Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

A lot of members not renewing their subs. and anyone that has not renewed is also now locked out of the chat forum. Next date for proposed Auto system is May 9th. and then further testing, this was all supposed to have already been tried and tested. So the saga goes on and then another months sub. will be due, a very good marketeer in the short term, but I think the term is comming to an end. Many people have lost £400-£500 in subs plus trading losses, and PC goes off with an estemated £100,000. Nice one if you have no conscience.

Once again bitterness and green eye rears its head, he provided a signal service and trading environment for 99 quid a month over a 4-5 month period, how does that equate to 100K? He's probably netted closer to 30 grand with an absolute max peak of 100 members a month..but so what, wtf has it got to do with you how much he's netted?

You can pay circa 100 a month for a system alone off C2, go there if you think short cuts will make you a successful trader..
PC should be locked up, not swanning of on his holiday in the Porsche, he even had the cheek to tell them he bought the car with the money he stole from them. Just because he obtained the money by manipulating peoples emotions as opposed to breaking into their house, it's not better it's worse.

Fooktarded thinking to 1000%..
If there is truth in the car/holiday story this con man is now firmly waving two fingers on each hand at all his followers to add insult to injury.

The warnings were there from the middle of December '10 when his previous history/ruses were exposed. It beggars belief that apparently so many people have paid this horrendous individual so much money.

Agree with Andy that it would be great if the likes of Chalmers could be locked up but hoping that this thread will serve as a good education/warning of the scum that lurks our there.

I wonder if Graham Laurie will continue to remain silent about this scam in which he had a major push?

Staying with TEC is the same mentality that keeps you in a losing trade, you believe you haven't lost that money because it will all turnaround soon and then you will be rich. As long as you don't crystalise the loss it is just a paper loss (rubbish a loss is a loss). By not giving up you don't have to admit you made a mistake. So you stay in that trade waiting for it to turn (stay with TEC waiting for it to turn) and watch your losses mount, until the pain is to much, or your account is drained, then you finally take your loss which is even bigger. That is when you feel an idiot and everything becomes clear, but you won't see that until you exit the trade (club). Whilst some members of this forum think it is fair play for PC to part people from their money, on the grounds that if they are that stupid they deserve to lose it. I disagree PC should be locked up, not swanning of on his holiday in the Porsche, he even had the cheek to tell them he bought the car with the money he stole from them. Just because he obtained the money by manipulating peoples emotions as opposed to breaking into their house, it's not better it's worse.
do you think bernie maddoff was a good guy too🙄

He was simply a 'patsy' who took the heat..much like Lehman Bros..

His Ponzi scheme was simply one that the elite decision makers, in the banking fraternity, chose not to support in preference to comparison the UK pension industry is the biggest scam/ponzi scheme there is..

Madoff has argued that the losses were in fact profits that investors failed to receive, in fact up to half of capital invested has already been recovered. So when you witness folk screaming that they lost for example 1 million, they probably lost 100K and will have 100K+ returned and given how well the hedge funds have done since Madoff collapsed had it (he) been left alone it (the funds) may have recovered..
He was simply a 'patsy' who took the heat..much like Lehman Bros..

His Ponzi scheme was simply one that the elite decision makers, in the banking fraternity, chose not to support in preference to comparison the UK pension industry is the biggest scam/ponzi scheme there is..

Madoff has argued that the losses were in fact profits that investors failed to receive, in fact up to half of capital invested has already been recovered. So when you witness folk screaming that they lost for example 1 million, they probably lost 100K and will have 100K+ returned and given how well the hedge funds have done since Madoff collapsed had it (he) been left alone it (the funds) may have recovered..

well thats a dam shame if your right,his poor son hung himself over all that i hope nothing like that that happens to pappa c the bankers/elite are trying to mess with his system:whistling
A screenshot of the master trader's desktop from during one of his pleading webinars recently.

Note the collection of third rate bots, plus the decompiler so that he can get at the source code to try and rip them off.

Note the desperate collection of get rich quick schemes.... the "10 minute cash system" etc etc.

Note the "The_Roulette..." shortcut and a guide to winning at Betfair games. And something to do with Binge Drinking.....

It's up to you of course how you invest your money.


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A screenshot of the master trader's desktop from during one of his pleading webinars recently.

Note the collection of third rate bots, plus the decompiler so that he can get at the source code to try and rip them off.

Note the desperate collection of get rich quick schemes.... the "10 minute cash system" etc etc.

Note the "The_Roulette..." shortcut and a guide to winning at Betfair games. And something to do with Binge Drinking.....

It's up to you of course how you invest your money.

well spotted,would love to see one of his webinars.the guy hit oil but looks like the well will be dry soon😎
Black Swan, I have 158 names just from TEC chat, & most of those had been in for 4 months. Now probably under 100. I also noticed all the "Get Rich Quick" icons on his desktop, Thearticle. Some really stupid ones too because I looked some of them up. Then left!
Black Swan, I have 158 names just from TEC chat, & most of those had been in for 4 months. Now probably under 100. I also noticed all the "Get Rich Quick" icons on his desktop, Thearticle. Some really stupid ones too because I looked some of them up. Then left!

