TheBramble's Random Squawk

JPY 3yr bond yield below 1yr. Curve Inversion. Flight to (relative) safety as investors increasingly look to the long term. Swiss yield already negative and Germany heading that way.
11:00 London. EC to announce position on EU countries Budget Deficits. The word on the Rue/Straat is that everyone has less money that they thought they didn't have, has far more unrecoverable debt exposure than they never knew about, will need to extend austerity through to 2055 and all the ‘T’ in China isn’t going to fix it - ever.

Which should send the Euro markets and the Euro soaring. Have I got this last bit right at last?
09:00 London EU Broad money data. Expectations are for an increase which under standard econometric models would push the Euro down. Like it needs any help.
Energy-saving and environmental protection efforts
Next generation information technology developments
Industrial materials
Advanced equipment manufacturing
New energy sources

Do you know anyone actively innovating in one or more of these areas right now?
Do they speak or would they be willing to learn Chinese?
Have they done business in China?

India – medium hot. Rupee at lowest for 10 centuries which is fantastic news for the exporters. However, with nobody apart from China buying it’s hit the GDP. Data out in just under 40 mins but expected to be barely above 6% which is a 3yr low. 6%!!! There’s a few elsewhere that would swap for that figure.
JPY housing & construction data show significantly improved situation. This is not a ***ishima/Tsunami infrastructure one-off. These are solid data. Poor old Nippon. Within a couple of days of the BoJ saying it could do no more (in the way of soft or hard intervention).

Foreign funds are looking for infrastructure projects and that obviously wouldn’t help by appreciating Yen further. Luckily, China has recently agreed a large direct currency swap deal with Japan. China gets somewhere to park Yuan safely and Japan don’t take as much as hit as they would on the Yen.

While DCS may appear bad news for FX speculators, that dosh will need to come home eventually, one way or another.
Turkey applied to join the EU in 1987. They are today hosting a conference in Istanbul with World leaders and Somali poiticos. What’s the connection?

Here’s the deal. Having had a consistent ‘”No” to full EU membership for 25 years, they may well be thinking “Bollox, we’ll focus on Africa”.

Don’t underestimate Turkey’s current involvement in that continent and specifically in Somalia. It’s not just the Chinese who can spot a good deal.
China’s biggest copper producer Jiangxi Copper Corp. will ship an undisclosed quantity of Copper over the next few months in lieu of cash to settle short-position contracts. They will lose $271/mt on the deal.

This is better than the $382/mt they’d lose if they sold into the depressed Copper market domestically.
End of Month book balancing to add to the mix. It’s been a tough May for most so not sure what many can do except perhaps a little window dressing. At least out turd isn’t as smelly as most of the other turds…that sort of thing.
Was asked why I’m so Bullish Africa. 1 Billion people. Well educated and savvy entrepreneurs making intelligent decisions on a wide range of highly diversified (commercially & geographically) market segments with start-ups that are desperate for finance, appreciate the need for and indeed, actively welcome hands-on management in the crucial initial stages, and have an abundance of human resource willing to work for almost nothing just for the training.

The Chinese recognise they’re going to need their own ‘China’ in 20 years and have already started exporting the technology and facility in order to support their increasing domestic affluence in the medium to long term.

I Billion Chinese can't be wrong about 1 Billion Africans.

Fancy giving it back. Morons.
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Chinese looking for new forms of free energy. Well, those self-immolating Tibetans must give off a fair bit of heat, surely?
Spain delays release of Regional Budget data until mañana.

Didn't they say that yesterday?