Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

You make a very good point. ****wits never actually read anything written by the designers of these indicators ! (actually I doubt they read anything at all !)

That's 'cos they have the intellectual curiosity of short attention span dumbed down proles and have no place in trading. They'd probably scream "You're 5hit you Messi lad" if one of his mazy dribbles versus Real Madrid left the genius himself dizzy..

How many would investigate the background of these maths experts, or perhaps exchange an email or two with one still in the land of the living? Or even compare/ backtest price action trades versus indicator/pattern based trades over an extended period to justify their hand me down beliefs? They puke out pearls of wisdom that have become accepted wisdom without any research or experience..
indicators lag as we all well know,show me a broker who lets you trade the past and i will open an account .
i myself dont use candels only bars i calc my own levels and i trade wot price is doing around my levels and where it will most likely go back to, mean, so im i trading price or time.
,no indies only lines weekly,montly, and, yearly so some could argue im trading time
it is all that is moving on the chart back to where price has been before,unless making new highs or lows then the levels are re calculated for that time period.
thats what makes a market thats why we can agree to disagree on the above points what ever gives the trader an edge is all good imho.
like most traders on our journey i wish i knew back then what i know now,my edge i dont use mt4 brokers,i dont use indies taking these things in will not only save you thousands of pounds,more important your time
indicators lag as we all well know,show me a broker who lets you trade the past and i will open an account .

i myself dont use candels only bars

Of course indicators lag, but the fact they lag is a feckin advantage 😆

Candles and bars are exactly the same thing FFS !
think we are going off topic here guys lets keep it to pappa c,blackswan maybe we should start a new thread and debate this indie for against and i will trade live with your macd method against mine if you want .should be fun
we wont ask you hare cos you dont trade
Of course indicators lag, but the fact they lag is a feckin advantage 😆

Candles and bars are exactly the same thing FFS !

shows what a fookwit you are and what mt4 broker do you use and is it 1min or 5 min t/frame you waste of skin:cheesy:
i fail to see what the problem is with mt4? i chart with both mt4 and esignal, and previous to this ninjatrader, as long as they are all giving an accurate data feed i dont see the problem. also, most brokers offer mt4 as well as other platforms and data feeds?. my trades are placed with 3RD party spreadbetting broker. what is your problem with mt4?
to be honest it just sounds like a bit of platform snobbery to me.
Honestly why bother..George Lane, J Welles Wilder jr, and don't even get me started on that fooktard Gerald Appel, I mean who does he think he is eh? Invents the MACD, writes a dozen books on investment strategies, president of a couple of hedge funds worth a billion+..nah, ignore him, I'll pay attention to my fellow 'pros' on T2W for all my strategy and investment advice..dark siding, price action, order flow is where it's at..for swing trading FX...

Yeah the genius that is T2W will put me straight, they'll collectively know that macd divergence is a waste of time, as are all the indicators ever created by the afore mentioned fools, who probably didn't even get old school O level maths..😀 LOL.

And Welles Wilder; ADX, DI, RSI, PSAR combo...sounds like a pizza choice for nerds..pffttt!!

all made for stock trading not fx,like reading a how to play chess book and then try fly a plane:idea:
all finacial markets are influenced by the same things, whether its stocks, fx or commodities, they move in very similar patterns, the technical analysis is universal, so please explain further why indicators are only useful for trading stocks?
shows what a fookwit you are and what mt4 broker do you use and is it 1min or 5 min t/frame you waste of skin:cheesy:

You'd be quite surprised if I told you 😆 I doubt they've even heard of MT4

funnily enough I dont trade from 1 and 5 minute charts 😆
i fail to see what the problem is with mt4? i chart with both mt4 and esignal, and previous to this ninjatrader, as long as they are all giving an accurate data feed i dont see the problem. also, most brokers offer mt4 as well as other platforms and data feeds?. my trades are placed with 3RD party spreadbetting broker. what is your problem with mt4?
to be honest it just sounds like a bit of platform snobbery to me.

no chris mt4 is made for brokers to take requotes slippage,frozen screen,widen blackswan has said before you try scalping on sb/mt4 broker and you will see where im coming from, most mt4 brokers are after your account not your all for fair play chris and mt4 is not, why you think they take the other side of your trade.ive timed 25 seconds once to close a position on mt4 before i knew better,maybe your broker does none of the above if so your lucky imho
Well back to the main topic for a moment anyway.
bangkokgee PCs quick fix seems to have resulted in no trades at all.
His members have been asking any trades on auto today him and others have been telling them there has been a sell on auto before we started at 8 and it is still going.
Do this lot believe everything that they are told, because just after 8 there have been a couple of 50 pip trades which this miracle system should have picked up on.
The outcome of this latest tweak is that it is now not picking up trades at all.
Well members you can safely say for the first time your money is safe but for how long because he will need to give it another tweak and what then.
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Of course indicators lag, but the fact they lag is a feckin advantage 😆
Candles and bars are exactly the same thing FFS !

Ooh you've gone and done it...

"But, but, how can that be, Vincent Price Actionista told me on loads on T2W threads that indicators were 5hite..and only newbies used them.." 😀
Yep easy peasy and still running:clap:

Excellent, so now that you can easily spot 50 pip+ day trades you're off, up and running and the bleating can stop? TEC has (indirectly) led you onto the right path..Who'd have thunk it eh..
Well back to the main topic for a moment anyway.
bangkokgee PCs quick fix seems to have resulted in no trades at all.
His members have been asking any trades on auto today him and others have been telling them there has been a sell on auto before we started at 8 and it is still going.
Do this lot believe everything that they are told, because just after 8 there have been a couple of 50 pip trades which this miracle system should have picked up on.
The outcome of this latest tweak is that it is now not picking up trades at all.
Well members you can safely say for the first time your money is safe but for how long because he will need to give it another tweak and what then.

time to pay subs
Well back to the main topic for a moment anyway.
bangkokgee PCs quick fix seems to have resulted in no trades at all.
His members have been asking any trades on auto today him and others have been telling them there has been a sell on auto before we started at 8 and it is still going.
Do this lot believe everything that they are told, because just after 8 there have been a couple of 50 pip trades which this miracle system should have picked up on.
The outcome of this latest tweak is that it is now not picking up trades at all.
Well members you can safely say for the first time your money is safe but for how long because he will need to give it another tweak and what then.

My mole has just informed me that brent is not on auto today.
His members are all pulling their hair out because papa is frightened to put it on.
One guy has said unleash it, it could not be a more apt statement because when it is unleashed that will be the end of TEC.
Come on pappa go out with a bang with your tail between your legs it is over you have run out of excuses:clap::clap::clap:
Excellent, so now that you can easily spot 50 pip+ day trades you're off, up and running and the bleating can stop? TEC has (indirectly) led you onto the right path..Who'd have thunk it eh..

Well swany at least I have learned pretty quickly you can not say that for the rest of his members.
To pay for a service that fails to provide what you are paying for should not be allowed to continue👎
Well swany at least I have learned pretty quickly you can not say that for the rest of his members.
To pay for a service that fails to provide what you are paying for should not be allowed to continue👎

well done and good luck in your trading,blackswan can be harsh but his hearts in the right place he hates scammers just as much as the next man