Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

Honestly why bother..George Lane, J Welles Wilder jr, and don't even get me started on that fooktard Gerald Appel, I mean who does he think he is eh? Invents the MACD, writes a dozen books on investment strategies, president of a couple of hedge funds worth a billion+..nah, ignore him, I'll pay attention to my fellow 'pros' on T2W for all my strategy and investment advice..dark siding, price action, order flow is where it's at..for swing trading FX...

Yeah the genius that is T2W will put me straight, they'll collectively know that macd divergence is a waste of time, as are all the indicators ever created by the afore mentioned fools, who probably didn't even get old school O level maths..😀 LOL.

And Welles Wilder; ADX, DI, RSI, PSAR combo...sounds like a pizza choice for nerds..pffttt!!

forums are like mini cultures, and fads and fashions come through, and this is soo true of t2w so it always pays to be careful and DYOR

the current thing seems to be about level ii and flow, and the "no BS trading" ebook seems to come up a lot. now, the author of this book was actually a member here in 2008 and made a thread to try and sell this book, and got ripped to shreds by about everyone who replied to that thread. now fast forward to 2011 the book gets nothing by praise. the funny thing is some of the SAME members were present at both times, first ripping this book apart, now praising it. go through the archives, it's all there lol.

this is no judgement on the specific method btw, this is just an observation on this forum behaviour
Footnotes on today

Mutiny is the word of the day... Auto has finally had a trade and lost 27 pips, having missed all the other moves today.. members questioning everything..

PappaC doesnt want to put Auto on tonight as he knows it is ****e... the members have insisted on it!!!! (and he was so close to another months subs...?

As gesture of good will (baring in mind they haven't had a trading system for the last two weeks and the one week they did have lost 550 pips) he will refund the VAT element of his fee... the VAT element that he has only just put on... hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.. so £100 please and i can make your dreams come true for another month...

Think he may have the Con bible for this one..

good news rap77 he wil get mable queenof sucwot,and gunners(win next months cash)lets see what he comes up with next,to hold onto that 10k a month,looks like the blind are seeing him for wot he is.those pesky t2w members.only thing left pappa is alien abduction time to play the trump card😆
forums are like mini cultures, and fads and fashions come through, and this is soo true of t2w so it always pays to be careful and DYOR

the current thing seems to be about level ii and flow, and the "no BS trading" ebook seems to come up a lot. now, the author of this book was actually a member here in 2008 and made a thread to try and sell this book, and got ripped to shreds by about everyone who replied to that thread. now fast forward to 2011 the book gets nothing by praise. the funny thing is some of the SAME members were present at both times, first ripping this book apart, now praising it. go through the archives, it's all there lol.

this is no judgement on the specific method btw, this is just an observation on this forum behaviour

Yeah level 2 access..."oh no, if I'm not on their guest list am I allowed in?" Like htf will that help me swing trade FX? *

"5hit, I'm 4 hrs too late...oh 'ang on a 'mo, just as good an entry coming up and the trend is giving better confirmation..obviously I just got lucky there without the order flow.." 🙄

* meant to say how will that dramatically improve my FX swing trades
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Yeah level 2 access..."oh no, if I'm not on their guest list am I allowed in?" Like htf will that help me swing trade FX? *

"5hit, I'm 4 hrs too late...oh 'ang on a 'mo, just as good an entry coming up and the trend is giving better confirmation..obviously I just got lucky there without the order flow.." 🙄

* meant to say how will that dramatically improve my FX swing trades

must of been the macd and ma,s:whistling
forums are like mini cultures, and fads and fashions come through, and this is soo true of t2w so it always pays to be careful and DYOR
the current thing seems to be about level ii and flow, and the "no BS trading" ebook seems to come up a lot. now, the author of this book was actually a member here in 2008 and made a thread to try and sell this book, and got ripped to shreds by about everyone who replied to that thread. now fast forward to 2011 the book gets nothing by praise. the funny thing is some of the SAME members were present at both times, first ripping this book apart, now praising it. go through the archives, it's all there lol.

this is no judgement on the specific method btw, this is just an observation on this forum behaviour

This part is so true, I chuckle when guys get their 'what retail traders can effectively do and accomplish' confused with what guys working at a Tier 1 bank, or trading the spread at, for example, a prop house etc. can do. The description worlds apart doesn't do it justice.

If a 'banking guy' tells the retail guy he's wasting his time trading "using voodoo" the retail guy immediately believes everything, like a mongrel mutt looking for a master they end up confused for weeks/months chasing their tails looking for a new to watch though..
Auto results over night.... (obviously the members have been told of the 100 + moves every night whilst they sleep, with not a single losing night)

- 55 pips !!!!!!!!!!!!

The pattern continues from his paper results to actual trading...
Think we may be seeing the green man/ ufo excuse coming..