The freely available software that can be used allows adminisitrators to add as many names as they want FOC, but it's irrelevant how much the takings are and the fact that so many are fixated on that single issue reveals a lot about their motivation.

Look, it all comes down to personal responsibility, you guys are/were chasing the same one dimensional get rich quick schemes and dreams he may or may not be chasing, you subscribe to that 5hite, therefore if you're all in the same short-cut searching peer group, you have to have your eyes wide open or your eye will get wiped..

I was a member of a terrific trading group for a couple of months a couple of years back, left because I wasn't going to do 6:30 am starts and take knee jerk set ups and instinctively I knew that if trading FX or oil or the indices then swing trading (as a retail guy) was the only game in town..

This thread is dead, you all need to move onto your next get rich scheme or knuckle down and learn how to trade. But here's the rub, the percentage who go from part time to full time is close to zero. To become proficient in this game takes 12 months, to begin to become profitable another 12 months and that's working at it full time. So unless you can dedicate 2 years of full time dedication to trading, and fund yourself/pay the bills in that time, you'll never 'make it'..So just let this thread and the bizarre, unhinged, obsessional biterness die and move on.
So unless you can dedicate 2 years of full time dedication to trading, and fund yourself/pay the bills in that time, you'll never 'make it'...

This is absolutely true.

I'd probably even go as far to say that its only achievable in 2 years if you've previously got the holy grail searching phase over and done with, figured out a style your comfortable with, sussed out that this is a game of probabilities, done a shed load of testing and demo trading, and found a decent mentor. Then and only then 2 years full time might just be enough (it probably took me closer to 3, and even 8 years later I still have periods of self doubt after a bad couple of months)

To believe you can pay some scroat a hundred bucks and get it handed on a plate is insanity.
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This is absolutely true.

I'd probably even go as far to say that its only achievable in 2 years if you've previously got the holy grail searching phase over and done with, figured out a style your comfortable with, sussed out that this is a game of probabilities, done a shed load of testing and demo trading, and found a decent mentor. Then and only then 2 years full time might just be enough (it probably took me closer to 3, and even 8 years later I still have periods of self doubt after a bad couple of months)

To believe you can pay some scroat a hundred bucks and get it handed on a plate is insanity.

We all have to start somewhere as I'm sure that those who have the experience of years of trading behind them would agree. For several years I've been concentrating my efforts/hobby/alternative income, call it what you will, in the realms of Horse Racing even to the extent of running a lay tipping site which was moderatly profitable, albeit a lot of hassle when the selections won, as they do from time to time, from subscribers unable to look at the long term. Eventually I stopped charging and asked for donations to a nominated charity which took some of the hassle away but not all.

What I did find was that the subscribers expected and got advice as many had never been involved in laying before so it was incumbent upon me to deal with all the queries in an honest and professional way. Hopefully they did receive the service that was described on the site and certainly there were no major complaints that couldn't be resolved.

My point is that like myself there were/are beginners in Forex who looked/look for ways in which to commence their trading in an enviroment that is professionally run by an expert trader from which you can gain insights and education. The TEC service as promoted by the Cashmaster blog and the intro webinair by PC couldn't be faulted in the presentation of such a service and the cost of £100 for the privilige of sitting, looking over the shoulder of "an experienced trader" copying his "winning" trades, seemed to be the ideal enviroment in which a beginner could benefit. The first three days were profitable but then it was obvious that the marketing did not reach reality and I stopped trading at that point.

With hindsight which is a beautiful tool for us all, "To believe you can pay some scroat a hundred bucks and get it handed on a plate is insanity" is very true.
I lost my £100, gained £50 from the 3 days trading and learnt that as Black Swan and The Hare have said you have to put the time in and demo trade and read and practise etc. etc .... I'm learning to do so and having settled into a daily routine am beginning to see the benefits of what they real money is yet being used as I need to keep testing the strategy and my confidence.

Sites like TEC are designed I guess to prey upon peoples "greed" but also if you are genuinely looking for advice and education the misreprentation that has happened has to be exposed and to me this is the value of such a thread and I for one would wish it to continue until the TEC site closes
Sites like TEC are designed I guess to prey upon peoples "greed" but also if you are genuinely looking for advice and education the misreprentation that has happened has to be exposed and to me this is the value of such a thread and I for one would wish it to continue until the TEC site closes

I can understand why you say this, but unfortunately there are a near infinite number of similar sites available; it's a very competitive market. As soon as one goes down it will be replaced by a clone.
As long as there are people willing to hand over cash for some false hope and comfortable beliefs, there will be a queue of enthusiastic predators fighting for their attention.
How many of you T.E.C members have made friends with a nice guy from Nigeria that contacted you via email?
This thread is dead, you all need to move onto your next get rich scheme or knuckle down and learn how to trade...
Could you please bugger off then? Some of us have a thirst for justice and you have no interest in TEC at all as far as I can see. Please stop posting. You're not contributing anything really.

Move along, there's a good chap.🙂
Could you please bugger off then? Some of us have a thirst for justice and you have no interest in TEC at all as far as I can see. Please stop posting. You're not contributing anything really.

Move along, there's a good chap.🙂

Er no, I'll be here, btw what is this "thirst for justice" you seek?