Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. Now 27 years old.

stay safe during this difficult time, boys. I will be back soon to trade some more. Don't be idiots going to gatherings. Not for yourself. You can die for all I care for being an idiot, but for your loved ones. Why risk their health? If they get sick, it's on you. That burden will kill you if corona doesn't. I hope everyone stays safe.
I still remember Feb 20th pretty well. Thursday when the gas report comes out. NG started lower than the previous open. It was itching up, than itched back down, making an arch shape. I forgot the reasoning behind why, but I was predicting NG to shoot up high after the report, and come back down to possibly the opening level. If my prediction was correct, I would have a good day of earnings. Report comes out - NG shoots up. I wait until the level I was waiting for, and when it hit, I short. It keeps going up. I short again. For me, it's a steal right now. It shoots higher, and I short my 3rd and final position, thinking this is overdone; a fake breakout and it's going to go down. Keep in mind this was me after having like 20 consecutive winning streak. I made 50% in 2 weeks. $2000 with my $4000 - not much value wise, yet percentage wise im making a killing. And as far as i was concerned, i wasnt gambling. I was using a method Ive always used and while not always in total control, I didnt feel like I was treading murky waters.
So with 3 shorts in position and losing tons of money, i keep on reviewing the chart. holy crap. is this one of those moments when it just keeps on going up? am i wrong? why?
maybe it was the losses of all my profits from the past 2 weeks. maybe it was me trying not to repeat my pattern of losing all of my money in 2-3 days after having multiple winning day streaks. i reanalyzed the chart and decided i was wrong and if ng shot this high up, not it's not bearish. this will go up even higher even though it's already damn high. and instead of just getting out and watching, i make a reversal and buy 6 contracts - maybe 5 because i dont have enough money now - and have opposite positions. Turns out i reversed near the very top and ng starts steadily but surely, going down. all the way. retraces all the breakouts. than hits todays starting level. and than goes even lower. wow. i was speachless. speachless of my position size, using 3 - all of my ammo - in such a risky trade. speachless of reversing with all my leftover strength. and speachless of how i entered; or reversed at the very worst point possible. how i analyzed and completely got balled out. i just failed so bad im not sure what i was thinking. after that i didnt really want to trade and was so frustrated, but seeing the NG chart i thought now is really the time NG hit bottom and it will reverse back up, and will go up really high. i was planning on not writing my updates because i wont really have anything to write... and just come back when NG brings my money back to previous levels. i was planning to wait it out 1-2 weeks. well this was the start of when oil and ng keeps on going down towards hell, and i keep on having losing days after losing days. My $5235 on Feb 19th, after maybe a week of two, became $868 and I was forced out of my position. Left alone. Hah. Speachless. Shameful.
I give up trying to become a millionaire. Life just isnt as easy as i thought it to be. I really thought i had skills to make it. Young and Rich. I was sure I would make it. I wasnt even going to use my millions for myself - i wanted to help those in need and live out my life doing positive work for the world. Help my poor mom. You know, just try to be a good person before I die. Well. Life just isnt as easy as I thought it to be.
I'm now going to go life into the military. At least I wont become homeless in military. I took asvab. Got 89%. Recruiter said after the pretest ill probably get 99% as pretest is harder, but nope the actual test was much more difficult. If I studied for it man i think i could have gotten above 95%. Most questions were just either you know this simple information or you just dont. I failed the mechanics and one other part, because I just didnt have any exposure to it in my life. Still cant stop trading. Trading is my life. It's my hobby. I love reading the charts and betting on it. A guy cant learn, I guess...
1200 trump check came in. my tax returns came in. I got my money to 4900. and i deposited 4800 into my IB account. I had 8 in there so starting money is 4808.
I traded yesterday, 4/17/2020, for the first time in 2 months. Very careful. Very scared. Trying to stay confident in my decisions and analysis of the charts so i dont get bullied by the market. +$346. Blessed. Very fortunate. Now am not going to trade like my millions is waiting for me at end of this year. Now going to trade just for chump change. Just going to try be consistent. I'm old now. and I'm late in my career. My two friends that started finance careers with my back in 2013-2014 are now making $98,000 + 25% bonus and $80,000 + commissions from work, and he made over $150,000 last year. And they were both earning less than me when we all first started out of college. I'm going to stop trying to become some kid wiz of trading. hahaha.. i graduated from "kid" a while ago. and I'm no wiz.