Well rap I will take a rest from posting about this bull****ter now that your info seems to be spot on. Are you a member ?
This week his club will totally disintegrate :clap::clap::clap:
Well rap I will take a rest from posting about this bull****ter now that your info seems to be spot on. Are you a member ?
This week his club will totally disintegrate :clap::clap::clap:

Lose the smilies, you still short the Euro and cable?
We had all been wondering how he would pull of getting through to subs day, what chapter of the book had not been used after kidnap, sabotage, world banks shutting him down.. etc etc


He has passed out through sheer exhaustion (or from laughing all the way to the bank) , managing to break the mic and turning auto off as he fell hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha

i don't think it had anything to do with the fact that for a second day running Auto (the promised land of forex trading, that had previous had no losing days and plus 100 evenings) finished in minus territory again.. having only got 50 pips of yesterdays up move.. and this a signal to signal service??

Of course the cult have told him to rest, take Easter off... he is going to need Easter off to count their subs that have been rolling in..

Get well some Paul / Andrew / Pav / Emma whatever you call yourself.. think its time to promise a new system or a software up date that will net a million pips a night, no hang on i have just heard a Billion pips a night..
I’m surprise his business is still running full stop. He seems to be going through the early evolutionary steps of a newbie trader but with other people’s money! I mean, auto trading and EA’s, this is ‘first steps’ stuff. Quite frankly he’d be better off flicking a coin in the air.
...And, to be honest, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out what he's doing with the auto signals... he has a programmed EA with a number of variables, everytime he suffers a knock back (most days) he stays up late trying out different backtests having tweeked the variables. Once he finds a backtest which makes a few quid (historically) he installs the tweeked variables into the live system.

Guess what happens next?
I’m surprise his business is still running full stop. He seems to be going through the early evolutionary steps of a newbie trader but with other people’s money! I mean, auto trading and EA’s, this is ‘first steps’ stuff. Quite frankly he’d be better off flicking a coin in the air.

He is playing on peoples greed...

Today he has said that Brent auto will hopefully be on tomorrow, switching from the Euro auto (swapping again)... this, after he said they would be fully auto from Monday... brought another week, oh how he must love the Easter break..
i don't think it had anything to do with the fact that for a second day running Auto (the promised land of forex trading, that had previous had no losing days and plus 100 evenings) finished in minus territory again.. having only got 50 pips of yesterdays up move.. and this a signal to signal service??

Of course the cult have told him to rest, take Easter off... he is going to need Easter off to count their subs that have been rolling in..

erm, firstly taking 50 pips out of a move (trend or range) if that *move* was, for example, circa 100 pips (1%?) that's OK. Secondly, if this Chalmers guy has willing participants, happy to pay 99 quid a month fo the service, such a tight group that you describe then as a "cult", then perhaps the criticism of him on this thread is completely inaccurate, I'd suspect there's a bit of green eye at work here given he appears to be onto a winner. Most of you complainants, (a noticeable fall off in the past few weeks), continually mention the subs, re-inforcing the suspicion that the motivation versus him is jealousy.

In my experience a very poor on-line trading environment would last no more than two/three months, the slightly experienced trader would move on, the inexperienced would lose money and simply not renew..

The active aggrieved on this thread now number 2 or 3, perhaps a lot of members, initially egged on by group think, stayed with/went back to the plan and made money. I suspect that the rabble are not telling the whole truth or story here..
I’m surprise his business is still running full stop. He seems to be going through the early evolutionary steps of a newbie trader but with other people’s money! I mean, auto trading and EA’s, this is ‘first steps’ stuff. Quite frankly he’d be better off flicking a coin in the air.

With respect Steve would you believe a Freddie Starr eat my hamster story? Why take the version of events peddled here as 'fact'?
I most certainly do not try most of them! Nice dig all the same.

I left because it was all hot air. wasn't a dig, you always do a lot of research/digging/experimentation, absolutely nothing wrong with all that curiosity imho..😉 wasn't a dig, you always do a lot of research/digging/experimentation, absolutely nothing wrong with all that curiosity imho..😉

Correct, I keep a pot for R&D which does on occasion involve testing or examining other services or systems but only if I think it will add to what I already have. At first glance TEC's results looked very good and I dont mind admitting that their results blew my trading results out of the water. The only problem was, my results are actually real whilst TECs results turned out to be nothing more than backtesting!
erm, firstly taking 50 pips out of a move (trend or range) if that *move* was, for example, circa 100 pips (1%?) that's OK. Secondly, if this Chalmers guy has willing participants, happy to pay 99 quid a month fo the service, such a tight group that you describe then as a "cult", then perhaps the criticism of him on this thread is completely inaccurate, I'd suspect there's a bit of green eye at work here given he appears to be onto a winner. Most of you complainants, (a noticeable fall off in the past few weeks), continually mention the subs, re-inforcing the suspicion that the motivation versus him is jealousy.

In my experience a very poor on-line trading environment would last no more than two/three months, the slightly experienced trader would move on, the inexperienced would lose money and simply not renew..

The active aggrieved on this thread now number 2 or 3, perhaps a lot of members, initially egged on by group think, stayed with/went back to the plan and made money. I suspect that the rabble are not telling the whole truth or story here..
you should join and give everyone the inside scoop,you have bought and joined everything else so we will wait as you do add so much value to this thread😆