Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Hi Sunset.

DF2011 you are a paying guinea pig for a system that does not work I was always of the belief that G.Ps were paid.
You talk about affiliates contracts are you wise?
You honestly believe he will have everything working soon are you wise?
Dont blame you for this post, you are the person that wrote it who will I blame PC?

You've been on the sauce a bit early today sunshine. None of that made any sense..
Hi Mate, you have a number of good points here, however, is there anybody who has made money out of any recommendation or system that has been touted on this forumz?If there is somebody I would like to hear about them and what great system they have followed and made CONSISTENT money out of whatever was touted.
Everybody says you have to find your own level, system and so on , in other words you are on your own. If I want to be Tiger Woods in the next 12 month it would be very impossible if I went out to the Golf course and tought my own swing? get the message?
you need a coach. but where are the genuine who can produce a track record rather than spruikers?
I ask you? what are the answers?
very few , I imagine except that trading is bloody hard.

Hi Rainer

We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

I appreciate what your saying even more especially where Forex and trading is concerned, but you have to remember there are also gifted people all around us some who pick up the skills/abilities that takes others of us years to master. For me it's been working at perfecting automated approaches for Betfair Exchange over last 4 years.

You would be best to find a good PAMM account to invest your money mate. 🙂

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Hi Rainer

spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

I don't think he is a decent bloke, why is he a decent bloke? I deleted what I really wanted to say while I check out laws on slander and libel. Not because it would be but just to be careful, he has just earned £100,000 for flipping a coin in the air so he can probably afford better lawyers than me
We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

Where is the justification in calling someone a decent bloke who is conning you.
Think about it before you come back with an answer.
We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

Where is the justification in calling someone a decent bloke who is conning you.
Think about it before you come back with an answer.

A decent bloke
A decent con man
I suppose you could say both are decent
Just by using the word decent
Just covering my back.:clap::clap::clap:
Come on DF2011 still waiting for you to respond I know you are here


You will find my post below this one.

This will be my last response for a while - all I wanted to do is state my opinion having made some money up to now.

All the best

Hi Mate, you have a number of good points here, however, is there anybody who has made money out of any recommendation or system that has been touted on this forumz?If there is somebody I would like to hear about them and what great system they have followed and made CONSISTENT money out of whatever was touted.
Everybody says you have to find your own level, system and so on , in other words you are on your own. If I want to be Tiger Woods in the next 12 month it would be very impossible if I went out to the Golf course and tought my own swing? get the message?
you need a coach. but where are the genuine who can produce a track record rather than spruikers?
I ask you? what are the answers?
very few , I imagine except that trading is bloody hard.

Hi Rainer

We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

I appreciate what your saying even more especially where Forex and trading is concerned, but you have to remember there are also gifted people all around us some who pick up the skills/abilities that takes others of us years to master. For me it's been working at perfecting automated approaches for Betfair Exchange over last 4 years.

You would be best to find a good PAMM account to invest your money mate. 🙂


Why do you believe this to be the case ?


Well, I still think Paul has something good, it's just he has gone about so many things badly and really he has no other choice than to get everything working now (ASAP) or people will be abandoning his service. Part of this comes down to the videos in Members area proving his signals and generally from talking to him on/off for a long while now. I understand indicators are being referred to as the lagging indicator for obvious reasons, but even if you take into account slippage and difference in price due to spread still looks promising. I am not one of those people expecting to make thousands pips a month. All I want to see is members including myself return a profit and on/off up to now I have done from stopping after reaching a certain profit or loss.

I'll assume that you have been unable to figure out a method of your own, hence the need to pay for a service ?

If thats the case, on what basis are you reaching the conclusion that he'll have things sorted ? unless you've been through the process, you really couldnt possibly know whats involved, or how close he is to making some kind of breakthrough.

On the basis of the historical trades pubished here he's not even grasped the basics that one might expect from someone with only a few months experience under their belt, which is rather alarming as he's messing around with this stuff full time.

As I mentioned before my main area of expertise is betting which I have made profit on overall to date. I didn't really bother much with Forex before for that purpose as I suspect it will take just as long or longer to master. The email in December is what caught my eye and Paul's webinar got me interested.

That's a fair point - this is based on a previous post above like to do with video evidence and generally from stuff Paul has showed me also before.

The facts such 24/7 is attempting the impossible and even more when avoid having a maximum daily stop loss is highly risky. To do with support and resistance lines? For me the main way I made money on/off on his service was getting in and out after making a profit or after hitting max decided daily loss.

What's alarming is how they keep going back or stick with it, it's like some sort of baterred wife refuge for traders; they sneak out after the night time curfew to give him one more chance, to then be battered again..and again..

He's simply (on the basis of his calls) an utterly 5hite, clueless, inexperienced trader, wtf do people pay for this? It is truly fantastic (in the true meaning of the word)..

