Took out a loan to transition to full-time trading. 24 years old.

Day 13
I thought the oil report comes out today! I guess not...
Traded okay today. Kept having internet disconnect issues so my live streaming was cut short. Going to end early today and go to work early.
@itspossible Oh dear... i stopped responding to the idiots in elitetrader that still thinks I'm trading sim. Please dont bring the disease here. @Kaeso Yes, i couldn't take a loss.. very critical fault to be a trader.. I tried to make a living from trading but didn't work out and blew up my account in like 5 weeks. Trying to change that this time. @Stormy42 Yes I totally agree.. haha thank you
@itspossible Oh dear... i stopped responding to the idiots in elitetrader that still thinks I'm trading sim. Please dont bring the disease here. @Kaeso Yes, i couldn't take a loss.. very critical fault to be a trader.. I tried to make a living from trading but didn't work out and blew up my account in like 5 weeks. Trying to change that this time. @Stormy42 Yes I totally agree.. haha thank you

Hi Wabu,

Well done on your thread. It provides great reading.

I'm sure you can understand why people (especially the experienced ones here) doubt you are for real. They (including me), have seen it several times before.

The only way around this is....... post screen shots.

Now..... A true troll will come out with some excuse as to why they can't or 'why should they' etc etc. But, if you are posting your results anyway, there is zero harm in posting screenshots of the said trades and will chase out the doubters. By doing so you will then have much more backing and people will be on your side with advice and kind words, without, unfortunately, you get thrown to the wolves, ignored and discredited - a troll will not care about this, a true trader with results will - which one are you??

For an example of this, check out my trading diary in the signature link below. This will give you some idea on how to be transparent when talking with people on the internet. Just as much as if you were in the pub, people don't wish to hear bollox, they want results.

Another transparent person on here is Brewski, you should also look him up. He also posts screenshots of, not just the P/L but of the whole platform. Naturally there is nothing wrong with this at all....... unless one is hiding something of course.

Day 13 EDIT:
Found a good entry position while secretly watching the chart at work and went in for a little bit. Made a quick buck. Out for the rest of the day today but watch the oil chart!! I think it's going for a significant drop today. If I was at home, I would have entered a short right now.
@Lee Shepherd Hello Lee. Thanks for the advice. I can post screenshots but I don't think it's necessary since I live stream my trades every day on my youtube channel. The entire IB platform is shown on the videos and I have nothing to hide. Look me up, stockfather, on youtube!
And I will check out your diary and Brewski today after work 🙂
@Lee Shepherd Hello Lee. Thanks for the advice. I can post screenshots but I don't think it's necessary since I live stream my trades every day on my youtube channel. The entire IB platform is shown on the videos and I have nothing to hide. Look me up, stockfather, on youtube!
And I will check out your diary and Brewski today after work 🙂


With respect its comments like this that cause people's suspicions. Everyone is aware of the fact of YouTube hits and paid for channels etc.

Without beating around the bush mate or f**king around discussing why nots, simply put, if you have time to post on Youtube plus on various other sites, you certainly have time to post up screenshots. And there you have it. I'll leave it up to you.


PS: Sometimes my mouth types for me, this is one of those occasions.
well, here are some screenshots from my phone. doing this especially for you Lee.
I dont care about the trolls that wont believe me. Instead of waiting for my screenshots, watch my video and the commentary I make. I try to capture my thoughts behind the trades I make in each video.


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Day 14
Solid, light trading today. After exiting my position and looking for new entry points, fell asleep as I worked 15.5 hours yesterday...
Day 15
Solid trading again starting at 6:00pm PST. Saw the chart all pointing to downward direction but just wasn't going down so finally exited all my positions. Soon afterwards, monster drop to the downside. I saw a drop happening to 48.80, as mentioned in my video today, but didn't expect such a huge drop so early in the day; I was picturing constant drops throughout the day. If you guys didn't follow CL today, check out the chart. Fun, resistance play. Something to take into consideration for next time. Little disappointed I missed out on all the action today, but not feeling as bad as I've hit new highs this week and had a pretty good run.
Day 15
Solid trading again starting at 6:00pm PST. Saw the chart all pointing to downward direction but just wasn't going down so finally exited all my positions. Soon afterwards, monster drop to the downside. I saw a drop happening to 48.80, as mentioned in my video today, but didn't expect such a huge drop so early in the day; I was picturing constant drops throughout the day. If you guys didn't follow CL today, check out the chart. Fun, resistance play. Something to take into consideration for next time. Little disappointed I missed out on all the action today, but not feeling as bad as I've hit new highs this week and had a pretty good run.

cool nearly hit 5K.. nice start to the weekend 🙂
Hi Wabu, have you thought of editing the vids so they run for 5-10 mins. I think you'd get more views and a better following.
Yea i actually looked into that. If i had a lot of free time its definitely a possibility but i work two jobs and work 7 days a week so i dont think ill have time to edit all my daily videos
Yea i actually looked into that. If i had a lot of free time its definitely a possibility but i work two jobs and work 7 days a week so i dont think ill have time to edit all my daily videos

dont cut out the parts where we can hear you having a p1ss in the toilet!! :cheesy: 😆
Yea i actually looked into that. If i had a lot of free time its definitely a possibility but i work two jobs and work 7 days a week so i dont think ill have time to edit all my daily videos

That's a fair point. I've never attempted it myself so I don't know how much work's involved. On the other hand, not many people will commit to watch a 90-120 min YT vid. I tried, but just skimmed through it.
I saw that video with the toilet...oh my it was disgusting. now i mute myself if i need to go use the restroom.

What I'm trying to get people to do is watch me trade live so there's people to talk to while i'm trading. I don't expect a lot of people to watch my long videos but a long history of daily positive returns is bound to attract a group of people longing to make money. Only thing I need to do is somehow get a history of daily positive returns...
I saw that video with the toilet...oh my it was disgusting. now i mute myself if i need to go use the restroom.

it was just funny mate, thought id let you know though. cant remember which vid it was now it was a few days ago, although there may be more than one occasion where you "share the flow" with us :cheesy:
Day 16
Wowowow... saw the chart pre-market and told myself and my video that today it could really go either way.. should wait until the market opens to see how chart moves and play off of that. Did not listen to myself as always and tried a little trading starting pre-market. Deep in red. Market opened. Deeper in red. Bleeding all over myself. At mercy of the market. Saw a little bounce opportunity. Honestly my last hope otherwise i'll have to exit with a -20% day. Bounce actually happened. So lucky. I traded too big of a size for my account and did not do proper risk management. Was super lucky today to dodge a bullet. Happy I am in the green. One thing was I saw how trading 3 contracts felt like It felt amazing. Risky but amazing. Can't wait until tomorrow.
Day 17
Started the day off great, entering a great short position. Exited way too early and didn't make nearly enough of what I could safely make. Felt confident and maybe that brought in arrogance. During the day tried to play the chart, entering and exiting many times. I think greed took over rational decision making and instead of waiting for good entry points and exit points, I was chasing after the movement and ended up giving up all my gains and more... The positive today was due to the drop I was foreseeing but seeing how the chart is playing now, I think a significant amount of luck was involved as well. Even though I made a good return percentage wise, not happy at all about today's trading. Going to go back after work to study today's trading... I want to think of it as more of a training day using 3 positions. Glad to be in positive today.