TheBramble's Random Squawk

Was asked why I’m so Bullish Africa. 1 Billion people. Well educated and savvy entrepreneurs making intelligent decisions on a wide range of highly diversified (commercially & geographically) market segments with start-ups that are desperate for finance, appreciate the need for and indeed, actively welcome hands-on management in the crucial initial stages, and have an abundance of human resource willing to work for almost nothing just for the training.

The Chinese recognise they’re going to need their own ‘China’ in 20 years and have already started exporting the technology and facility in order to support their increasing domestic affluence in the medium to long term.

I Billion Chinese can't be wrong about 1 Billion Africans.

Fancy giving it back. Morons.

when you analyse the next 50 years most western economies are in a frightening state

Archaic cultures with delusions of continued Economic Grandeur and Global Status...

Increasing numbers of old farts needing financial support,welfare and hospital care

Less youngsters being born

Less people working or even understanding the concept (all sitting on twatter mainly)

boy are they (we) in for a shock from the new worlds ;)

UK Government skids on pasty and does another U-turn scrapping plans to cap tax relief on donations to charity.
Direct recapitalisation of EZ banks directly from ESM has no framework, basis or legality.

So they’ll have to find another route.

Hey, how about LTROs. That might work?
Eire. Less than 10% turn-out so far in Fiscal Pact vote. Perhaps they're just late risers.
German 10-yr falls below 1.25%. It's getting boring all these 'lowest ever' levels being hit.
You heard it here first: De-Euroisation. Somebody just said that to me over the phone. Not sure why as I was ordering radioactive materials. Maybe they said de-ionisation? Who cares. As long as it sizzles...
Faecesbook has dropped below even the lower band initially proposed ($28 to $35) for the stock's launch. It was just a few days before the May 18 launch that it was decided to increase stock to be made available by 25% and hike the launch level $3 higher the originally estimated upper level.

The boy done good though. $16bn raised. Not a bad day’s work (well, that probably depends which side you’re on I guess).

If the stock ever trades at $38 again I am informed the company is to be re-branded as Lazarus Enterprises.
CVR Energy is picking up some quiet traffic. Nothing obvious as to why, but there’s definite interest.
Germany’s government will propose that all high-frequency traders, including those trading for their own account, will be classified as financial services and securities services firms and therefore must be registered with Germany’s financial regulator.

High-frequency traders must also inform the regulator of their algorithmic trades and strategies…

That will go down well.
If the Euro does collapse it’ll be a nightmare. Do you realise how many screens and charts and sh!t will have to be changed back? I’ll be up all night.
Germany’s government will propose that all high-frequency traders, including those trading for their own account, will be classified as financial services and securities services firms and therefore must be registered with Germany’s financial regulator.

High-frequency traders must also inform the regulator of their algorithmic trades and strategies…

That will go down well.

That should help Frankfurt become a ghost town...
Syriza lead increasing in latest Greek poll. Don’t know why they’re getting involved in Greece when they’ve got enough problems with all the massacres and stuff in their own country.