Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

TEC (Pappa C) is holding a webinar as we speak. As normal there are a list of reasons why things aren't working. A suggestion from him that things arent "normal" with brent when it goes sideways instead of swinging violently. They guy just doesnt get it does he. He sees a market do something on Monday and expects it to exhibit exactly the same properties on Tuesday and Wednesday. He hasn't reached a point in his trading journey where he can determine whether a market is trending or in a range and as a result his systems are designed for a market to trend 100% of the time. Completely over optimised backtesting just compounds his simplistic approach to trading. He just doesn't know what he's doing in my opinion.
Hi Goose,

Even more amazing is that random entry has been proven to be a wining system by one of the greatest traders ever,I have proved this notion paper trading random too for 3 months.And this Pappa C cant even get break even at the end of the week.

It's just been brought to my attention that you're a fan of random entries. I thought I might take this opportunity to point out that Ray the Random Robot has been valiantly using such a "winning system" since long before Pappa C took up "trading" for a living.

Ray is overjoyed to discover that you class him as a better trader than the great PC, and even "one of the greatest traders ever"! Ray sends you a big kiss by way of thanks. He'd like to give you a big hug too, but unfortunately due to lack of sufficient funding at the time of his construction he hasn't got any arms:


Im not a fan of random entry-at all,did not say that.I want my 10% edge on my trade,.That thread seems very uninteresting,I just want to learn looks a silly thread.

Van Tharps experiment-read his books and work-one of the great traders-proved random entry-me too with amazement,as I trade zero spread-I only paper traded this trial.

Kind regards.


Hi Goose,

It's just been brought to my attention that you're a fan of random entries. I thought I might take this opportunity to point out that Ray the Random Robot has been valiantly using such a "winning system" since long before Pappa C took up "trading" for a living.

Ray is overjoyed to discover that you class him as a better trader than the great PC, and even "one of the greatest traders ever"! Ray sends you a big kiss by way of thanks. He'd like to give you a big hug too, but unfortunately due to lack of sufficient funding at the time of his construction he hasn't got any arms:


If you allow PC to make trades via a template master and slave EA on your account, then is that not the same or similar as a discretionary broking service and as such should be regulated by the FSA? or does it not apply to spread betting?
what is yer bloody obsession with "small time"?!?!?!

everyone is small time compared with someone else.

everyone is big time compared with the billions of people who live on a dollar or less a day.

I just don't geddit.

Thank you for your considered contribution David, please allow me to retort; my small time reference has nothing to do with 'doing big size', I don't do big size, I manage the position size on my swing trades in an attempt to ensure I earn a living each month with very little risk. My reference to small time = small minded. I hope that clears up the confusion..🙂
TEC (Pappa C) is holding a webinar as we speak. As normal there are a list of reasons why things aren't working. A suggestion from him that things arent "normal" with brent when it goes sideways instead of swinging violently. They guy just doesnt get it does he. He sees a market do something on Monday and expects it to exhibit exactly the same properties on Tuesday and Wednesday. He hasn't reached a point in his trading journey where he can determine whether a market is trending or in a range and as a result his systems are designed for a market to trend 100% of the time. Completely over optimised backtesting just compounds his simplistic approach to trading. He just doesn't know what he's doing in my opinion.

He over trades and he over communicates, attempting to trade crude, using an SB firm, off low time frames, is poor judgement.

The over communication with your followers is a very dangerous path to tread in this game as it encourages too much familiarity. He's not 'teaching', he is supposed to be calling out the shots, ergo his communication could be and should be practically non existent. Webinars are so last decade...
Hi Goose,

Im not a fan of random entry-at all,did not say that.I want my 10% edge on my trade.

If you're not in some sense "a fan of random entry" why even bother paper trading such a system?

That thread seems very uninteresting,I just want to learn looks a silly thread.

This thread is even sillier, but it runs to 187 pages already! At least that one proves Ray has no arms.

Van Tharps experiment-read his books and work-one of the great traders-proved random entry-me too with amazement,as I trade zero spread-I only paper traded this trial.

Thanks for the info. I read "Trading for a Living" many moons ago. I bought "Trade your Way to Financial Freedom" on the strength of that, but for some strange reason it has lain unread on my bookshelf ever since. Until now that is! Here's a quote from inside the front cover which seems relevant in the current context:

"Most investors believe that there is some magic order to the markets. They believe that a few people know about it, those who make vast fortunes in the market. Consequently, those people are constantly trying to discover the secret so that they too can become wealthy. Such a secret exists. But few people know where to find it, because the answer is where they would least expect it...."


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Hows Ray The Random Robot doing ?

You have to be a bit careful about the Van Tharp claims. The entry was random, but they applied a directional bias. Worse still they backtested over a number of instruments, but only published data from the markets that where trending.

