Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. Now 27 years old.


Direct message me your performance history if you want to me to care about your comments about my trading hahaha you so called experts. As far as I know, all of you are below least this week hahahahaha

God, I am having so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the Man, Wabu. I asked for trading records way back, nobody came, nobody was willing to meet me in London to celebrate with real records.

You nailed it!!!!!!

2/10: +$251

stop... just stop... gotta end this before it's too late...
was looking at NG chart over the weekend and i thought when the futures market opens again on sunday, ng will go higher. nope. NG opened 50 ticks lower which was shocking. shocking but open to opportunities so thinking this is going to go up before monday market opens, i bought one @1.793. and than i slept. i figured it would go up, and if it goes down, it'll stay neutral or go couple ticks down only. my eyes opened at 5:30am and im like "what are those lights..." which were my tick colors of red and green enlarged on my computer screen LOL so im awake like O DANG and i see im down i think $180...? something like that. right when 6am hits, i get in my 2nd position. within next 4 mins, i make all my losses back. whew. Did couple in and outs and im out of my positions and up $286 for the day. Solid. I see NG creeping down, and im thinking this is going to creep up 2nd half of today. so i get in a position right before 9:30am PST. And I watch every single second of money from 9:30-10am as it was going to reverse or keep going down, with possibility of just plummeting. After that it's all okay and it's showing reversal after 10:45am but 5-6 minutes after 11am, that sudden mini upspike just ruined everything. Now it has more possibility of going down, so i exit my positions. I think I was like +$50. It holds at that level, and that holding makes me change my mind again. it makes a sudden drop, which i enter 1 and than 2 positions. and once it dropped 4 more ticks, entered my 3rd position. My target was 1.780. NG goes up too rapidly when i was expecting a more gradual increase to end of day. This opens up possibility to gradually dropping again so i just exit my positions early and pocket my profits. and i was going to write "i predict this is going to gradually go down and finish EOD around 1.760 level" but it's 1.776 now and if I exited at 1.766-1.767 so i just missed my profits.
Gaining $250 after losing $280, which I've gained today (hahaha?) hit me how scary 2-3 positions can be. Still am not in control of them.. they are still way too big for my account size. $250 is such a big amount of money to me in real terms but in futures it's just 9 ticks away. The thought is so scary and so provoking at the same time. This feeling I get when I think about it... which is why I will never be able to live without trading. The possibilities trading could bring to one's life if you even slightly get a hang of it, is just so vast and endless. What else in this world is like this, if not drugs? Yet drugs give you false reality while trading will make you live your dreams. So trading > drugs is the conclusion for today.
2/11 +$191