Check back from time to time and hit a like. It'll encourage me to keep on posting, knowing there are viewers out there who's interested. Not sure how long this run will go on this time, but hopefully it will be different. As my mindset and goal, I think, is different this time.

Peace and stay safe from Corona.
4/20 +$272
My goal was to get $100 today but NG charts were being nice to me and was going my way each time i went in the trade. Played it safe, not trying to get couple ticks more before exiting, yet ended with a lot of profits. Markets still going and im on a roll but its approaching 9am PST; less volume and another trading pattern I have is I usually make money in 1st half of the day (6:30am - 8:30am PST) and tend to lose most, if not all and some more of my daily profits during 2nd half of the day. So will be satisfied with what I earned today and will call it a day. I have a peace of mind too getting off trading early - something that would not have been possible for the old me. But than again, it is only, day two. hahahahaha
4/21 +$321
Wow NG went really high yesterday. I was targeting NG to go to 1.911 level, maybe even higher, within next 2 days (today and tomorrow) but really didn't think it would go all up to that level in a single day (yesterday). Super surprised and a little disappointed that I missed out, yet maybe it's a good thing that I missed out - I suck at riding breakouts and tend to lose money on those days. Today I called the NG fairly well. Called it to touch 1.870 level (I think it touched 1.869) but I thought it could possibly go down to 1.856 level - maybe a sudden spike down and right back up - i was watching and hoping patiently that it does that but it didnt. Missed the semi-big ride up from the 1.870 level completely. However made some good short trades today and ended with a good result. Ending it early again. 8:30am pst. I think I have a good track record for first half of the day and for the 2nd half, very random results. When I make money during 2nd half of the day, its usually not that significant but when i lose money, i don't lose big; I lose HUGE. Like I'm praying constantly that I'll never do this kind of trade again... but the Lord knows I'm lying because he knows all and even I know I'm probably going to do the same trade again in the future. So will be satisfied with what I have and call it a day.
4/22 +$222
NG! Today was the day the big boys prove they are big boys, and losers can go suck it. If you sat on the sidelines, go practice some more and come back - needing more practice isn't something to be embarrassed about; thinking you're ready and getting owned is what you want to avoid.
I thought I was ready and I got owned.
wait, what?
Flashback to yesterday going in early before any pattern formed and starting the day off red. Told myself not to do that again and like 2 minutes later made my first bet - down. And down did it go... deep red down crap like $600-$700 down. Hm. This feels familiar.
There is an old saying in Korea - even if you are in a tiger's cave, if you ball the fuck up than you will make it out (Not necessarily these exact words). So I figured, I'm fucked anyways.
I entered my short thinking man it will be so unnatural for NG to go straight up to 1.930 level (my possible high point for today) so it will dip first, gather more strength, and than go up. Love these futures - they give "0" shit about common sense. NG starts rising. I'm calling BS. NG rises more. I still call BS. I would've entered 2nd short.. glad I'm poor and can't afford it. NG rises even more, approaching 1.930. It's at 1.920 and now im just thinking "wow I actually rode this all the way up. Might as well stick around it's only $100 more". And it hits 1.930.
Back to the Korean saying. I decide to gather my balls and with fresh mindset from not trading for 2 months, I decide to ball up and call the tops and bottoms of this benevolence. Not random entry/exit points, but actually trying to act like I'm making decent, educated calls. And it's working. (?) Not sure why it's working, but I'm reading the chart and playing it fairly well. I make all my losses back, and make some more profits. When I hit +$200 I just wanted to quit for the day because I apparently forgot I'm going for small profits now. Very lucky today that instead of NG hangout out at the top without much movement, it kept giving out multiple small spikes back and forth, which gave me room and time to make my trades.
Not gonna lie I feel like I'm going to be posting here in like 2 weeks saying I lost it all. Maybe I shouldn't have boasted so much yesterday to my Dad, who thinks I suck at trading. He thinks I need to be more humble. Another old Korean saying: There is nothing wrong coming from old people's comments. Crap. I think my Dad is right.
