Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Well Pappa Smurf has exceeded expectation today again, apparently another 30 pips down for all his members whilst his results show they should be a couple of pips up... delays of 60/70 seconds has played havoc... anyway he has shut it down and ringing webfusion to sort issues...

in the meantime the EA has placed a few rogue trades and apparently made a profit hahahahahahah
Well Pappa Smurf has exceeded expectation today again, apparently another 30 pips down for all his members whilst his results show they should be a couple of pips up... delays of 60/70 seconds has played havoc... anyway he has shut it down and ringing webfusion to sort issues...

in the meantime the EA has placed a few rogue trades and apparently made a profit hahahahahahah

do you know how many people are still in his room?
do you know how many people are still in his room?

No i dont, Friday is subs day though, after he said he would give everyone two weeks free and then only increased their date by a week.. haha

Unfortunately i think the long journey is coming to an end.. great times though..

So look out for a new Proper C internet start up coming to you soon, backed initially by Cashmaster, with results taken straight from his calculator..
funny old game innit.
back in my early days i sat up all night watching an e/u trade that i'd been fighting with all day by averaging down, when the sb platform shut down for 15 mins i was really cacking it as i had no stop in place and my entire account was on the line. managed to survive that little moment and come out of it at breakeven. lesson learnt and i'm never doing that again.

it's easy to see why people look for an easy option and turn to pappa smurf and his posse for trade calls and the promise of huge profits as learning to diy is understandbly far too testing for most.

Amen to that brother, early this morning (1:30) my charts froze and the internet connection dropped just as my GBP/JPY short trade was starting to look a little I just think "fook it, I'm calling it a day, stops and limits are in place wtf.."

Nine times out of ten there's not big moves (against the trend I'm in) during the wee small hours on the pairs I'm in and trade. GBP/JPY trade stopped out for the loss of 85 pips on the 2-4am candle then continues the trend I was in..Only other trades OK, 130 up on cable atm, 30 on USD/JPY and closed the aussie dollar for 170 once my platform and chart loaded at 7:30 ish..But heh, managed to see a 300+ pips turn into -50 yesterday...the life of a swing trader eh?

Cracking week last week but this week flat so far, I kinda knew it would be given I'd hit my weekly profit limit at which I close down all trades but left lots of pips on the table, consequently I havn't been able to trade any of my Euro pairs this week (having hit my limits on the trend last week), can't break my 'hairshirt' rules..😉

Now I have to sit on my hands and wait for more opportunities 🙄

As for the TEC easy option the easiest option for the 100 quid losers is to give up their obsession..the sticky eye balls on this thread get less as each day passes, it's obvious why they want to keep it live (Google), pathetic really, but heh ho.
No i dont, Friday is subs day though, after he said he would give everyone two weeks free and then only increased their date by a week.. haha

Unfortunately i think the long journey is coming to an end.. great times though..

So look out for a new Proper C internet start up coming to you soon, backed initially by Cashmaster, with results taken straight from his calculator..

so that's where my calculator went..!
Well Pappa Smurf has exceeded expectation today again, apparently another 30 pips down for all his members whilst his results show they should be a couple of pips up... delays of 60/70 seconds has played havoc... anyway he has shut it down and ringing webfusion to sort issues...

in the meantime the EA has placed a few rogue trades and apparently made a profit hahahahahahah

Screenshots, or are you *relying* on third hand gossip?
No i dont, Friday is subs day though, after he said he would give everyone two weeks free and then only increased their date by a week.. haha

Unfortunately i think the long journey is coming to an end.. great times though..

So look out for a new Proper C internet start up coming to you soon, backed initially by Cashmaster, with results taken straight from his calculator..
I wonder if the legendary Auto Trading might be available immediately after the subs due date? (Unless the FSA turn up on his doorstep of course....!)

I'd love to be able to read the chat screen now.... 😀😀
(Unless the FSA turn up on his doorstep of course....!)

