Allow me to point something out, as I was just listening to the Anonymous 4 (beautiful stuff, really) and remembered something I'd realized a long time ago.
The reason there are "Holy" languages, from a social POV, is really stunningly simple: it unites all believers in the religion together.
Hebrew unites the Jews, it's no accident that Hebrew was revived by the early Zionists.
Arabic unites the Muslims.
Latin used to unite the Christians, until the Reformation, and even the Catholic Church finally decided to do their masses in the "vulgar" languages. The problem with the "vulgar" languages is shown by the hundreds of sects into which Christianity has since divided itself. In the South of the US, there's even a cult that swears by the handling of snakes, because of some passage or other somewhere in the Bible.
This was the reason Catholicism insisted on a single interpretation of the Bible handled by priests, because if you let the unwashed in they'd interpret whatever they felt like however they felt like.
They were, evidently, quite right about that.
Plain English. Yeesh.
Well, actually, that's a tribute to the translators King James hired: English, allegedly, is the only language outside the original that captures the Bible's poetry. Every time you marvel in its clarity, remember, it's because the translation was done so well.
I have to say, this is the dumbest and funniest comment on this thread.

Plain ENGLISH ??? The BIBLE ??? I would be interested how you find plain English in a set of books written in Hebrew/Greek.

You do realise that the story is set in the Middle East, right ? That Jerusalem isn't on the A3 just up from Petersfield ?

'How people spoke back then' may have been many thing, for sure, it wasn't English.

The mind boggles.


I'm beginning to think options is just taking the mick.
No-one can post the stuff he has on this thread and be serious.
Goodness only knows what he posts on the other threads in his little world of the "TRUTH".
im more inclined to think that his accounts been hacked!
Im sure he used to be normal back in the day, unless of course, the markets have driven him completely insane? Stranger things have happened....
I'm loathe to make any personal attacks on him and this is not intended as such, but imho he is not behaving rationally either in a secular or a religious context.
Newly born-again extremist sect members often behave in a similar way, but often implode psychologically before too long.
I sincerely hope options becomes more rational, whether he maintains his religious beliefs or not.
He is certainly not the options I respected.
Great shame.
Last edited:

Is the grammar wrong?
How would you have put it?

OK, I'll spell it out. The prophet bit refers to your prediction that "you will probably accuse me of being full of it too."

The grammar bit was a cheap shot at the irony of someone writing

"Your brains are NOT at same level as mine is."
instead of
You brain is not at the same level as mine (or strictly speaking "functioning at the same level, since you could be 7 feet 2.)
I'm loathe to make any personal attacks on him and this is not intended as such, but imho he is not behaving rationally either in a secular or a religious context.
Newly born-again extremist sect members often behave in a similar way, but often implode psychologically before too long.
I sincerely hope options becomes more rational, whether he maintaines his religious beliefs or not.
He is certainly not the options I respected.
Great shame.


Wednesday 10 February
9:00pm - 10:00pm

This looks like one of those Horizon films that set out to insert a Magimix into our grey matter and whisk thoroughly. No previews were available and details were sketchy, but we're promised a loving look at one of the most bewildering ideas in mathematics, the concept of infinity. There's a famous Albert Einstein quote where he jokes that "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." Your own personal blend of intelligence and stupidity may struggle at times with some of the concepts here, such as the notion that mathematicians maintain there are infinitely many infinities, each one infinitely bigger than the last. Feeling light-headed yet? We can be sure Horizon will do its best to unravel these ideas with its usual elegance. And it's a safe bet that at some point a man with glasses and a blackboard full of equations behind him will evoke the great Buzz Lightyear and his heroic, mathematically challenged cry of "To infinity - and beyond...".

If anybody is interested...
Hey Atilla,
I just started to watch Horizon but stopped because it's so dumbed down. It's not the program it used to be.
Hey Atilla,
I just started to watch Horizon but stopped because it's so dumbed down. It's not the program it used to be.

