at least it would take a few more con-men out of this business.
It is a shame it is not regulated. Working in the financial services industry and having to be regulated myself, whilst I have very little time for the FSA, at least it would take a few more con-men out of this business.

Yes but the difference is that with racing tipsters you don't hand over your betting (trading) account and allow them to place bets (trades) for you on your behalf 😱
Hi Andy - Yes, you do. Firms in the United Kingdom that give financial advice have to be regulated by the Financial services Authority ( FSA ), or be the agent of a regulated firm. It is illegal to give financial advice without FSA registration.

Now Forex signal providers try to get around this by saying, "Just FYI, this is the trade we're placing today." They're then not advising you to follow their advice(!). This very fine line is clearly, blatantly crossed when someone cobbles together software to place trades he selects, using your money.

I doubt anyone in the FSA would be thinking him competent to gamble other people's cash away

You really do talk some sound like the *pub bore/expert* on everything and nothing.
As this is a thread on TEC, quick update the genius started the day on range bars set to 6, after another losing morning he swapped to range bar set to 10 which also lost... then said think should have stayed with 6 hahahahahahahahahaha

The clueless wonder that is Proper C continues, subs are due Friday don't think there will be many left..

Still he got a new car out of it and we had a good laugh, oh and made friends with the closet blackswan..
The guy sounds amazing...... i mean, who the f*** starts a live trading room and signals service after only reading the blurb on Fapturbo's website and the back cover of 'day trading for dummies', which sounds like the only education this guy has had on trading! lol
The guy sounds amazing...... i mean, who the f*** starts a live trading room and signals service after only reading the blurb on Fapturbo's website and the back cover of 'day trading for dummies', which sounds like the only education this guy has had on trading! lol

amazing indeed,i almost wish i was smart enough to pull it off...then again i like to sleep at night.
amazing indeed,i almost wish i was smart enough to pull it off...then again i like to sleep at night.

Try being a fledgling swing trader, I used to wake up in a cold sweat early days at approx. 4/5am, after falling asleep at 2am..Even years later I still feel some adreneline coarsing through my veins at 7:30 whilst my charts/platform load..

Baz Luhrmann/Sunscreen; "Do one thing every day that scares you.." 🙂
Try being a fledgling swing trader, I used to wake up in a cold sweat early days at approx. 4/5am, after falling asleep at 2am..Even years later I still feel some adreneline coarsing through my veins at 7:30 whilst my charts/platform load..

Baz Luhrmann/Sunscreen; "Do one thing every day that scares you.." 🙂

funny old game innit.
back in my early days i sat up all night watching an e/u trade that i'd been fighting with all day by averaging down, when the sb platform shut down for 15 mins i was really cacking it as i had no stop in place and my entire account was on the line. managed to survive that little moment and come out of it at breakeven. lesson learnt and i'm never doing that again.

it's easy to see why people look for an easy option and turn to pappa smurf and his posse for trade calls and the promise of huge profits as learning to diy is understandbly far too testing for most.