Trading Elite Club (T.E.C) Discussion

And tbh if you were a vendor I'd treat these muppets with contempt from day one and see them for what they are, nuisances and dreamers that need parting from their tiny bits of pocket money...


Why do they need parting from their money you horrid individual?
Yep,a horrid individual sums up Black Swan perfectly.
By the way Black Swan,you asked what this has got to do with me,well what has all this got to do with you ?
No i'm not on crack.Are you ?
I still don’t get the bit where Mr. Green is willing to pay Mr. Black for something that, if it was worth paying for, Mr. Black wouldn’t be willing (much less needing) to sell it in the first place.

If you have a profitable trading system – why would you market it?

I’ve heard arguments that alternative income streams make sense. But they only really make sense when there is a possibility one or other of your other income streams could dry up or falter.

And even if you believed this to be genuinely the motives of the vendor, you’d want a goodly track record – going forward rather than statements of past results. I guess for me that’s the due diligence issue I mentioned much earlier on in this thread.

For those bods that got caught, well, unfortunate, but hopefully the wiser for the experience. Next time you hear about a gee whizz trading system or club; don’t buy in until you’ve had 90 days trading live for free. If they’re that good and that confident, they’ll be delighted you’re smart enough to ask for it. If they refuse, move on.

Better still – be your own boss. Do your own research and develop your own trading system.
I shall answer you once this is not about wins or losses it is about being denied a service for which i have paid.:!:

the problem with buying education is that you're buying a pig in a poke
this applies whether its a degree or a course or anything. you could finish a course and then the bottom falls out of that sector making it worthless, or it might not be recognised anymore, or it might just be crap
you've been sold a pup but what you gonna do about it?
happening everywhere atm
someone i know took one of those IT courses that were advertised, ended up that nowhere had heard of it (caveat emptor in this case i suppose)
someone else, trained up as a support worker, literally two weeks into that job the council or whoever cuts the funding for that dept

this TEC sounds like a fly by night scam, but even the so called "legit" courses run by prop firms do not guarantee a job at the end of it and the trainers are probably not anymore qualified than some fly-by-night on the internet anyway
Yep,a horrid individual sums up Black Swan perfectly.
By the way Black Swan,you asked what this has got to do with me,well what has all this got to do with you ?
No i'm not on crack.Are you ?

Yes, I'm simply horrid horrid horrid... Are you Rupert the fookin Bear? Haven't heard anyone using horrid for decades..

Passes the time whilst waiting for a set up or three..besides if I want to reduce the price of my systems/alerts, or create a trading room to rip people off from (oops sorry to support their purchase) I'd like to know the calibre of dunce I'll be dealing with..

It's also a reminder of just how easy it is to make a quick 50 grand from this industry, which is nice..😀

Folk are constantly ripped off; car insurance, life insurance, home insurance, zero interest rate on their savings - which are being decimated through the real levels of inflation..this Chalmers guy hasn't ripped anyone off, just like the Robertson guy you got what you paid for. In any event if they hadn't given their pocket money to him they'd have given it to Mr Market, they're too needy to ever 'make it' trading alone..
sorry been a while but I have 2 things to say


in my absence (I was banned) you did pwn me very well it was very good. like the "long schlong" thing I genuinley hadnt thought about so good on you, it was good lulz. The STIR think yeah obv i knew but oversight i spose, hope your leg gets better, but your still a plonker for this tec thing.


I dont know what an EA is, i think its got somethng to do in metatrader4 (crap) but anyway can I have it too?
hi guys thanks for bringing tec and paul pappa c chalmers to book on t2w,trading is simple but not easy,80% mind 15% mm 5% your method.forget about indicators they are toys for traders that cant trade the banks dont use them,they are all made for stocks not fx
try and join a broker who wants your commission not your account,forget about mt4 thats for kids and brokers pay checks
trade higher t/frames 4hr up only look at s/r and price thats the simple bit,beating the little man in your head is the hard bit and i put up a good fight with him every trade not easy.
if you want to make it big quick then start a trade room pappa c style,but you got to live with yourself
hi guys thanks for bringing tec and paul pappa c chalmers to book on t2w,trading is simple but not easy,80% mind 15% mm 5% your method.forget about indicators they are toys for traders that cant trade the banks dont use them,they are all made for stocks not fx
try and join a broker who wants your commission not your account,forget about mt4 thats for kids and brokers pay checks
trade higher t/frames 4hr up only look at s/r and price thats the simple bit,beating the little man in your head is the hard bit and i put up a good fight with him every trade not easy.
if you want to make it big quick then start a trade room pappa c style,but you got to live with yourself

Sorry got to disagree with you where you you say start a trade room pappa c style, this man can not produce what people are paying for and that is winning trades on a consistent basis.
This man can live with himself because he has got no compassion and will not admit that his system is a load of crap.
The reason for this denial syndrome is as long as he takes the monthly subs in it will continue, but personally I honestly believe this will be his last month in business because of the unrest in his club.
If he had the sense to get into a winning position which he does regularly and come out of the trade while he was ahead and show a profit then good his system would work, as long as he stopped for the rest of that day.
But to trade 24 hours a day does not work as he has already shown people, but traders know this anyway.
To catch trades the way he trades is suicide as we all know from experience.

