I USED to think like this. I remember saying to my teacher in school many years ago that I considered the 'Bible' to something akin to an early Ian Fleming.
But the Bible is a book of predictions also. Not in the vein of say Nostradamus. But more or less in plain English given how people spoke back then. ALL of those predictions written about before the event have come true. Without exception!
How do you explain that?

Curve fitting, confirmation bias & representativeness 👍

Serious answer. Heuristics baby - it's not actually your fault you make these leaps of faith. Humans are wired to not think to much but to react using minimal logic. It's a survival feature.

With 2000 years since the publication of the book & all of the so called predictions being very loosely interpreted, you are bound to be able to fit history to the bible.

On the other hand - if you can tell me what's for breakfast tomorrow, I may decide to sleep in.
Question for you. Have you ever read the bible?

The bible shows that God does communicate with man, from the beginning of the book to the end.

Do yourself a favour. Pick up the bible, start at the new testament and read the first four books, it isn't that much to read, but before you start do this if you dare. Just say God I don't believe in you but if you do exist and if this is your word please reveal yourself to me. If you do this with an open heart and open mind, read it God will reveal himself.

Question is really do you have the guts to do this honestly, or would you be too afraid that God will reveal himself and prove all your current views to be false. God doesn't push himself on us, he wants us to seek him. So do it with an open heart and mind.

I sincerely hope you and anyone else reading this to take up this challenge, if not then you obviously don't care about any truth you may find. In that case just stop following these threads and let people that do care about the subject get on with it.

I did read the first part of the NT and the truth is jesus isn't as nice as people make out, he's pretty sarcastic and full of himself.

He was also a racist as well. there was a syrian woman who came to him asking for healing and he basically told her to get lost since she wasn't a jew, and also called her a dog. he did help her in the end but only because she started to kick up a fuss, so that was probably just to make her go away.
But the Bible is a book of predictions also. Not in the vein of say Nostradamus. But more or less in plain English given how people spoke back then. ALL of those predictions written about before the event have come true. Without exception!
How do you explain that?

It's easy to explain. It doesn't stand up to any scrutiny. Since most of the predictions had no deadline, the ones that have already supposedly been broken are then just reinterpreted, with lines like:

"It is a misunderstanding that Jesus meant Caiphas."

"Preterists claim these verses are metaphorical"

"the Greek word nazaret does not mean Nazarene but is related to the Hebrew word netzer which can be translated branch"

Whereas other ones with no deadline can never be shown to be false - "Damascus will be a heap of ruins". Well it's still going strong...
"Whereas other ones with no deadline can never be shown to be false - "Damascus will be a heap of ruins". Well it's still going strong... "

Well for the moment, until the next President of the US, Jeb Bush, decides to nuke it in the cause of world peace. And then the prediction will be TRUE !!!! which PROVES !!!! everything in the "BIBLE" !!!! is TRUE !!!! especially options' FACTS !!!!
I did read the first part of the NT and the truth is jesus isn't as nice as people make out, he's pretty sarcastic and full of himself.

He was also a racist as well. there was a syrian woman who came to him asking for healing and he basically told her to get lost since she wasn't a jew, and also called her a dog. he did help her in the end but only because she started to kick up a fuss, so that was probably just to make her go away.

Sorry, I am not a great reader of either testament. Would you give chapter and verse, please? I bet it, as almost everything, cannot be substantiated.
Sorry, I am not a great reader of either testament. Would you give chapter and verse, please? I bet it, as almost everything, cannot be substantiated.

Matthew 15:21-28 (New International Version)

21Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession."

23Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

24He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

25The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said.

26He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."

27"Yes, Lord," she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."

28Then Jesus answered, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
You know Cloud, that all the religious lot are going to say is that this is because Jesus was born a man, even though he was the son of God and inherited original sin, etc, etc to mitigate for this appalling and nicely recorded behaviour.

Having been forced through a catholic education which relied upon fear and guilt to oppress and indoctrinate religious views, I have no doubt that God does not exist.
Toast maybe it's time, as some have suggested, to move your thread into the section that is already grouped as The TRUTH. It will make it easier to find the sections and stop people complaining about taking up a lot of space on the internet and the boards.

