Welcome back mate, long time no see. I dont see any problem linking youtube providing your not vendoring or soliciting money in any way.
So whats the current state of play? Trading smaller I hope 😀
Thats a huge amount to grow your account in one day
Do you have a rule for max loss in one day?
I wouldn't want to lose much more than 2% in a day, therefore I'm only usually shooting for about 4% from any one trade. When i trade options its a bit different though
I am more of a swing trader and rarely take multiple trades per day on small timeframes
Thanks darktone. I don't even have much capital to trade with even if I wanted to trade big haha. I saved up couple thousand and am trading with those.
Youtube stockfather and you can see me trade. I gotta say it's boring to watch other trade but for you to be in the trade during market hours... the fun never stops.
today, i went down i think almost 20% at one point. I know I'm going to blow up within a week if i keep trading like this. I'm going to really try to trade defensively even if i can't make good returns. as long as it's not negative, you won't go broke, right?
Day 3
-0.89% today trading crude oil. I can't believe i woke up late... and i only had an hour to trade before getting ready to go to work. Not much I did today.. nothing significant.. can't wait till tomorrow!
Day 4
Charts weren't pretty today and I barely traded. That and also my internet was being uncooperative and I disconnected twice. I tried to add commentary but noticed after the first internet disruption, volume wasn't going in. After restarting my computer to fix it, from some point it wasn't streaming. A lot of technical mess going on today. Just glad I finished in the green and not the red.
..before today I was up x% this week.....today I lost...
Why does this feel like de ja vu. Can't wait till next week.....
reduce that position size
Get a job -save a portion of earnings for trading - Demo until successful - then trade that portion. But something tells me you are too dumb to do so or (hopefully) this whole thread is a "wind up."🙄
But you could get a job :
Day 6
excellent example today on how not to trade. pure excellent video, with commentary, on how not to trade. Made money on a lucky breakout but today, trading was horrible. Oh man, if I don't really stop gambling, I'm going to lose all of my money this week.