TheBramble's Random Squawk

“Solution to EU financial issues must start with the idea that you can't repeal the laws of economics. Even if they are inconvenient”. - Lucas Papademos ‏. Ex governor of the Bank of Greece, ex Vice President of the ECB and ex Prime Minister of Greece.

Repeal? ‘Understand’ would be a good start. ‘Not ignore’ would come next.
Re: Pasty Tax

Huzzah!!! The UK Governement is to reverse it's budget ruling on applying tax to warm pasties.

##Forget Greggs. Buy Philps pasties of Hayle (near Penzance) - the best,(y)
China cleaning up its act?

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) approved more than 100 projects on May 21 alone, mostly in clean energy sectors. Tis is a significant increase on approval rates for such projects and underlines China’s infrastructure upgrades as part of stimulating the domestic economy. What is also telling is that previously state-controlled monopolies are giving way to private investment.

While China will ensure local resource and materiel are utilised to the maximum, they will be looking to spend some of their surplus on imported expertise and consultancy.

edit: Although all of the above is now being denied according to different unofficial sources.

When doing business in China it is worth remebering a nod does not necessarily mean Yes, the word Yes, does not even necessarily mean yes and a smile does not necessarily mean I like you or I am happy. Doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't either.
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OEKB the Austrian financial services insurer, information and service provider to capital markets has closed the door to all Greece related products or services.

“The current developments in Greece give rise to the danger of non-payment. Therefore, new deliveries to or services for Greek contractual partners are no longer covered at this time.”
JP Morgan sell off $25 billion in profitable securities to lift EPS by 16 cents. Investors surely realise cutting profitable investments to subsidise less successful ones (think London, think large water borne mammal), paying tax on the gains in the process and being unlikely to find investments with anything like a similar performance for the residual sale proceeds is not a viable long term strategy.
Spain Retails sales down around 10% YoY. Not sure that’s news really.

But another post – another $0.81 into my t2w post-click account.
Not only are wages rising in China, they are also diverging. Public & state workers’ salaries increased by 8.5% in 2011 while private sector workers increased by 12.3%. One of the reasons that almost one quarter of EU companies currently having operations in China are planning on relocating them to SE Asia and/or S. America.

ISTR a theory which had the financial locus of power moving Westward on an approximate 50-year cycle.

So with SE Asia unlikely to be too far behind China in terms of growth and all the developments that endows, and the S. Americas already starting to lose their lustre, I’d cut out the middleman and head straight to Africa. Tanzania and Nigeria are going to be key. By 2030 there will be as many Nigerians as there are Americans today. Think of all those lotteries….
Moody's have downgraded the Northern Italy Earthquake from a 6.0 to 5.8.

This recession touches everything...
“Spain doesn't need EU help for its banks” - Garcia-Legaz (dep. Trade Minister).

For those who don’t speak Castilian, a rough translation “Spain will shortly request financial aid from the EU for its banking sector”.
Not only are wages rising in China, they are also diverging. Public & state workers’ salaries increased by 8.5% in 2011 while private sector workers increased by 12.3%. One of the reasons that almost one quarter of EU companies currently having operations in China are planning on relocating them to SE Asia and/or S. America.

ISTR a theory which had the financial locus of power moving Westward on an approximate 50-year cycle.

So with SE Asia unlikely to be too far behind China in terms of growth and all the developments that endows, and the S. Americas already starting to lose their lustre, I’d cut out the middleman and head straight to Africa. Tanzania and Nigeria are going to be key. By 2030 there will be as many Nigerians as there are Americans today. Think of all those lotteries….[/QUOTE.]

.........and accounting students...
Not only are wages rising in China, they are also diverging. Public & state workers’ salaries increased by 8.5% in 2011 while private sector workers increased by 12.3%. One of the reasons that almost one quarter of EU companies currently having operations in China are planning on relocating them to SE Asia and/or S. America. ISTR a theory which had the financial locus of power moving Westward on an approximate 50-year cycle.

So with SE Asia unlikely to be too far behind China in terms of growth and all the developments that endows, and the S. Americas already starting to lose their lustre, I’d cut out the middleman and head straight to Africa. Tanzania and Nigeria are going to be key. By 2030 there will be as many Nigerians as there are Americans today. Think of all those lotteries….

dont give them ideas B....i'm on my 5th Blue chip corporate and was hoping for some work to finally come back to the UK in my current one !
dont give them ideas B....i'm on my 5th Blue chip corporate and was hoping for some work to finally come back to the UK in my current one !

Well, if the 50-year cycle thingy is correct, your hopes should be realised in just over 100 years from now.

You're not planning on retiring early?
Well, if the 50-year cycle thingy is correct, your hopes should be realised in just over 100 years from now.

You're not planning on retiring early?

Nope..... that would mean spending time with the wife and mother in law...give me work anyway ;)
“Spain doesn't need EU help for its banks” - Garcia-Legaz (dep. Trade Minister).

For those who don’t speak Castilian, a rough translation “Spain will shortly request financial aid from the EU for its banking sector”.
Lmao, youve just made my day with that one! :LOL:
Swissy 3mth Bills selling at -0.62%. Yes, you read that right - negative yield. Jordan says "We don't want your fuggin money...". He's got his hands full with a bit of pressure on his EURCHF floor. Bless.
CBRT (Turkish Central Bank) has maintained the o/n rate at 11.5 % AND increased the foreign currency amounts Turkish banks are allowed to keep as part of their required reserves.

Hello, we’re over here! Come park your money with us…
Morning roundup

Neither Spain nor Bankia itself need any EU assistance. This morning anyway.

Greece will not exit the EZ/EU within the next 2 months. Unless there’s a ‘U’, ‘E’ or ‘A’ in the month.

FB Options start trading. Options on the technical hitch with FB options trading are already trading. After an initial hitch.

China plans large stimulus package.

China not planning any large stimulus package.

Switzerland doesn’t want your money.

Turkey want$ your money.

JP Morgan sell the Goose. Get your Golden Eggs while they’re hot.

Austrian financial insurance giant OEKB will not handle Greek related transaction or insurances. Greeks retaliate by cancelling all their ski holidays, which are insured with OEKB.
In retaliation for the mass expulsion of Syrian diplomatic staff from a number of countries today, Assad is going to kill a few more of his people. I just wonder what he's going to have to do for me to stop thinking his wife is a real cutie.