There was a 300yr period between the old and new testament when God decided to withdraw the HOLY Spirit from EARTH and leave the priests to run the show without a prophet or his (Gods) help.
The books are Known as the Apocrypha and they are also in the Catholic Bible. Much of the Catholic Church teaching is based from those ideas taken from those books which also includes the MACCABEES times. They make good reading but sadly they are NOT inspired by Gods' Holy Spirit and there was NO prophet during that time. God had NOTHING to do with the contents of those books. Satan played a big part in those books and grabbed his opportunity to defile those books. God allowed this and maybe that was his plan to allow Satan in and put his mark on scriptures in order to deceive people. The Catholic people are blind to these facts and they don't seem to be bothered about it.
In same way God allows Satan to perform miracles and healing do deceive. The ELECT are the ones that are able to tell the difference between Gods' and Satans' work in those miracles.

The Jews chose to ignore some chapters written by Isaiah. The choice was from their own leaders and totally against Gods word. These are chapters Isa 7, chapt 9 and the most important one is Chapter 53.
They are also not interested in Psalms 22 and 109 by the old testament prophet David; again at the directions of their leaders.
The Catholics are in same boat as the JEWS on rejection of Gods' word but on much higher and serious level. Because there are warnings are in the New Testament (which they claim is also for them) and because the warnings came from the mouth of JESUS himself!
In my threads you will see what those warnings are and I also give Chapters and verses from the Holy Bible.

Now you ask for evidence about what's for your breakfast tomorrow or next week's mrkts. I have given predictions in my thread "Present & Future" that came true a few days later but only one person spotted it. (I gave many accurate details and ALL came true.)
I will show very soon in my thread real science/material evidence and photo evidence by world expert Archaeologists on their discoveries in the bed of the RED SEA and the evidence of the exodus by Moses and Gods people is now confirmed as TRUE. The evidence is still there today and world leaders know about it but choose to keep the evidence from people because of political reasons between Saudi and Egypt and on Mt Sinai.
I will also show evidence about JESUS that only the ELECT and world leaders know. The evidence will blow away the atheists & sceptics into oblivion.
Mr Toast could you plz ask for your thread to be moved into the "TRUTH" section.
As soon as this thread is moved I will continue with my revelations/evidence on "TRUTH"

Thank you all for visiting and posting your comments.

The Jews chose to ignore some chapters written by Isaiah. The choice was from their own leaders and totally against Gods word. These are chapters Isa 7, chapt 9 and the most important one is Chapter 53.
They are also not interested in Psalms 22 and 109 by the old testament prophet David; again at the directions of their leaders.
The Catholics are in same boat as the JEWS on rejection of Gods' word but on much higher and serious level.

That's the point though. The Jews and the Catholics would say that you've ignored various bits and that's god's word. You can't derive god's word by picking and choosing various bits and then say the other bits are against god's word.
The Syrophoenician Woman in Mark 7:25-30/Matthew 15:21-28

Marks' Text.

The Syrophoenician woman pericope is found in Mark 7:25-30 and paralleled in Matthew 15:21-28. Marks' version of the story reads:

(A) woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about (Jesus), and came and fell down at his feet. The woman was a Greek, by race a Phoenician from Syria. And she started asking him to drive the demon out of her daughter. He responded to her like this: "Let the children first be fed, since it isn't good to take bread out of children's mouths and throw it to the dogs! [kynaria]" But as a rejoinder she says to him: "Sir, even the dogs under the table get to eat scraps dropped by children!" Then he said to her: "For that retort, be on your way, the demon has come out of your daughter." She returned home and found the child lying on the bed and the demon gone (Mk. 7:25-30).

Many would say Jesus is full of it because he healed the girl without seeing her, That confidence in Jesus is something people don't like. The Jews never like to talk about his healings because they too think of him in same way.

If I was to turn £100 into £5000 in one day on forex you would also say I'm full of it.
Jesus mission on Earth was NOT to heal or feed the people or to change the way Israel was run. He came to REVEAL the TRUTH and about SALVATION for mankind!
Jesus was against the leaders and was NOT afraid to call them HYPOCRITES. The leaders TOOK OFFENCE TO JESUS AND wanted to destroy HIM & the truth within him. They warned people to keep away from Jesus because he works miracles by the power of SATAN.
Jesus warned people NOT to tell anybody who healed them because he knew this would bring them trouble from the church leaders.
Now, you know why Jesus was sometime reluctant to help people. Your brains are NOT at same level as mine is.
Now you will probably accuse me of being full of it too.
"Your brains are NOT at same level as mine is."