I'm still watching...

Stick with it there are one or two interesting statements...

I'm trying to fathom it all.

Infinite v Finite

Puts man in perspective I reckon... :whistling
God does it because he can. that's it. like all people when the get power.
Correct! especially when a person/people who abuse their power over another human!

Like if the way to heaven is so narrow, and only a few will reach it, then he must have known at the time of creating people that he's sending them to hell. but he did it anyway.
Why would you build a 5 lane motorway/highway when you already know the traffic will be so low that ONE lane is more than enough for the job?

Like when he wanted the Pharoah to release the israelites, but at the same time kept heardening Pharoah's heart, so pharoah would keep saying no. why didn't he just STOP heardening pharoah's heart and then errr they'd be free in no time?
Firstly they were NOT ISRAELITES they were slaves against their wishes and were treated worse than the animals!

Secondly, the Pharaohs' heart was already hard because the slaves were humans and were treated badly and discarded when they became old old sick and left to die with no food or water in the heat! So God in his wisdom hardened the Pharaohs' heart to make the Pharaoh do something he will regret! (do you want me to tell you what it was?)

THIRDLY, the exodus of the slaves had to happen at the correct month of the year! and NOT ONE WEEK before! (would you like me to educate you or would you prefer to do your own research or stay ignorant?)

Because god wanted to wreck a country and kill a bunch of people just to make a point, even though he could have avoided it.
Fourthly, God gave him many years to USE his POWER correctly with the SLAVES but the Pharaoh believed in a GOD called BAAL and the GOD of Abraham destroyed the Pharaoh and BAAL and their power at Yahweh's own time! The God of Abraham works in perfect timing and ALL his actions are JUST!

5thly, think before you answer ANY of my posts in future. Because you don't want to make an ass of yourself again Mr Cloudy do you?
So where was he during the Haiti earthquake that killed 200,000+ innocent people ?
He was watching, he sees all things and gets blamed for it.

And since he is "creater of life and world" why did he do it ?
Where's the evidence YAHWEH GOD of Abraham did it? This is your opinion.

Was the bible really written by Jackanory in order to create lies for power ?

Even back then they were writting childrens books. Sad part is all this time has past and we still have soft heads that fall for the same brain washing tricks.
That's your opinion and your entitled to an opinion.

Sorry to offend anyone but the bible aint anymore true than harry potter.
Again, that's your opinion and cant prove your comments.

6 billion people on the face of the planet and no one has saw this dude, got a photo of this dude or heard this dude. But yet we think that there is some nut-job floating in the sky that rules the world and everything we do.
Many people have NOT seen GOD but have seen his creation that science cannot re-produce or has the ability to create anything GOD has created. Can science/man create a chicken or cat?
Some people don't need to be convinced there is a GOD! Just a little look into the sky on clear night is all they need to believe in GOD.

How come people can belive in this stuff which is clearly pants! but no one belives M-jackson is living it up on some island with Elvis 😉
How come people can see the stars at night and cant figure out who controls them.
You have not been here ONE month yet and you have started on wrong foot. If I were you I would register again and step on right foot. You wont get any help here from those that are successful at trading with a wrong attitude. Remember I been here much longer than you have so wise up young man!
Allow me to point something out, as I was just listening to the Anonymous 4 (beautiful stuff, really) and remembered something I'd realized a long time ago.
The reason there are "Holy" languages, from a social POV, is really stunningly simple: it unites all believers in the religion together.
Hebrew unites the Jews, it's no accident that Hebrew was revived by the early Zionists.
Arabic unites the Muslims.
Latin used to unite the Christians, until the Reformation, and even the Catholic Church finally decided to do their masses in the "vulgar" languages. The problem with the "vulgar" languages is shown by the hundreds of sects into which Christianity has since divided itself. In the South of the US, there's even a cult that swears by the handling of snakes, because of some passage or other somewhere in the Bible.
This was the reason Catholicism insisted on a single interpretation of the Bible handled by priests, because if you let the unwashed in they'd interpret whatever they felt like however they felt like.
They were, evidently, quite right about that.
Plain English. Yeesh.
Well, actually, that's a tribute to the translators King James hired: English, allegedly, is the only language outside the original that captures the Bible's poetry. Every time you marvel in its clarity, remember, it's because the translation was done so well.