Black Swan,

I have already decided this will be my last renewal if we don't see a profit returned between now and the next subscription date. This is only because that is what were paying for a service that isn't being delivered. Before now I was making profit on/off more consistently, but now that is lacking due to all the trouble with Auto.

People could made some money up to now if they had avoided greed and set a daily take profit and stop loss to avoid having excessively large losses and also made some use of support and resistance lines.

I will stay remain in contact with Paul if things come to this regardless.

Hi Rainer

spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

I don't think he is a decent bloke, why is he a decent bloke? I deleted what I really wanted to say while I check out laws on slander and libel. Not because it would be but just to be careful, he has just earned £100,000 for flipping a coin in the air so he can probably afford better lawyers than me


This is fair enough as your allowed your opinion. It's hard to answer that as just my opinion from talking to him on/off since December now.

We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

Where is the justification in calling someone a decent bloke who is conning you.
Think about it before you come back with an answer.

I personally don't feel I am being conned here because like I said up to now if people were disciplined and had reasonable stop loss and take profits a profit could been made majority of the time. What has worked even better is working with S&R lines with his signals as a safety guard to avoid taking unnecessary risk and to get on good trades.

It's all good in the end as made some decent friends and traders from his Club.

I've said what I wanted to now will see what happens and go from there. 🙂

Have a good day and Easter everyone.
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DF2011 you seem by your responses that you are a decent guy but sometimes we have got to wake up to what is happening around us and fore warn those coming behind us, and if we do this it helps to eradicate the cons.
My favorite PC story was after Auto went live and lost 600 odd points in 2 days and got turned off, this was followed by the story that the server had been hacked in to and the signals reversed. This was particularly unbelievable as the signals have always come after a reasonably sized bar in the direction of the trade and PC himself often said on the webinars that it has to clear the high of a previous bar to take the trade. I was watching the charts at this time and the signals where just like his normal ones after a reasonably sized bar in the direction of the trade so I don't see how his story can be true, if the trades had been reversed the signal would have been to trade the opposite way. This was the story that woke me out of my dream of riches, after that I started to question all the other tales (threats to family, working 24 hrs a day, falling over, etc) any they and any other ones suddenly became ridiculous. My second favorite was when he was saying some members were using 2 lots and scaling out and he was counting the pips twice. So if you took a trade with £2 and took profit on £1 at 10 points, and took profit on the second £1 at 15 points, he was counting this as 25 points profit, when I pointed out to him that this actually equates to a profit of 12.5 points (25 / 2 = 12.5) he brushed it under the carpet. I thought at the time perhaps his maths (math for our American friends)is not so good I forgot he was a trading mastermind. I now off course realize he was just milking his stats (that was before they got so terrible that he stopped posting them). So is PC a decent chap? I would not call any one who took £400 pounds of me and failed to deliver what was constantly promised a decent chap, I would probably call them something else. Is it PC's fault he has had these problems? poor old chap? YES, he has been paid something in the region of £100,000 and delivered a mechanism for you to transfer what you have left in your bank account after giving him a load of cash to the spread betting companies. He has even helped you sign up with SLM so he can receive a commission on every trade you make (win or Loose) even after you have left TEC, and you will leave it is just a question of how much more money would you like PC to have first. Ever wonder why PC promises to record the webinars, but for some reason always has a technical hitch and doesn't, maybe he doesn't want evidence of what he says.
Hi DF 2011

I was lucky to come out of TEC unscathed and your opinions are interesting.

The issue with PC always has been and will be IMO... His 'MO' is typical wide boy/con man. They are of course, all to a penny very plausible and 'decent'. It is this which enables them to get away with it.

Nobody should forget, this is the guy who spun the most outrageous tales and proven deceptions when TEC started in December. I cannot be @rsed to list them all again but they are all here towards the front end of the thread.

TEC members would do well to ask themselves if this is the kind of guy they really want to give over £100/month to :-0😢🙄

Hi Rainer

We are only human people can get it wrong including forums at times. I understand the odds are slim from what you have said, just don't know have spoken to Paul on a couple occasions and he is really decent bloke despite everything been said.

I appreciate what your saying even more especially where Forex and trading is concerned, but you have to remember there are also gifted people all around us some who pick up the skills/abilities that takes others of us years to master. For me it's been working at perfecting automated approaches for Betfair Exchange over last 4 years.

You would be best to find a good PAMM account to invest your money mate. 🙂


Well, I still think Paul has something good, it's just he has gone about so many things badly and really he has no other choice than to get everything working now (ASAP) or people will be abandoning his service. Part of this comes down to the videos in Members area proving his signals and generally from talking to him on/off for a long while now. I understand indicators are being referred to as the lagging indicator for obvious reasons, but even if you take into account slippage and difference in price due to spread still looks promising. I am not one of those people expecting to make thousands pips a month. All I want to see is members including myself return a profit and on/off up to now I have done from stopping after reaching a certain profit or loss.