NG report tomorrow so really going to play like I just need $100 and I'll be happy for the day. But hey: $1159 in 4 days. Started with $4808. 24% gain in 4 days. For all my haters: let me have this moment of joy. I promise I'll be humble tomorrow.
Okay, forget my previous post. +$347 for the day.
Made my post. Re-read it. I liked it. Before closing my browser, looked at the chart once more. Who doesn't, right?
Chart is about to bounce. Like it's like literally about to bounce like right now. I take a minute to double check my assumption. Compare/analyze the charts. Omg I think I'm right. I enter. LOL. I enter. Just like that. And while I have an idea of how this will play out until EOD today, there are also possibilities that it will do slight variations which will require me to sit in and keep watching the charts until EOD. Something I don't want to start doing. So I exit. And now, I'm REALLY done for the day. Making this post 8 minutes after my previous post. Omg I need a doctor.
4/23 -$972
oh dear..
I don't play the report moves. My prediction was after the report, NG will shoot up and than trickle down until EOD. That was a rough rough prediction just based on the opening level of NG compared to the previous close. And that is exactly what happened during trading hours. So why did I lose so much money?
After NG report, NG shot up and high point was like 1.933. My target was 1.939. Yes, just .006 points off yet to me that was significant. Comparing my charts, NG had more room to fill on the upside before it trickles down. So I entered a position 1.914 and im just seeing it go down slowly, because I think it's a fake. NG needs to fill that "space" before it goes down. That's what I'm reading from the charts. NG does a small spike - I have a chance to exit for $30-$40 profit. I decide not to because I trust myself reading the charts. NG keeps on going down. My body is telling me to exit because this looks like it may go down a lot. It's playing how I predicted, yet I decide not to exit because I wan't to start following the chart analysis more than my impulse. NG is moving down like it's carefully trying to take out the stop level of everyone riding it, without triggering a big sell-off, and literally itching down. The worst patterns.
I get a crazy theory. I see the chart and I still believe my analysis. However, my account is bleeding more and more. Why would this happen? 1. I'm totally wrong. 2. Big boys trying to take out as many riders as they can, buying more contracts for themselves, because this NG is going to fly up for multiple days to come. Hm. I think my first theory has much high priority of being right, but for some reason I still think NG didn't fill that "space" so it needs to go back up. I decide shit what the hell im going to 100% trust my chart analysis this time, and possibly ride the break-out to the sky. So I keep in my position and see how I do. This move goes against almost all of my trading strategy - however, first time in my life I'm saying chart analysis > trading strategy. So very excited to see how this plays out. Right now I don't think I'm gambling. Very high.. very high risk. But I figure, for me it's always my instincts > chart analysis and I always miss out all the breakouts. Because breakouts are just what they sound like - breakout out of a pattern. And when the movement goes against the pattern, my mind is telling me to exit. I think if I ever want to be a really successful trader, I need to be able to ride the breakouts; trust my chart analysis and keep my balls intact while at it. So this is me. Going for it. YESSSSS
I am sorry Wabu but I don't think you will ever succeed. I am not saying this for any reason other than I have met and heard of so many people who have travelled the same path, lost years of their life to trading, lost money and self-esteem and all for nothing. I can tell by your post above that your mindset is wrong. You stuck to your opinion when the market told you that you were absolutely wrong and you just got more stubborn. The market is always right and you have paid the price. That and the fact that you use the word 'predict' - this is another huge red flag. You should not be trying to predict the market; instead, you should be responding to it with a well-tested plan which includes knowing when you are wrong and then exiting immediately without a second's hesitation.
You are gambling and you should certainly not being not be doing any 'very high-risk' trading because you don't have the skill, the cash or the psychological backup that is essential for the kind of trading you are trying to do.
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i dont know if the issue is on my end but your channel has no content and your tracking sheet is outdated
So good to see there are still people out there checking on this thread! Thanks buddy really appreciate it.

