Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. Now 27 years old.

Hmmm, so you made it work for a few years, then you start reposting here and you blow the account? I hope you were able to pay back the loans.


Edited: happy birthday and I hope you also had a great Thanksgiving!

Says the butler of T2W Brits, an american who sold his ass out, who does not have a single trade in 20 years but has the gall to attack an op = new fellow with kahunas and honesty
Still trying? Are you not successful yet?

Why knock him? You are a newbie yourself and look even more lost than him. Smell the coffee and wake up dummy and stop gang-banging new fellas who are trying. You would not like it if it was reversed on you, would you?

Give him room. We all suffered at one time or another.
$14.22 in commission
This Week: -$16

Love how the NG itched lower and lower almost to the 2.319 level. I was not able to capture the profits because *surprise* I didn't follow my rules. First, want to give myself props for entering a long position at 2.4 than just couple minutes later selling at 2.399 because something seemed off and it seemed like it may reverse. Well, drop happened and I was feeling really good, not wanting to take the ride down but just keeping an eye out for the bounce as I believed it would do a strong drop today until mid-day, followed by strong recovery for ugaz to end up at starting price level. Well, I entered a long at 2.374 early. IB chart told me to go in but yahoo chart told me the graph wants to go a little more south before deciding to test itself to change directions. Being greedy and a wuss from all the losses lately, just entered so i don't miss this recovery back up.Well, dropped a little more just as yahoo chart said, and it was recovering. Close to 11am PST, tested the resistance line. Failed to break and went south. But being a noob I am I was doing something else instead of looking at the charts and took the losses.
I didn't post any updates last week. Monday didn't have any significant moves; tuesday and wednesday were losing days which brought my account below the minimum I need to traded 1 contract of NG. I noticed on my results sheet that I supposedly lost $3552 within 1 month of starting my results tracking sheet. Bro, I don't even make $3552/month and I really need the money to pay off other stuff.
I don't think my stubbornness gave in to stop trading, but I have decided to stop until I get some stability in my life because I struggled the last 3.5 years of my life just to stay afloat. And if i hadn't traded during that time, chipping away more money, my life would be much more on-track than now.
However, because I am stubborn and not trading makes me sad the entire day, I am going to pick up my tips today and deposit my final $500 into my account. That will bring my account to $2500, about the $2370 IB keeps telling me I have to maintain.
Likely to trade tomorrow, but will be trading safe. (I think I heard this before?)
Follow me just a little more because seeing history, not much is left!
Still alive! -$9 for the day and commissions were -$9.48 so basically even. NG didn't move much during market hours today. Excited for tomorrow for the gas report. I have like $150 room to work with before I can't trade again because I don't have enough capital, so tomorrow's trade will be an important one. Stay tuned! hahaha
Yesterday I was up $31 and today I'm down $29. This week, overall im -$7 and total commissions were $47.4 (wt*).
I want to give a shout out to myself for staying alive this week. Did a nice job today making good entries - up close to $200, was thinking of exiting but thought NG was going to go down another ~20ish points. Was looking to make a slight (or so I thought) bump before heading back down again so i was trying to exit and get back in, but i missed it and trying to cut it cheap i kept on sending orders in right at bid lvl hoping to get filled LOL but didnt! Price kept going up - OKAY saw that coming. BuT! When it was time to reverse, strength came in to take it to another level higher and it kept itching up. Ended up losing all profits and some more for a negative ending.
Noticed I was trying to make just 3-4 points more at the end because i wanted to end green. It was common to lose 20+points at these last moments. I liked how I traded today. Going to go eat some sushi at night with pals from San Diego.
Let's hope I'm still alive on Monday.. haha have a nice weekend everyone.
Didnt trade today as there wasn't much movement. Christmas this week and end of year so im not sure how NG will move. Will post updates this week if there is something notable (hopefully not my account getting blown!) hahaha
Whats up everyone. Hope you all had a nice Holiday. It rained alot where I live, and I had to work 8 hrs on Christmas Day, occasionally getting soaked in the rain whenever I need to go out to throw away the restaurant trash. THIS IS REALITY for all you wannabe traders out there wanting to get rich quick - fail, and it won't be too pleasant.

Not much movement in NG today. -$15 for the day. Hope to finish 2019 with a positive day tomorrow! Cheers!
Whats up everyone! Stockfather here. Last trading day of 2019. Ended green +$146!!! POUND IT
2019 was another consistent trading year that i've always had. Hopefully 2020 will be different and I will actually make money from the markets. Will not be trading tomorrow for New Years but will be back on Thursday for more.