Last night before I went to sleep, I watched NG chart and thought it will open lower than it opened today, dip down to yesterday's low, and than start going up until, well, until it looks like it won't go up anymore. And than it will go up a little more. So NG opens and starts dipping pretty fast. Entered 1 position at 1.766 and gained most of my earnings from this trade. NG starts going up - great! Thought i may have a $1000+ day. It's going up too rapidly, and showing signs of resistance. So I exit. It than proceeds to not being able to decide which direction it will go. After 9:30am PST, NG gradually goes lower. Thought it would hit 1.762 and than go back up, getting the chart ready for tomorrow's bullish move. But it just touched 1.768 and than starts going up to 1.800 level (currently happening). Honestly, I called the open really well and did a nice job profiting from my predictions. However, the 2nd half of today - i have no idea why it is going up and how tomorrow's chart will look because the chart looks super ugly right now. Hmm. Perhaps after market hours, it will drop a little during the afternoons and before london market opens, it will start building it's strength and go up. And tomorrow it will open really high? I think this is the most likely scenario right now if it wants to go up really high tomorrow. Otherwise, NG will go higher a little bit and tomorrow NG will just stay around 1.800-1.820 level to make a good resting spot for NG to shoot up once NG report comes out on Thursday. I don't think NG will drop much from the current level... otherwise, when will NG go up!!!!! omg whatever I predict, doesn't matter.. i just hope i can get a good chunk of the massive NG bull movement that will (eventually) come (soon)!
2/12: +$127
f me f my life and f my trading because it's sh1t. Think I'm exaggerating? Think I shouldn't be like this because I made money today? Sh1t, I didn't make money; the market let me live and I utterly had no control of my positions. Omg... where to begin. So NG opened higher.. hey nice. Started reading ET threads around 10pm last night and time flew to 2am... sleepy but also super hungry so made a quick instant ramen noodles and while waiting, opened NG chart. Wow, it's going up, similar to one of my predictions from yesterday, and I'm hating it because I'm not riding it. Whatever. I'll just make money during market hours. I eat the damn noodles that nearly killed me because maybe I ate it too fast - I couldn't digest it, was burping all night, and ended up falling asleep close to 6am. Woke up just before 8am I think... eyes just opened. After 8am NG is looking to drop, so I short 2 positions and just played around with 2 positions all day, ending the day I think +$150ish. Was thinking of ending it early and go back to sleep... but nope, that's not me because I'm addicted....Things start to go bad when I enter a short position at 1.835 at 10:24am because I'm thinking NG is going to drop and hit below 1.820 before bouncing again because it's going up tomorrow. NG decides not to drop right away, so I enter another short at 1.839. I'm just watching the chart as NG creeps up, and I call bullsh.t. Enter my third position at 1.845 and NG keeps on going up and hits 1.855 before dropping. I think I was down $300 or some more before recovering. NG could have used the bullish momentum to go higher to 1.86, 1.87 level and that wouldn't have been unnatural at all... it would have demolished my Feb goal, not to mention my pride in trading, something I need to get rid of because it ain't doing a thing for me except drag me down. I got that feeling of a losing day, and my enthusiasm just died. I was at total mercy of the markets today. Maybe getting too many predictions right lately got into my head? Why I entered 2 shorts so close to one another, and entered the 3rd on not so significant move when that should've been the entry of my 2nd position (if I wanted to be greedy), I do not know, yet will blame my greed of money. Once out of all my positions, was thinking of entering just one position to short at 1.848 because i thought it would go down to 1.830 level by EOD. Decided not to because if i'm wrong, I don't have time today to recover my losses so today's result would be screwed. Glad I decided not to overtrade because my prediction was completely off.
Really sad about my trading today. Will never be confident enough to label myself as a thuglife daytrader when I still pull these bonehead moves that end up wiping out my account. Very thankful I'm positive today. NG just being weird and I hate it.. really excited for the NG report tomorrow. Perhaps, report, drop down, reversal, and gradually go up to really really high and I would be on the ride because I got in a position at the reversal? One can hope. 🙂 If this really happens, $1000+ day tomorrow. No. Don't be like that. $200 target for tomorrow. Because I never seem to learn when things go well...
2/13: +$76
Maybe this is just it. Nope. Never. But why is it so similar to before.................................
Waiting for NG report and hoping it shows a clear direction but it's not fun if it's so obvious, right? Watched NG gradually go down after the report and got a position in at 1.834 for a bounce play, and quite possibly a long bull run. However, it didn't form a strong base to run off on so I exited and entered shorts. 3 shorts actually - 1.844 1.848 1.851. All super close, exactly what I said I shouldn't do tomorrow OTL but it seemed so likely that it was going to go down... I got $180 and done for the day. Still watching, I see NG dropping again and I think this is going to go up and finish strong. So I buy one at 1.841, enter another at 1.832, and it keeps on forcing itself down and that's exactly what I thought was happening - forcing and staying at the bottom so newbies get scared and close positions. Was thinking I should just play with 1 position but... yes greed... yes... no... i don't know... I just didn't think it would go lower...
Somehow managed to exit with $76. Whyy Whyy Whyy is this happening. This cycle... it's happened before... actually every single time I trade again after blowing up an account, this is what happens. I first be consistent for couple days, making decent money, and suddenly I start losing all of my daily gains during 2nd half of the day. This cancels out the profits I usually make during 1st half of day... but when the day comes when I lose money on 1st half and also on 2nd half of the day, that's when real decline happens. Possibly a blow-up. $645 so far for this week and I don't think I will be able to get $1000/week this week either... just going to try to get $200 tomorrow, if possible, and try not to overtrade. This 3 position play is turning me into a gambler. Will not use 3 positions again until I hit $5300. Why? Because at $5300 I can do 4 positions!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL. So exciting. Just takes 1 bad day to blow up my account. Let's not use 3 positions. Just stick with 2 and play like a pu$$y and get those $$. Once my account hits $30,000, things are going to turn around real fast. Going back to stocks and screw this volatile futures.
P.S. I was only able to take my account past $10,000, starting with less than $4000, just once before out of way too many tries. And I think even that one time, I got past the $10,000 mark but decided to trade again and didn't get to finish the day above $10,000. And that was the only chance I had to cross $10,000 as my account blew up soon after.
Hi there Wabu27, are you only trading NG?
What is your trading strategy?
Hi there Wabu27, are you only trading NG?
What is your trading strategy?
For now, NG because that's all I can afford. I might be able to trade 1 crude oil contract now... maybe i might try.
It's hard to explain my trading strategy. ... lol.... mostly technical, watch my old youtube videos and see for yourself
2nd week of FEB
+$$ 5 out of 5 days
$992 for the week, $8 short of $1000 target.
53 days traded. 33 positive days (62.26%).
Overall: -$2,107

