Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

With my random entry test.

50/50 chance OK?

How do you take advantage of series of wins and losses?

Im market wizards one of the greatest traders said if you have a 80% strike rate if you trade long enough you will hit 10 losses in a row.This got me thinking-how can you trick the future? half of day trading is random so I thought use the power of this.

So this got me thinking- how can you avoid losing streaks and take advantage of winning ones?

Well using theoretical bets only betting when you have a win.Once you have a loss you bet theoretical until you hit a winning bet.So with a 60 % strike rate your winning series is a little higher and you stop losing series.Its an amazing feeling when you have 6 losses in a row day trading as really you only lost the first bet.You know with a 60% set up trading zero spread using moving averages trading in the same direction of higher time frame then add fractal breakout WOW you know a winning series is coming.Its an ATM in your home office.

There is is series that damages this performance but that can be identified and killed after 2 losses.,I will leave it at that,this is very basic form of this.This is truly original idea,very hard to come up with something new in forex,but this is what I used to prove random entry could be a winner.Take advantage of winning runs and terminate losing one-perfect for day trading.

does not matter how good your setup is in day trading- trading a one to one ratio your going to have losing streaks and will hit plus 10 losses if you trade long enough.This is what retail traders cant cope with.

A good example is Pappa C,he had 16 losses in one day trading cable-LOL.and he had an amazing system so he said.No one knows what will happen in the next 5 mins in forex,only the smart money.Just use the laws of nature.

To give you a good example the record that was recorded in a casino it was in Germany in the 90s-well in the game of roulette 38 black came in a row and thats not even 50/50----- please think about this-how this roulette stat related to trading.

Trading is a beautiful fun game-the forex is a gift from the gods.We must love yourself and others and trading to do well in forex.To do well in life its all about love.
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He offered a signaling service which provided signals that made a profit overall, he has lied about the ability of that service to produce a profit, he has failed to deliver and has lied to persuade people to carry on with him. I agree the trades were my risk and optional and it is not the trading loss that I have a problem with. It is the outrageous claims which have enabled him to obtain money under false pretences. There are laws applying to all business that advertises a product or service to part people from there money about what they can and can't claim and he has clearly breached these laws

This is just so wrong on every possible level. I really wouldnt know where to start.

If the claims where outrageous, why would you believe them ?

If the claims where reasonable (lets say an average op 200 pips per month) what reason do you have to expect not to experience a prolonged drawdown. I frequently have losing months, and drawdowns in pip terms similar to those experienced by pappa smurf, and have done for almost the last decade. The truth is so has every other trader of my aquaintance. The only people who dont are the traders living in the fantasy world promoted by irresponsible charlatans such as brokers, vendors and people running trading forums.

Maybe Pappa C actually did experience a lucky streak of a few months, thought he'd hit the jackpot and wanted to make a few bob to get a decent stake together. I lost count of the number of times I thought I'd cracked it after a few months of decent results.

This game is about personal responsibility. If you subscribed and where conned then its your fault. The only thing you can do is try to learn some sort of lesson from that. Maybe you'll need to be conned by a few hundred other vendors before you develop the huristic that on the balance of probability, trading vendors are the scum of the earth.

Trading standards wont give a flying ****, nor will anyone else !
Easy seen PappaC is out of the country a couple of quotes from his chat.

Hi Geoff, Did you see the comments on here about your name and a link to your site appearing on the trade2win forum? I would think that you're suitably prepared for that risk, but I thought it only polite to let you know.

Alan - yes, I went and had a look. The thread on T2W has changed tone considerably since I last looked. I don't believe for one minute that Paul's signals failed because of hackers, and am doubting that he ever received any threats, either. His blaming others for having to register for VAT is completely bogus too. He has had a previous failed company registered for VAT so was well aware of that aspect of a company's finances.

I would say there is trouble brewing among his members.
This is just so wrong on every possible level. I really wouldnt know where to start.

If the claims where outrageous, why would you believe them ?

If the claims where reasonable (lets say an average op 200 pips per month) what reason do you have to expect not to experience a prolonged drawdown. I frequently have losing months, and drawdowns in pip terms similar to those experienced by pappa smurf, and have done for almost the last decade. The truth is so has every other trader of my aquaintance. The only people who dont are the traders living in the fantasy world promoted by irresponsible charlatans such as brokers, vendors and people running trading forums.

Maybe Pappa C actually did experience a lucky streak of a few months, thought he'd hit the jackpot and wanted to make a few bob to get a decent stake together. I lost count of the number of times I thought I'd cracked it after a few months of decent results.

This game is about personal responsibility. If you subscribed and where conned then its your fault. The only thing you can do is try to learn some sort of lesson from that. Maybe you'll need to be conned by a few hundred other vendors before you develop the huristic that on the balance of probability, trading vendors are the scum of the earth.

Trading standards wont give a flying ****, nor will anyone else !

They didn't want to learn how to trade, they don't want to put in the hours/days/years, they wanted a one armed bandit. There's only this sunshine creep left moaning his tw@t off each day now..the rest of them have moved on to some other get rich quick scheme they cut out of the Exchange and Mart..
Is that the publication of choice these days for this type of scam ?

That's one thing that intrigues me and I keep my ear to the ground, where did they uncover this TEC? Was it an Agora 'push' like net trapazoid?
Hi Rainer

We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

I appreciate what your saying even more especially where Forex and trading is concerned, but you have to remember there are also gifted people all around us some who pick up the skills/abilities that takes others of us years to master. For me it's been working at perfecting automated approaches for Betfair Exchange over last 4 years.