"This was the reason Catholicism insisted on a single interpretation of the Bible handled by priests, because if you let the unwashed in they'd interpret whatever they felt like however they felt like.
They were, evidently, quite right about that."

I will show how the Catholic head (POPE) put in his MARK and LAW to the Catholics first and then to the WHOLE WORLD. This was made in DEFIANCE TO GODS' WORD AND WARNINGS. Many people accepted this NEW LAW and were made to believe it was God's plan and NOT the Devils' plan hence the MARK of the BEAST. Because SATAN made/controlled the POPE to do it.
This WEEKEND I will be revealing the MARK of the BEAST here at T2W.
I'm loathe to make any personal attacks on him and this is not intended as such, but imho he is not behaving rationally either in a secular or a religious context.
Newly born-again extremist sect members often behave in a similar way, but often implode psychologically before too long.
I sincerely hope options becomes more rational, whether he maintains his religious beliefs or not.
He is certainly not the options I respected.
Great shame.

What do you mean I'm not the same Options you once knew?
I just happen to be a lot wiser now. I can think for myself, do not follow the mob like sheep would do. So what's the great shame? I'm certainly wiser now than most here.
I have strength of wisdom and strength of character to find the truth, try to disprove it however I can, and be left with only one answer.
It's you that people should be worried for. You were once apart from the mob, yet now have become one of the sheep. You used to stand above others of more simple brains and just get on with it. Now my words appear to have struck a chord of conciousness within you.
Nobody really CARES about anything you REALLY have to SAY about God. Any INTELLIGENT person will appreciate that a FORUM comprising mostly of SALESMAN and BULL****TERS is an ideal HABITAT for a religious NUT.
Arabian thread

Anyone reckon Iran might send a human into space tomorrow?

The above is a thread by Arabian in the GENERAL TRADING SECTION.
If that thread was started by me. In the trading section would you attack me? If I put my threads next to Arabian about GOD, would you attack by saying my threads are not trading related. Are you guys going to get Arabian thread moved to correct location or NOT is my question.
Re: Arabian thread

Anyone reckon Iran might send a human into space tomorrow?

The above is a thread by Arabian in the GENERAL TRADING SECTION.
If that thread was started by me. In the trading section would you attack me? If I put my threads next to Arabian about GOD, would you attack by saying my threads are not trading related. Are you guys going to get Arabian thread moved to correct location or NOT is my question.

Yes I would.
Re: Arabian thread

The above is a thread by Arabian in the GENERAL TRADING SECTION.

Thats a very fair point, either Mr Arabian made a genuine mistake, and the moderators have not yet got around to dealing with it, or perhaps the hidden secret adgenda is still active. Time will tell
Re: Arabian thread

Thats a very fair point, either Mr Arabian made a genuine mistake, and the moderators have not yet got around to dealing with it, or perhaps the hidden secret adgenda is still active. Time will tell

He made a market didn't he?

If someone can lay me at 500-1 before midnight I'll take it. Conditions of bet are human sent into space before EOD 12 Feb Iranian time.

EDIT: Yes, he did.
Re: Arabian thread

He made a market didn't he?

Yes, but you could argue that circumvention of the rules, by simply adding a wager to posts that posibly belong in the foyer sets an unwelcome precendant.

You know how fond I am of the T2W rule book.
Re: Arabian thread

Yes, but you could argue that circumvention of the rules, by simply adding a wager to posts that posibly belong in the foyer sets an unwelcome precendant.

Well lets offer Options the opportunity to make a market on the extistence of God and see how far he gets.


just banter