Are you publishing Ray's results anywhere, it would be interesting to compare results.
Hows Ray The Random Robot doing ?

You have to be a bit careful about the Van Tharp claims. The entry was random, but they applied a directional bias. Worse still they backtested over a number of instruments, but only published data from the markets that where trending.

Are you publishing Ray's results anywhere, it would be interesting to compare results.

There are a couple of interesting posts on this subject from Hanover on FF :
TEC report once again.
A Mr Geoff Greaves of TEC and website has just stated that someone on his site had posted the following.
He says although PC says he never trades on non farm payroll days his past results showed a profit of 180 pips for all of those days.
They are now saying if we had only known sooner it would have saved us a lot of money.

Now on the TEC chat they are talking about being scammed and and one guy saying there is enough money involved in this scam that Trading Standards would be interested.

PC expect another visit from trading standards not about vat this time about conning people out of there subs. and failing to fulfil your promises.

Last week I said this would be the week that TEC would come tumbling down how right I was.
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Hi Sunset.

This is my first post but I have been a member more or less since the beginning. However, I took a month or so out to sort out my finances. I still honestly reckon Paul will have everything working soon. Unfortunately - I do think your right on how members will leave if Paul hasn't got this sorted by next subscription date and/or he will need to give try give a month free or something to allow him to get everything sorted, but again that probably is a tough one due to his contract with the affiliates? Please don't flame me for this post as I really don't know how those contracts work, just saying that in my general opinion.

By the way do you know why the signals page is offline? I just came on and noticed it is offline?


Hi Sunset.

This is my first post but I have been a member more or less since the beginning. However, I took a month or so out to sort out my finances. I still honestly reckon Paul will have everything working soon. Unfortunately - I do think your right on how members will leave if Paul hasn't got this sorted by next subscription date and/or he will need to give try give a month free or something to allow him to get everything sorted, but again that probably is a tough one due to his contract with the affiliates? Please don't flame me for this post as I really don't know how those contracts work, just saying that in my general opinion.

By the way do you know why the signals page is offline? I just came on and noticed it is offline?


Hi Mate, you have a number of good points here, however, is there anybody who has made money out of any recommendation or system that has been touted on this forumz?If there is somebody I would like to hear about them and what great system they have followed and made CONSISTENT money out of whatever was touted.
Everybody says you have to find your own level, system and so on , in other words you are on your own. If I want to be Tiger Woods in the next 12 month it would be very impossible if I went out to the Golf course and tought my own swing? get the message?
you need a coach. but where are the genuine who can produce a track record rather than spruikers?
I ask you? what are the answers?
very few , I imagine except that trading is bloody hard.
I still honestly reckon Paul will have everything working soon.

I'll assume that you have been unable to figure out a method of your own, hence the need to pay for a service ?

If thats the case, on what basis are you reaching the conclusion that he'll have things sorted ? unless you've been through the process, you really couldnt possibly know whats involved, or how close he is to making some kind of breakthrough.

On the basis of the historical trades pubished here he's not even grasped the basics that one might expect from someone with only a few months experience under their belt, which is rather alarming as he's messing around with this stuff full time.
Hi Sunset.

This is my first post but I have been a member more or less since the beginning. However, I took a month or so out to sort out my finances. I still honestly reckon Paul will have everything working soon. Unfortunately - I do think your right on how members will leave if Paul hasn't got this sorted by next subscription date and/or he will need to give try give a month free or something to allow him to get everything sorted, but again that probably is a tough one due to his contract with the affiliates? Please don't flame me for this post as I really don't know how those contracts work, just saying that in my general opinion.

By the way do you know why the signals page is offline? I just came on and noticed it is

DF2011 you are a paying guinea pig for a system that does not work I was always of the belief that G.Ps were paid.
You talk about affiliates contracts are you wise?
You honestly believe he will have everything working soon are you wise?
Dont blame you for this post, you are the person that wrote it who will I blame PC?
I'll assume that you have been unable to figure out a method of your own, hence the need to pay for a service ?

If thats the case, on what basis are you reaching the conclusion that he'll have things sorted ? unless you've been through the process, you really couldnt possibly know whats involved, or how close he is to making some kind of breakthrough.

On the basis of the historical trades pubished here he's not even grasped the basics that one might expect from someone with only a few months experience under their belt, which is rather alarming as he's messing around with this stuff full time.

What's alarming is how they keep going back or stick with it, it's like some sort of baterred wife refuge for traders; they sneak out after the night time curfew to give him one more chance, to then be battered again..and again..

He's simply (on the basis of his calls) an utterly 5hite, clueless, inexperienced trader, wtf do people pay for this? It is truly fantastic (in the true meaning of the word)..