I know that things in the UK are a bit of a cluster **** at the moment but one might just hope that papa smurf taking your kids pocket money was not particularly high on the FSA's list of priorities at the moment!
I know that things in the UK are a bit of a cluster **** at the moment but one might just hope that papa smurf taking your kids pocket money was not particularly high on the FSA's list of priorities at the moment!

add it to the list of; hmrc will close him down 'cos one or their mates works there, Paypal are on to him because one of their mates works there, Watchdog are on to him because one of their mates works there..."is it fraud, is it a police matter?" was another quote..It's painful to witness such stupidity...

Hey - word of advice - pop SadSwan on Ignore.

I think something "bad" happened to him when he was little. 🙁

A third of your posts on here are about me or aimed at me.. are you a bit weird, a stalker, or just very bitter and sad? Head off to Tesco car park with your night vison goggles, its dogging watch time. Go on there's a good lad, have some fun..knock yourself out.
Whilst all the ex-TEC members are progressing their trading education it appears that lonely swan seemingly spends his days stuck in some kind of Trading Elite Club thread groundhog day, his other passion appears to be dogging, possibly at your local Tesco 😆
Whilst all the ex-TEC members are progressing their trading education it appears that lonely swan seemingly spends his days stuck in some kind of Trading Elite Club thread groundhog day, his other passion appears to be dogging, possibly at your local Tesco 😆

I'm not the one keeping the thread alive, I wanted it closed 2 mnoths back, but it's dying.

Aren't you the nob who moaned his tw@t off for 3 months over losing 250 quid? LOL, you'll never "progress" your trading education, unless you intend to be a victim again through buying another shiny system to then go through the same autistic loop for another 3 mnoths..

You haven't got the minerals, or the right wiring to trade, you're a chump, just give it up, take up knitting. Now move off to the Bingo and scratchcards, is there scratchcard bingo for proles and losers like you were you can kill two birds with one loss?
Aren't you the nob who moaned his tw@t off for 3 months over losing 250 quid?

Could you direct me to the evidence that I ever said anything like the above? No? Thought not.

You strike me as one of those people who wants other people to think he's quite bright, the sad, not to mention amusing, thing is that post after post you evidence the exact opposite 😆

Lonely swan, waiting like a preying mantis for someone to communicate with 😆

All say awwwwwww 😆
Could you direct me to the evidence that I ever said anything like the above? No? Thought not.

You strike me as one of those people who wants other people to think he's quite bright, the sad, not to mention amusing, thing is that post after post you evidence the exact opposite 😆

Lonely swan, waiting like a preying mantis for someone to communicate with 😆

All say awwwwwww 😆

You stated you lost 250/260, it wouldn't surprise me if it was less and you actually think that's a big number..You are quite ill aren't you? I repeat, I wanted this thread to close.

Most of the other 2 bob losers have moved away, onto other schemes and scams no doubt, all except you, now what does that illustrate about you eh? You don't engage in any other part of these forums just here, on this single thread. You'll no doubt park yourself here for the rest of the day waiting for third hand titbits of info, hoping the TEC members have a bad day so you can childishly cat call, point fingers and carry on with your singular crusade..sad, pathetic, deranged, I'm running out of adjectvies to describe your issues.

It's a real eye opener as to why no one in this industry should cater for tards like you, beyond giving you a platform to simply lose money. You're a lost cause, you're probably been this hopeless with all small barriers put in your way throughout your life; blame, lack of responsibility for your actions, you manage to navigate through life's more complex problems is beyond me but wtf, they're your issues you deal with them.
You stated you lost 250/260

Like I said Sad Swan, can you direct me to the post where I stated this, you seem to have plenty of time on your hands as you're almost resident on this thread?


Thought not 😆

Hint, because YOU post something it doesn't make it true, in fact the majority of posters will probably think just the opposite.

Enjoy Tesco tonight 😆
No performance reports for a while...good to see you've all finally moved on (bar one or two obsessives..)