2/14: +$347

Ah My Gawd I'm so happyyyyyy didn't mean to go for the $1000 week target, but ended up closing just below it! $992... same number as last Friday but that time i decided to trade again during 2nd half of day and lost all gains.. so this time, I'M DONE!!!!!!! and glad I threw in the towel because the chart is COMPLETELY GOING THE OTHER WAY! LOL
Saw NG creeping down to yesterday's close, and either NG continues down for massive drop that is slowly picking up momentum, or this is a fake and NG will bounce and start it's BULL(sh.t) run! So I think I'm a little early but omg so many times NG starts going up earlier and doesn't fill the extra small down space for a safer entry.. so I have a position in @1.838, possibility of NG going down till 1.827 and bouncing. I figured, $110 loss is bad... but i'm expecting like a $450 profit, possibly more and I'm going to enter another position once the direction is more clear so $110 seemed acceptable... goes down to 1.831 and bounces. I exit at 1.847 and buy another one at 1.843. Sold again at 1.850. This is all irrelevant information. Today's highlight was entering 1.845 at 9:19am PST because even though my conscious was telling me this isn't a trade I'm comfortable with, omg everytime NG mades it's massive daily runs ITS ALWAYS UNCOMFORTABLE and I NEVER RODE IT EVER! And while charts telling me don't do it, this pattern is similar to what I've seen before and I go against my gut and put in one position, and stay glued to the charts like a real baby. This thing is just not dropping... very unusual... old me would have a short position in right now and not a buy... i enter another one at 1.843 at 10:08am. And another at same price at 10:18am.. yes.. 3.. yes.. kill me... yes... but hey... a great trader needs to always follow his trading rules! but also, a great trader! must! know when to abandon everything he knows if it ain't going to be working! LOLOLOL 뭔 개소리지? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Watch movie Parasite. Won 4 oscars. Worth a watch 😉 And against all of me telling me this trade is an uncomfortable trade, I'm still riding because I am calling the top of, at least 1.857-1.860, possibly and a good chance it may go even higher to 1.880 or even 1.900. But it's taking too long to go up and I got really uneasy about the whole thing. So sold one at 1.847, another at 1.851, noticed I'm basically at $1000 mark for the week so just exited last position at 1.854. Glad I did because high point of today is 1.854. This was just luck because I thought it would hit at least 1.857 and originally planned to exit 1 position early at 1.847, but exit the other 2 at 1.857. I thought NG would still go up to1.860 at least, likely to 1.870, but it dropped to yesterday's close while I am writing. Was thinking of entering 1 contract for a bounce play, but remembering last Friday's pains didn't. I should've because it did just bounce.
Very happy for the week. Happy for today. Using 3 positions was careless and a bad choice; bad risk management. I read yesterday's post just before writing this post and I said I'll use 3 once my acct hits $5200...LOL didn't even know I was thinking this...
Well, thanks for following me so far. 2 week strong! 100% win rate! Half done and half more to go. If I somehow manage to achieve my goals for the next 2 weeks as well, I'm planning on making a major life style change. And knowing me, a guy who takes out massive shark loans just to trade, a "major" life style change will also be a move that could be made into a decent story film as well hahahahaha. Going to treat myself today. No work today so just going to chill all day. Have a nice weekend everyone. God Bless.
shit i just came home. woke up at 4am and watched. had a position overnight that i entered overnight... and it was losing me money... no it was like break even... +30 or 40 and NG looked liked it was going to go down... it was being forced up.. fuk NG man going up during london hours omfg always and i have no way to predict it except just guess based on historic instances, which is not a good bet to make, so i always miss the bull run these mtfk hedge fund mofos .... . yes. anyways. so im losing money right. and im like break even. shit i messed up today. down like 200 to end the day but i shoulda been down 1000 and not even surprised because i traded reallybad. called the upside but didnt trade it, instead forgot my upside target call and shorted which, of course, went to my upside target (am i an idiot?), and than starts to trickle down..
