You know it bro!!! Listen,before long, we be trillionaires............😆
I got 3 footballers on instagram bro. I'm in da circle in da circle.😎
kitten breeding anyone ?
Interesting, isn't it!
I actually know a premier league footballer (captain for his team and on SILLY money) fairly well (an ex girlfriend of mine is his birds best friend and I see him probably a few times a year. We used to go drinking a few times together too when he played for London team)
Actually wondering if I can persuade him or some of his mates to give me a few mil if I rock up with some demo performance the next time i see him, lol!
Never realy crossed my mind.
not really,she probably wipes the floor with most on this forum, in the fact she's trading a live acct.
Admittedly,not much of a method, but she's a tryer,and you know what they say about God loving a tryer.
Good luck to her, as opposed to those 2 embarrasing mugs from brummie, enticing even more thicker brummies who kick a ball for a living, into their empire. If those 2 ***** become trillionaires, i will eat my dogs **** for a month.
Lol, over 1000 guests viewing the forums right now 😆
Guy with the porsche seemed to know what he was doing. Reckon he made a lot of bunse, and I guess with his new funding should be looking at be extremely wealthy soon.
When he was looking at his charts, he pointed at an up move in progress and said ''this is where all of the retail money are shorting''
Wonder how he knew that?
We used to have threads about that sort of thing back in the day, lol
The first prog was ok'ish but the second, wow ! talk about the blind leading the gullible......the only good thing that came out of it was the reference to managing ones own finances.....banks et al just in it for the comms.....they don't care about your money and financial wellbeing.