My trading, sadly, is not consistent so I stopped keeping results of them.
There were couple videos on my youtube channel but I made them private because 1. no one was watching them 2. it was a paintful sight
However!!! Good news is I actually just crossed the $10,000 mark for the first time in years and have been pretty consistent nowadays. Just updated my result sheet and going to see if I can keep my cool and follow my trading plans for the next few weeks without being affected by keeping a results sheet. If I see consistency, I am going to post results on threads again and if I can still keep my cool without getting bothered by people's comments, I am going to start uploading youtube videos.

And if anyone cares, I passed all of my Army Officer tests, interviews, all the good stuff with flying colors and just waiting for command level approval due in December. I heard acceptance rate last time around was 30% so really hope things all work out for me.
So good to see there are still people out there checking on this thread! Thanks buddy really appreciate it.

My trading, sadly, is not consistent so I stopped keeping results of them.
There were couple videos on my youtube channel but I made them private because 1. no one was watching them 2. it was a paintful sight
However!!! Good news is I actually just crossed the $10,000 mark for the first time in years and have been pretty consistent nowadays. Just updated my result sheet and going to see if I can keep my cool and follow my trading plans for the next few weeks without being affected by keeping a results sheet. If I see consistency, I am going to post results on threads again and if I can still keep my cool without getting bothered by people's comments, I am going to start uploading youtube videos.

And if anyone cares, I passed all of my Army Officer tests, interviews, all the good stuff with flying colors and just waiting for command level approval due in December. I heard acceptance rate last time around was 30% so really hope things all work out for me.
Okay thanks for updating the results sheet, I also subscribed to your channel in the event you reupload videos or start it back up. Stay motivated brother! and best of luck in your army endeavors
Left right.
Left right.
Get your bl**dy haircut. you scruffy little erk.
Just kidding.
Glad to see you are doing better now
Guess who's back, back again
Wabu's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?

Balls of steel or die again. Posting results. Until I blow up and can't trade anymore because im a REAL MAN!

(...not because my youtube videos are getting 0 views...)

wish me luck 🙂 WABU WABU
past 2 weeks results on youtube: 252strong! Hoorah!
Guess who's back, back again
Wabu's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?

Balls of steel or die again. Posting results. Until I blow up and can't trade anymore because im a REAL MAN!

(...not because my youtube videos are getting 0 views...)

wish me luck 🙂 WABU WABU
past 2 weeks results on youtube: 252strong! Hoorah!
You're back, but what's different this time Wabu?
you've researched a strategy that provides a positive expectancy after having backtested it to within an inch of its life, you've tried demo trading this strategy or tried a very small account to see how its performed in out of sample data and now your going to execute the strategy?
or are you going to do the same thing over again and expect a different outcome?

Hello Guys -

I quit my Private Equity job back in 2016, took out massive shark loans, and decided to daytrade for a living. Sound crazy? Haha well.. it's been.. different. If you have time to kill, it's an interesting read (LINK ABOVE).

3.5 years later, I'm still alive! YES!!!!!
and still trying to trade for a living.

I will be keeping a record of my daily results on a google sheet for public to view, and will try to post clips from my trading with commentary so others can see why I've made those trades.

Hope you guys favorite this page and follow me on my journey to become a millionaire! Roar!
This was immediately worrying to read but maybe you know what you are doing. How is it going man?