Traders: Millions by the Minute

I felt really sorry for Rene, badly disabled by a motor bike accident and then somehow convincing himself that he would be a successful trader one day, but going completely the wrong way about it. Of course the same thing applies to some of the others, forever groping around for success without a clue, just illusions.
The Porsche guy is a different matter. Obviously I have no idea whether his money comes from his own personal trading or from his previous life as a fund manager (quite a different set of skills required from day trading) or from his web site venture......the BBC led its viewers to assume it was from home trading, but who of luck to him however.
It's certainly possible to day trade successfully, I've done that myself for a living for 14 years, and I've taught many people to trade over the years; some have succeeded, some haven't, the emotional and psychological aspects of trading are not for everyone as the Porsche man said. Trading is not merely having the tools, the knowledge and the skill set, you do need the right mind set, application and be prepared to work and persevere. Much as in many professions and jobs, really.
Playing at it and expecting it to be an easy fun experience pretty much promises failure as shown by some of the people in that show.

PS The lady should stick at breeding cats, no disrespect to her, but I reckon she'll make more money doing that.
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It would have been entertaining but for cat-lady, at whom I winced whenever she appeared on screen. It was clear it was only going to end one way, but the capital she had raised was so important to her, it really seemed like an act of cruelty to film it. Like watching bear-baiting or something. If I worked for the FSA I might have watched that thinking, hmmm there should be rules against that...
Hi Pat

Well I would prefer to be either Messi / Lewis Hamilton / Floyd Mayweather than their agents /brokers or middleman 🙂


Ah well now, that's a totally different thing and nuthin ta do with the money. And I salute ya for it and everyone else who has an excellence in their passion. They are driven (no pun in Lewis' case) to do what they can do.

But for those that can't, but can spot those that do, and can help them on their way...
To me shame, I had nothing better to do than watch a hooky version of the first episode tonight.

A number of things struck me. First thing was me SO for not helping her with the washing up. The second was the amounts of money these people were making/losing. Don’t get me wrong, but maybe with the exception of the CME broker, it was for peanuts. Plus the methods, if any, used were so totally far away from the real world of trading, they’re like every retail trader who’s ever been. Punting this, punting that. No rhyme – no reason.

The chap at the trading/training company stunned me the most when talking about his pros dumping on the day while his trainees had a good day – and he said “Go Figure!”. Well, excuse me all over the place, but should he feckin know? And at the end of it, he and he and his similarly ****-head partner go for yet another drink to choose the ‘best of the bunch’. What? Oh come on. It really doesn’t work like that. I suppose warnin bells should have been chiming showing them trying to get the poor souls to trade news events. What? They should have been showing them how to avoid the news. Jaysus. This was not real, not how it really works at all.

The chap who had been workin the pits for 35 years they portrayed as a sad old man who just put in the last half hour of the day for old times sake. Sure it’s mostly electronic to the point of boredom now but the pits at the close, come on.

A truly moronic portrayal of trading and traders which I’m sure was the intent of the producers. This was TV, not trading.
The guy with the Porsche runs a website
He was also recently FSA registered to a company called Wallwood Consultants which has recently ceased regulated activities and seems to be of dubious reputation. The show portrayed him as a successful home trader rather than someone who aggressively markets and sells trading systems which have performed poorly
The guy with the Porsche runs a website
He was also recently FSA registered to a company called Wallwood Consultants which has recently ceased regulated activities and seems to be of dubious reputation. The show portrayed him as a successful home trader rather than someone who aggressively markets and sells trading systems which have performed poorly

check out charlies Marbella trading activities as well..........😉
Can you shed some light jk2000? Is that from your personal experience?

I know people who have went to his seminars for years, bought his products and lost money on his "proven strategies"
Take this one

Marketed with P.S. Remember this is Kym’s biggest piece of work in over 3 years so you know this is going to be good!!

Doesnt even say the usual "Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
His others are the same- check out this one
"The methodology is pretty much future proof as it tracks trends and unless markets stop moving altogether, this method will keep on with its consistent returns!"

If you disagree feel free to purchase a product and let me know how you get on
For anybody interested in a unique training day on financial markets

We offer the MV analysis, strategy & trading Training Day in the UK- London
2014 and Q1 2015

Wow that training course must be sooooo good they've blogged it twice.

Amazing professionalism. 👎
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Atilla - go on then, a third time just for you, after all people expect things to come in threes!

You think you are web savvy whilst people are not.

If I wanted to be rude I'd say you were insulting traders intelligence. To be honest you are not. You are simply in need of a course on how to use online media to better effect.

Your first lesson is free, from me to you: Look up :spam:

Best of luck in your enterprising ventures 👍
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hi simon,

hope you're well.
I have reported your posts as spam.
You have effectively posted the same spiel three times.
the posts bear no relation to subject matter of the thread.

hope you don't mind, old bean.
It may be better if you reposted your spiel in a separate thread.
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hi simon,

No worries Trendie

It was an honest mistake the second posting and then in an attempt to be ironic and have a bit of light hearted banter with Atilla I posted a third time, it seems to have gotten out of hand - for this I appologise.

Where do you recommend I post? - I guess I'll search for an education section.

It's my first time back on T2W in years despite being a member for almost 10 years.

All the best,
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You think you are web savvy whilst people are not.

Agreed, I am quite new at trying to generate new business via social media. I have not posted on T2W for many years and have only recently added "public" training days to my business as up until now I have been very busy due to other work commitments and the birth of my first child.

Judging by the TV prog, there is big trading population in the UK that would benefit from honest and quality education. I am trying to add value in this area through

I appreciate your last comment -tks🙂

For free yeah? thats gr8 cos there is already some quality help here that is free. Good to know the kindness is spreading
For free yeah? thats gr8 cos there is already some quality help here that is free. Good to know the kindness is spreading

There is a free 52min video on my website which all are welcome to watch, but eight hours of my time in a comfortable location and a 150+page workbook will come with a price tag.

I'm not trying to be the next Gregg Secker or anything- I just aim to supply education to a select few who are serious about investing in their market education.

But, much respect to all you guys who put in the hours here on T2W.
Getting Back On Thread

Just a thought...

shouldnt the Brummie Guys be registered with the FSA as financial advisors in order to give financial advice and trade other peoples money?
There is a free 52min video on my website which all are welcome to watch, but eight hours of my time in a comfortable location and a 150+page workbook will come with a price tag.

I'm not trying to be the next Gregg Secker or anything- I just aim to supply education to a select few who are serious about investing in their market education.

But, much respect to all you guys who put in the hours here on T2W.

Slightly ironic that, in a thread where people are pointing out the ridiculousness of a documentary featuring some dubious people who offer training for a fee, you pop up and offer some training for a fee... 🙄

Maybe you'll find some suckers, maybe you are profitable when trading... it seems unlikely. This sort of thing is invariably complete snake oil.
Slightly ironic that, in a thread where people are pointing out the ridiculousness of a documentary featuring some dubious people who offer training for a fee, you pop up and offer some training for a fee... 🙄

Maybe you'll find some suckers, maybe you are profitable when trading... it seems unlikely. This sort of thing is invariably complete snake oil.

I agree there are a lot of dubious folk out there offering a whole spectrum of "trading stuff" and it's quite right to be skeptical. That said, we are not all "snake oil" salesmen", genuine people do exist in this industry and I firmly put myself in that camp. I'm primarily an advisor/strategist to Hedge Funds and feel I have a lot to offer in educational terms as well, so why not add this to my business model?