Took a 1 year break from trading... muh thoughts now?

If you believe there is an upside for T2W and its members by implementing some sort of age discrimination policy - by all means put your views to Steve. Thus far, we've not done so and, as far as I know, there are no plans to do so in the future.

Age discrimination?

I don't think banning children from a trading website is age discrimination.

Do you think that children not being able to vote or drink is age discrimination?

You do realize they aren't actually able to open accounts, right?
Age discrimination?

I don't think banning children from a trading website is age discrimination.

Do you think that children not being able to vote or drink is age discrimination?

You do realize they aren't actually able to open accounts, right?
I guess your views about adulthood are different to mine but, yes, I regard a 19 year old as a young adult and not a child. To prevent such a person from registering and participating on the forum would indeed constitute age discrimination, IMO. Your comments about children simply aren't relevant in this case.

So you're 19 now.

2 years ago at 17 you spent a year distance studying under a mentor and a year later (just a year ago) went and moved over to his country to stay with him - for an undisclosed period of time. You then took a year off.

Within what can only be the merest fraction of a year, you've aced your A-levels, got into a good at Uni, seen two therapists and are doing 60+ hours a week in a fast food outlet.

Whatever your strong points are - maths isn't one of them. I'd suggest reality isn't in your Top-10 either.

Apologies for the terse tone, but there are too many people on this site earnestly searching to improve their trading to have time-wasters like you sapping their energies with superfluous story telling.