Out of interest if this is by choice, why dont more middle class make this sort of choice?
Good point.
Some of them do. A friend of mine at 23 years old was dealing coke for a living, still living at his parents 5 bedroom house in Tamworth. The police had to go past his dads Porsche when they knocked the door down to arrest him & his brother. He got 6 years. Very middle class family. He'd not have rioted - it would have messed his hair up. Still - he did deal in stolen goods as well as dealing.
He never ever even entertained the idea of actually working for a living.
One close friend has 2 lovely daughters and 3 houses - all paid for by his coke dealing. He's 41 years old. Another 2 people I know not so well just got busted. One in Spain with 5kgs (him & his g/f are now doing 9 years), one in the UK with 1 kg he had posted to himself by DHL
🙄 - he's looking at 15-20. He's late 30's, they have been after him for a while, his wife and kids will be out of a house soon as they are taking all his assets.
Even when these people have amassed assets - they can't stop.
All of these people had good upbringings (Ok - the guy in Spain didn't) and there is no explanation for what they do other than I guess they thought they'd get away with it. Other people around them WERE getting away with it.
For sure though - we do have a generation of children whose parents had kids as a means to an end - free flat, free money and no work. These children have been taught to work the system. They are NOT disenfranchised. They are working the system and taking what they can, where they can. They are happy as pigs in **** with their free money.
I still have 1 acquaintance who does this. He's 40. He has a lovely son who is being taught all the wrong things. He signs on, has a free house, he grows weed in the loft which brings in about 3 grand a month. His son will do the same and the cycle will repeat. My friend is totally happy about this. He doesn't have to lift a finger. He thinks the government gives him free money that no-one ever had to ear. He absolutely 100% would be a looter if the opportunity arose. He's been in prison 3 times and he thinks the place is a blast. There's no cause - the guy is just a cnut. He's on the dole & travels to Thailand with his son 3 times a year... Disenfranchised?
Am I the only one that knows such people?