I totally agree with you forget about indicators and just watch s/r and price, but try telling that to people who sell or try to sell systems.
Trading and anything else to do with it has been set up to part the unsuspecting from their money.

Lagging indicators they should have called them laughing indicators because by the time you have jumped on them you trade has gone in the opposite direction.
That is why if you were a clever man or woman in PCs club take your signals in the opposite direction to what he is giving out and you will be a winner.

So give that a try queen mabel because it is your only chance of making a profit, being turned on by pappa Cs voice does not make money.

Is Pher the fool still part of this club I think not by her/his silence for the past week you knob/ head
Just found out still in the club loser.
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Everyone should learn to trade them selves, with something like Black Dog Forex system, you get a great system, amazing forum, live all day chat room, every day! and truly amazing s.upport all for a 1 off payment, which is similar to the amount this guy charges monthly. Learn to feed for yourself rather than getting spoon fed and tell Paul to stick his f*******g signals up his f******g ****!
With the amount of signals his logarithm system generates I dont think his a--e is big enough to accommodate them if we said head maybe.
hi sunset was being ironic when talking about starting a room pappa c style he is a bad person,should have wrote no quick fix in this business.
now chris midnite is talking about blackdog you get the product he sells,no bs thats something of value maybe like most systems some people can make a living from them,lots of others cannot all goes back to the 80% mind set in trading macd,ma,s are not for me waiting for this to cross this line omg nightmare for my mind set.peace to all and good luck in trading
ps.get off mt4 its like going to a gunfight with a tooth pick
Silly to separate the 3 Ms into percentages, they're all important, but in ranking I'd suggest; money management, mind and method..

As for "indicators don't work", <sigh> "it has to be PA using S&R and the daily pivot, plus highs, lows, highest highs, lowest lows"..yep on lower time frames without a doubt. However, this notion that indicators lag, therefore they are useless, is risible nonsense..If you're trading off 2-4 hr/daily/weekly time frames then an indicator/pattern recognition strat. can work very effectively to hopefully and probably spot the trend.

The fact that indicators lag therefore "they cant work" on a two-four hour time frame strategy is always one of the silliest statements I read on the likes of T2W. It's one of these forum myths that folk are scared to challenge and prefer to swim along with the forum accepted wisdom. So if I'm 2 hours *too late*, trading off a 2HR TF, I've missed my opportunity..LOL..

PA is no more reliable for swing trading than indicator/pattern based strats and none of you TEC refugees on this thread should be contemplating anything other than learning how to swing trade effectively given you are part time, how are you part time guys going to be alerted to a high probability set up using price action? The game is probabilities, you are hunting for high probability set ups, there is no system, or using naked charts, that can guarantee success. I've lost count of the times perfect text book price action set ups has failed on me, equally other methods were you are convinced that the set up is perfect.

Ask yourself what is price action? Price accelerating away from the recent 'mean'? Hmmm...dy'a think there's any other method of spotting that other than candles or Heikin Ashi? Do you not think there are indicators that illustrate price making or failing to make HH or LL of the session?

The other key issue with indicators (used corectly), is the key issue mentioned earlier, money management, what gets you in gets you out. This encouragement for MM and discipline is invaluable for new traders; protecting the downside upside takes care of itself...

You TEC guys need to get off here and if you're really interested in trading (which I doubt) simply try and initially develop a swing trading technique for one currency pair. Perhaps aim for 100 pips per week.
However, this notion that indicators lag, therefore they are useless, is risible nonsense...

Absoultely, it shows an ignorance which is quite frankly beyond belief.

I might cover this in detail if I ever get around to starting a thread (which I probably wont)
Absoultely, it shows an ignorance which is quite frankly beyond belief.

I might cover this in detail if I ever get around to starting a thread (which I probably wont)

Honestly why bother..George Lane, J Welles Wilder jr, and don't even get me started on that fooktard Gerald Appel, I mean who does he think he is eh? Invents the MACD, writes a dozen books on investment strategies, president of a couple of hedge funds worth a billion+..nah, ignore him, I'll pay attention to my fellow 'pros' on T2W for all my strategy and investment advice..dark siding, price action, order flow is where it's at..for swing trading FX...

Yeah the genius that is T2W will put me straight, they'll collectively know that macd divergence is a waste of time, as are all the indicators ever created by the afore mentioned fools, who probably didn't even get old school O level maths..😀 LOL.

And Welles Wilder; ADX, DI, RSI, PSAR combo...sounds like a pizza choice for nerds..pffttt!!
You make a very good point. ****wits never actually read anything written by the designers of these indicators ! (actually I doubt they read anything at all !)