YEA!!!!! and still no youtube videos. Fail.
Happy New Years to you all. May you all succeed in everything and anything you do. You get-goers are the winners out there.
+$25 today. Thought NG was going to do a nice easy bounce to 2.160 level which would get me a nice ~400 profit but it just wouldn't go up. Just exited towards the end of day after having the position in for half the day. 2020 winning streak 🙂
Comm: $14.22
Made a good profit today. Rode NG up the first half of the market, exited; rode it again the mini bump in the latter half. Calm and steady, no big risks today so very pleased.

New years tip: when writing dates in forms, don't write 1/3/20; make sure you write out the full 2020! Crooks may try something with the dates: 1/3/20(19)
commission: $14.22
easy riding day. woke up late today...
could have rode couple more ticks at the end but exited early. no big profits but having green days so im happy 🙂
commission: $23.7
didnt trade yesterday. today made a careful entry but omg fell asleep... and didnt make an easy exit for an easy profit. well, at the end of day made another entrance - good entry. yahoo chart was telling me ugaz had more to run while NG chart was telling me its hard to go up more... so i got scared and exited. well it went up more. still grateful that im profiting. 🙂
commission: $4.74
while waiting for the gas report, i fell asleep... working at a bbq restaurant from 6:30pm-2am wore me out. Noticed the super easy bounce play (that i predicted) that i've missed... well. went in later for the second bounce and got some profits. Going to ask work if I can take off closing shifts because it really tires me out.
commission: $23.7
Not bad not bad. Going off of NG chart, it was really difficult to find the right entry/exit points and hard to figure out how much room there is left for this chart to possibly go. I traded off of yahoo finance charts which made things simpler. I could have bettered my entry/exits by waiting couple minutes more when determining an entry/exit; however, shout out to all the daytraders out there that know those 1-2 minutes in the prime time feels like 10-20 minutes.

Going on a snowboarding trip for 2 days with my college bros! Life has been hard and heavy lately, and I really needed some bromance to take my mind off everything that's going on with my life (like debt, yikes!). Have a nice weekend everyone and see you next Monday for more trading 🙂
commission: $14.22
Slow day for NG until midday, and making an upward movement in the 2nd half of the market hours. Was able to catch a couple ticks throughout the day but failed to ride the big rise in the 2nd half of the market hours because i thought there was potential for NG to go down more as well. My wins are not big at all but i haven't seen a red day for a while now and my account is slowly going up so I'm happy.

Went snowboarding with my friends over the weekend. Really needed the vacation. Lots of fun memories and pictures. 2020 going well so far 🙂
commission: $16.59
Was a very slow day today and i didn't trade much. Was like $16 positive, thought it could possibly drop big later and bounce afterwards, but it could just be a slow day throughout so i just ended my trading and went for a haircut. After my haircut, I check NG and its dropping hard. I wanted to get into the bounce play. Without properly analyzing my entry based on charts, I guessed my timing based on momentum and entered 2.212. It dropped a lot more and I'm down $300.
This is all okay. I know what I did. Very dumb but that's me trying to overtrade on my phone (never worked out well but still keep on trying?). My trading plan calls for me to hold no positions overnight. However, while it is possible NG will do a massive fall overnight and start really low tomorrow, also possible this is just start of NG going bullish. And I think at least tomorrow, NG will have bounced. I may wait until tomorrow morning or may exit overnight if i feel to do so. Will keep a stop loss on so i don't kill myself 😉
commission: $2.37
My stop loss was 2.154. Got stopped overnight. Entered a buy at 2.131 and than fell asleep again. Woke up after couple hours, and it looks like it may bounce. NG staying around 2.150 levels so i get back in at 2.151 after waiting for my drop for hours. Of course, typical markets, like 10 mins later it drops to 2.130 levels and im down an unnecessary $200 after a $300 loss. Hm. Still in in because it really looks like it will bounce. Mannnn kept my game short and safe and made a 7-day winning streak. Decided to do something a little different, and I lose all my profits of the 7 days in 2 days. Typical me. omfg. fml. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Well. Lost it all. Curious the amount? Check my tracking sheet.
I said this was the last run for trading, but i just cannot quit. Will treat trading as second priority now, but will still trade time to time whenever.....idont know im so sad. Seriously thinking of joining the army this year as officer because finance was boring for me and i just cannot think of anything else i will be interested in doing for the rest of my life, except trading.

And trading isn't keeping me under a roof. My part-time jobs are 🙁