funny old game innit.
back in my early days i sat up all night watching an e/u trade that i'd been fighting with all day by averaging down, when the sb platform shut down for 15 mins i was really cacking it as i had no stop in place and my entire account was on the line. managed to survive that little moment and come out of it at breakeven. lesson learnt and i'm never doing that again.
it's easy to see why people look for an easy option and turn to pappa smurf and his posse for trade calls and the promise of huge profits as learning to diy is understandbly far too testing for most.
Amen to that brother, early this morning (1:30) my charts froze and the internet connection dropped just as my GBP/JPY short trade was starting to look a little I just think "fook it, I'm calling it a day, stops and limits are in place wtf.."
Nine times out of ten there's not big moves (against the trend I'm in) during the wee small hours on the pairs I'm in and trade. GBP/JPY trade stopped out for the loss of 85 pips on the 2-4am candle then continues the trend I was in..Only other trades OK, 130 up on cable atm, 30 on USD/JPY and closed the aussie dollar for 170 once my platform and chart loaded at 7:30 ish..But heh, managed to see a 300+ pips turn into -50 yesterday...the life of a swing trader eh?
Cracking week last week but this week flat so far, I kinda knew it would be given I'd hit my weekly profit limit at which I close down all trades but left lots of pips on the table, consequently I havn't been able to trade any of my Euro pairs this week (having hit my limits on the trend last week), can't break my 'hairshirt' rules..
Now I have to sit on my hands and wait for more opportunities
As for the TEC easy option the easiest option for the 100 quid losers is to give up their obsession..the sticky eye balls on this thread get less as each day passes, it's obvious why they want to keep it live (Google), pathetic really, but heh ho.