Which hedge funds? What, precisely, do you provide strategy and advice on?
This isn't a kop out in answering your question - but I have confidential agreements with my clients for obvious reasons, so I can't divulge that information.
However, I can discuss a bit about what I do.
The whole idea for my service was born out of the Financial crisis. I was shocked at how many hedge funds lost large chunks of their clients money. Some funds dropped 50,60,70% of their clients money. For supposed experts and guardians of capital, it blew me away how such blow ups happened.
Therefore, I came up with the idea for MacroVIGILANCE to offer a global monitoring service using primarily time series data and proprietary models to navigate the asset universe. The more globalised the world becomes year on year, the more connected the global macro space becomes.
The global monitoring service is in a technical investment letter style format, providing clients with a big monthly report, a weekly brief and the odd storm warning if an important market is likely to cascade.
Additionally, I do specific research for clients on a bespoke basis.
My client base is global, but especially East coast US, the Middle East and Switzerland.
I don't always get it right, but I do the majority of the time and my models will sniff out trouble in a market most of the time before the big move gets underway. Obviously, they also highlight potential opportunities to the long-side.
Most of the clients I talk with subscribe to other services and look to build their world view through many different sources. I believe my service adds some value to their process the majority of the time.
Hope this goes in some way to answering your question.
(Jack O Clubs - if you want to receive my next monthly report complimentary - pm me on T2W with your email address or contact me via my website, cheers)