What does a statement like that tell you about the writer.................?
Can I get this clear:

Both Jesus and Satan are able to perform miracles ?

You previously stated that Jesus is more powerful than Satan but the evidence to date would suggest the opposite if what you say is true. According to you almost everyone everywhere has been deceived and as such virtually no-one will be saved. This would indicate that the strategy being used by Satan is so successful that it was almost pointless Jesus even coming here.

You have also stated that Satan (which actually means "adversary"), is more intelligent than all humans and that he will be defeated in the final battle. As he already knows this then why would he continue on the same path ? What would happen if he changed his mind and repented ?

Now I am obviously not as clever as Satan but if my creator had told me what was going to happen and that I was doomed in whatever I tried to do then I would not continue with my plan that I know is going to fail so why does he ?

It is also clear from your posts that only the intelligent can be saved because the level of intellectual capability to be able to discern truth from deception is not possible for your average Daily Mail reader.

Basically you are implying that there is little or no hope for the whole World population which is something that does not make any sense for a God that has eternal love for his creation.

"Your brains are NOT at same level as mine is."

What does a statement like that tell you about the writer.................?

Again. Meaning?

What does a statement like that tell you about the writer.................?

Mr Charts.

It tells you the following:

1. I speak the TRUTH!

2. I'm NOT afraid to speak the TRUTH (like Jesus)

Why do you continue replying to my posts and make childish like comments and continue to embarrass yourself again and again?
Can I get this clear:

Both Jesus and Satan are able to perform miracles ?

You previously stated that Jesus is more powerful than Satan but the evidence to date would suggest the opposite if what you say is true. According to you almost everyone everywhere has been deceived and as such virtually no-one will be saved. This would indicate that the strategy being used by Satan is so successful that it was almost pointless Jesus even coming here.

You have also stated that Satan (which actually means "adversary"), is more intelligent than all humans and that he will be defeated in the final battle. As he already knows this then why would he continue on the same path ? What would happen if he changed his mind and repented ?

Now I am obviously not as clever as Satan but if my creator had told me what was going to happen and that I was doomed in whatever I tried to do then I would not continue with my plan that I know is going to fail so why does he ?

It is also clear from your posts that only the intelligent can be saved because the level of intellectual capability to be able to discern truth from deception is not possible for your average Daily Mail reader.

Basically you are implying that there is little or no hope for the whole World population which is something that does not make any sense for a God that has eternal love for his creation.



I've answered this post on the Mark of the Beast thread.
Basically you are implying that there is little or no hope for the whole World population which is something that does not make any sense for a God that has eternal love for his creation.


God does it because he can. that's it. like all people when the get power.

Like if the way to heaven is so narrow, and only a few will reach it, then he must have known at the time of creating people that he's sending them to hell. but he did it anyway.

Like when he wanted the Pharoah to release the israelites, but at the same time kept heardening Pharoah's heart, so pharoah would keep saying no. why didn't he just STOP heardening pharoah's heart and then errr they'd be free in no time?

Because god wanted to wreck a country and kill a bunch of people just to make a point, even though he could have avoided it.
So where was he during the Haiti earthquake that killed 200,000+ innocent people ?

And since he is "creater of life and world" why did he do it ?

Was the bible really written by Jackanory in order to create lies for power ?

Even back then they were writting childrens books. Sad part is all this time has past and we still have soft heads that fall for the same brain washing tricks.

Sorry to offend anyone but the bible aint anymore true than harry potter.

6 billion people on the face of the planet and no one has saw this dude, got a photo of this dude or heard this dude. But yet we think that there is some nut-job floating in the sky that rules the world and everything we do.

How come people can belive in this stuff which is clearly pants! but no one belives M-jackson is living it up on some island with Elvis 😉
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I USED to think like this. I remember saying to my teacher in school many years ago that I considered the 'Bible' to something akin to an early Ian Fleming.
But the Bible is a book of predictions also. Not in the vein of say Nostradamus. But more or less in plain English given how people spoke back then.

I have to say, this is the dumbest and funniest comment on this thread.

Plain ENGLISH ??? The BIBLE ??? I would be interested how you find plain English in a set of books written in Hebrew/Greek.

You do realise that the story is set in the Middle East, right ? That Jerusalem isn't on the A3 just up from Petersfield ?

'How people spoke back then' may have been many thing, for sure, it wasn't English.

The mind boggles.