You would be best to find a good PAMM account to invest your money mate. 🙂

Hi DF,
I am sure that there are gifted people out there like Soros and the like, the strange thing, however, is that there is a lot of chatter in this forum and I re-iterate, nobody has come up and has proven that they know what they are doing and are prepared to share the method. Just a lot of negativity and verbal abuse.
However, I have been in contact with a couple of guys from this forum and we are having good conversations, and I believe we are making progress.
The reality is that 99.8 % of people who are consistently making money see no reason to share this with anybody else.
I was quite happy to pay a coach just as I paid my tennis coach, Every sparrow from the roof will confirm to you that 95 % of new traders fail. ( no coach may be).
I got not the faintest idea how automated approaches with betfair works nor do I know what a PAMM account is.
Maybe you would like to share.
Happy Anzac Day
This is especially to Mrs or Mr Black Swan
As most of the Tec members are now dropping off like flies, a quote taken from the TEC chat.
As the reason for my posting was to disrupt this site and it has now had the desired effect Swan I have taken your advice and this will be my last post on the subject.
Any of his members that are left in there all I will say to you is you are all welcome to each other.
Goodbye all and to Swan have a nice day and dont respond with any of your vile crap.
An insider has told me-Another 200 point loss for Pappa C 2day.

Good grief.........what on earth can the running total be now since the first day? What excuse will be put forward now? Will the chat go down? Can't wait for the next instalment ........😆
Hey Goose.

Was that on manual or auto signals?

Just wondered as I am waiting to gain access to chat

Thanks DF
Trading standards wont give a flying ****, nor will anyone else !

This was true, but with the recent (a month ago?) expansion of avertising standards' mandate to include online adverts as well as tv, billboards, radio etc expect this to change (slowly) over the next few years.

Generally all they do, however, is make the company withdraw the specified advert (and presumably they will now make you change your website etc) so the most you can hope for is blunting a vendors future sales by having their fake results about 200 pips per day guaranteed etc removed.

They will obviously still be able to say their stuff is amazing and can make you rich though, just not directly lie about themselves making money when they can't and have no record..
i wonder what pappa c is going to say next:cheesy:

He has today kicked out all the members that started questioning his claims and results.. Thats how you sort the problem..

Not sure why they are starting to feel aggrieved..... having just signed up for another month last weekend, Paul drops the bombshell that Auto is still not ready, nor will it be by tomorrow and he is off on hols for a week, then testing for another week on return... hahaha

Still the penny doesn't drop...

Mabel 'have a good holiday Paul', Guner 'a well deserved rest', etc etc..

The cult can now have two weeks dreaming of pots of gold and Proper C can count his pot of gold already conned... hahaha brillant soap opera..
QUOTE=rap77;1534962]He has today kicked out all the members that started questioning his claims and results.. Thats how you sort the problem..

Not sure why they are starting to feel aggrieved..... having just signed up for another month last weekend, Paul drops the bombshell that Auto is still not ready, nor will it be by tomorrow and he is off on hols for a week, then testing for another week on return... hahaha

Still the penny doesn't drop...

Mabel 'have a good holiday Paul', Guner 'a well deserved rest', etc etc..

The cult can now have two weeks dreaming of pots of gold and Proper C can count his pot of gold already conned... hahaha brillant soap opera..[/QUOTE]

lol born every minute😱
The likes of Guner should donate their grey matter to science (can't call it a brain). It would interesting to know how this depth of insanity is reached.
A lot of members not renewing their subs. and anyone that has not renewed is also now locked out of the chat forum. Next date for proposed Auto system is May 9th. and then further testing, this was all supposed to have already been tried and tested. So the saga goes on and then another months sub. will be due, a very good marketeer in the short term, but I think the term is comming to an end. Many people have lost £400-£500 in subs plus trading losses, and PC goes off with an estemated £100,000. Nice one if you have no conscience.
Staying with TEC is the same mentality that keeps you in a losing trade, you believe you haven't lost that money because it will all turnaround soon and then you will be rich. As long as you don't crystalise the loss it is just a paper loss (rubbish a loss is a loss). By not giving up you don't have to admit you made a mistake. So you stay in that trade waiting for it to turn (stay with TEC waiting for it to turn) and watch your losses mount, until the pain is to much, or your account is drained, then you finally take your loss which is even bigger. That is when you feel an idiot and everything becomes clear, but you won't see that until you exit the trade (club). Whilst some members of this forum think it is fair play for PC to part people from their money, on the grounds that if they are that stupid they deserve to lose it. I disagree PC should be locked up, not swanning of on his holiday in the Porsche, he even had the cheek to tell them he bought the car with the money he stole from them. Just because he obtained the money by manipulating peoples emotions as opposed to breaking into their house, it's not better it's worse.
Staying with TEC is the same mentality that keeps you in a losing trade, you believe you haven't lost that money because it will all turnaround soon and then you will be rich. As long as you don't crystalise the loss it is just a paper loss (rubbish a loss is a loss). By not giving up you don't have to admit you made a mistake. So you stay in that trade waiting for it to turn (stay with TEC waiting for it to turn) and watch your losses mount, until the pain is to much, or your account is drained, then you finally take your loss which is even bigger. That is when you feel an idiot and everything becomes clear, but you won't see that until you exit the trade (club). Whilst some members of this forum think it is fair play for PC to part people from their money, on the grounds that if they are that stupid they deserve to lose it. I disagree PC should be locked up, not swanning of on his holiday in the Porsche, he even had the cheek to tell them he bought the car with the money he stole from them. Just because he obtained the money by manipulating peoples emotions as opposed to breaking into their house, it's not better it's worse.

pappa c does take the ****,bragging about them buying his car shame he does not trade his own signals/ea/robot he would have lost most of that 100k😱