As I mentioned before my main area of expertise is betting which I have made profit on overall to date. I didn't really bother much with Forex before for that purpose as I suspect it will take just as long or longer to master. The email in December is what caught my eye and Paul's webinar got me interested.

That's a fair point - this is based on a previous post above like to do with video evidence and generally from stuff Paul has showed me also before.

The facts such 24/7 is attempting the impossible and even more when avoid having a maximum daily stop loss is highly risky. To do with support and resistance lines? For me the main way I made money on/off on his service was getting in and out after making a profit or after hitting max decided daily loss.

Black Swan,

I have already decided this will be my last renewal if we don't see a profit returned between now and the next subscription date. This is only because that is what were paying for a service that isn't being delivered. Before now I was making profit on/off more consistently, but now that is lacking due to all the trouble with Auto.

People could made some money up to now if they had avoided greed and set a daily take profit and stop loss to avoid having excessively large losses and also made some use of support and resistance lines.

I will stay remain in contact with Paul if things come to this regardless.


This is fair enough as your allowed your opinion. It's hard to answer that as just my opinion from talking to him on/off since December now.

I personally don't feel I am being conned here because like I said up to now if people were disciplined and had reasonable stop loss and take profits a profit could been made majority of the time. What has worked even better is working with S&R lines with his signals as a safety guard to avoid taking unnecessary risk and to get on good trades.

It's all good in the end as made some decent friends and traders from his Club.

I've said what I wanted to now will see what happens and go from there. 🙂

Have a good day and Easter everyone.
Of course I could be wrong, perhaps poor old PC is just one of life's unlucky people, the sort that disasters just seem to follow around, the Frank Spencer of today. Whether conman, life's most unlucky bloke, or idiot it makes no difference a) you would be crazy to follow his trading signals even if they were free, and b) to pay him to help you loose your money at lot faster than you could on your own probably entitles you to free bed and board in a mental hospital.
maybe he doesn't want evidence of what he says.

Andy you have hit the nail bang on PCs head, this webinar evidence would certainly condemn him if Trading Standards were to get hold of it.
maybe he doesn't want evidence of what he says.

Andy you have hit the nail bang on PCs head, this webinar evidence would certainly condemn him if Trading Standards were to get hold of it.

They would help, if anyone recorded them, but ultimately verbal lies are just like a verbal contract still enforceable in law, you just need enough people to provide sworn statement to what has been said and promised. It might shut him down, but that is probably going to happen soon anyway, he is just eaking out a few more months subs from who ever is left. He certainly understands the human emotion of greed and knows what buttons to press. It would be nice to have him have to hand back some of that money, but that is probably as wishful as believing he could provide winning signals.
maybe he doesn't want evidence of what he says.

Andy you have hit the nail bang on PCs head, this webinar evidence would certainly condemn him if Trading Standards were to get hold of it.

You don't know what you're talking about. Trading standards would have no interest in his activities, these empty threats concerning; paypal, vat/hmrc, trading standards, fsa, etc., once again display the bitterness, ignorance and small minded nature of your small core group of losers, wtf can't you simply move on? Are you like this in all aspects of your life, blaming others for years for your abject failures and poor decision making?

He offered a subscription opt in service (a trading environment), on a rolling month on month basis. The trades were your risk and optional...

Now do yourself a favour, have a long hard think on where you're headed with this and the waste of energy you're expending on your bizarre and bitter failing campaign..just let it go, try and take the first steps of learning how to trade which contains the key issue of taking responsibility for your own trades, a test you've failed miserably at so far.
Are you like this in all aspects of your life, blaming others for years for your abject failures and poor decision making?

He offered a subscription opt in service (a trading environment), on a rolling month on month basis. The trades were your risk and optional...

Where did years of abject failures and poor decision making come from? 4 months of being to trusting maybe.

He offered a signaling service which provided signals that made a profit overall, he has lied about the ability of that service to produce a profit, he has failed to deliver and has lied to persuade people to carry on with him. I agree the trades were my risk and optional and it is not the trading loss that I have a problem with. It is the outrageous claims which have enabled him to obtain money under false pretences. There are laws applying to all business that advertises a product or service to part people from there money about what they can and can't claim and he has clearly breached these laws
Morning Hare,

You have to be a bit careful about the Van Tharp claims. The entry was random, but they applied a directional bias. Worse still they backtested over a number of instruments, but only published data from the markets that where trending.

In my experience you need to be a bit careful about anybody's claims about "Trading for a Living" or "Getting Rich Quick".

Are you publishing Ray's results anywhere, it would be interesting to compare results.

Ray is much dumber than Van Tharp. For a start he just loves entering trading contests! He also doesn't try to follow trends on a daily chart, or use ATR stops. Instead he day trades using fixed stops and targets. Recently he's also installed his top secret martingale money management module (MMMM for short). How stupid is that?

Despite all these shortcomings he still manages to do quite well in some competitions. For this one he was forced by the organisers to reveal his record in public:

However as I mentioned, this is comparing apples with oranges.