fotos first losing day in 2 weeks... pretty sad i hope i dont make this a habit hahahhahahhaa
right after market hours had to go help my roommate who doesnt speak english change his car battery, so i couldnt take my usual nap, and i went straight to work super tired cooking those dank koreann bbq to the max if you know the taste yreaaaaa and right after work i ate late dinner with my friend and a dongseng from the army.. bringing back the college memories..
tomoroorw will be different. 200? fuk 200. watch me boss 500 a day. 3 positions, 500 a day, no prob. flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin imma be flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin and than bankruppttttttttttttttttttt bankruipttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt within a week bankrupttttttttttttttttttttttttt LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl idiot.
2/18, 2/19: down little over 200 and than made it back up, up $48 so far from the two days.
Could not trade today. Hangover from last night.. omg i can't drink and my friends and i drank a lot yesterday because one guy came back from the army... well anyways my overnight short position as well as a double down worked for me. Woke up and sold for a profit. tried to do couple more in/outs but i threw up 10 times this morning... just called it a day and tried to make naps all day so my body is fixed before my work at 6pm... i just woke up and my dizziness is almost gone and i don't feel like puking anymore so it's a progress. serious trading to begin again tomorrow!
im so sad. i know i need to.. well i dont need to but i want to make an update but im so sad...
and trying to rethink yesterday and today is not easy...
just went to go talk with an army recruiter today
will make an update but...
once my sadness is gone. or temporarily forgotten. ..
shit i just came home. woke up at 4am and watched. had a position overnight that i entered overnight... and it was losing me money... no it was like break even... +30 or 40 and NG looked liked it was going to go down... it was being forced up.. fuk NG man going up during london hours omfg always and i have no way to predict it except just guess based on historic instances, which is not a good bet to make, so i always miss the bull run these mtfk hedge fund mofos .... . yes. anyways. so im losing money right. and im like break even. shit i messed up today. down like 200 to end the day but i shoulda been down 1000 and not even surprised because i traded reallybad. called the upside but didnt trade it, instead forgot my upside target call and shorted which, of course, went to my upside target (am i an idiot?), and than starts to trickle down..
fotos first losing day in 2 weeks... pretty sad i hope i dont make this a habit hahahhahahhaa
right after market hours had to go help my roommate who doesnt speak english change his car battery, so i couldnt take my usual nap, and i went straight to work super tired cooking those dank koreann bbq to the max if you know the taste yreaaaaa and right after work i ate late dinner with my friend and a dongseng from the army.. bringing back the college memories..
tomoroorw will be different. 200? fuk 200. watch me boss 500 a day. 3 positions, 500 a day, no prob. flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin imma be flexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin and than bankruppttttttttttttttttttt bankruipttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt within a week bankrupttttttttttttttttttttttttt LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl idiot.

Wanbu I know a trader who lost his company over 1 million spondoolies yesterday.... Italian trader who was given free reign due to his track PNL record..... this game is not for for people who can’t afford to lose.... He’s lost his job.... he may as well have stolen some sandwiches from the firms canteen .... don’t do set & forget !

if you can’t keep an eye on the live market you are in for a world of pain !!