The people running this board are quite astounded by the info I have posted in my thread "Present and Future"

Wow........now that is really stretching credulity.

Your "info" isn't information, it's speculation and evangelical sensationalism.

I had thought the private area would not appear on the new posts section as more multi-thread mania.
Like DT I really don't think the title "THE TRUTH" does t2w any credit with new visitors.
Exactly the opposite. Sorry t2w, but it's a self-inflicted wound.
Perhaps "Religious corner" would have been more appropriate; a sort of Hyde Park Corner soap box.
Maybe the board should be renamed, "TRUTH2 win"
The people running this board are quite astounded by the info I have posted in my thread "Present and Future"

Wow........now that is really stretching credulity.

Your "info" isn't information, it's speculation and evangelical sensationalism.

Wrong! Forget what YOU think or what YOU want to 'blanket' over. This is 'FACT!' There are people who don't know they are, and have been lied to over their faith for many years. The facts are being unfolded for them to make their own minds up.
How many people knew the ten commandments had been changed by a man!
Who are YOU to say what I can and can't post?

Maybe you did know about the change, maybe a lot of other people do too and don't care. Maybe they don't realise the implications of this act against THEIR God.

I had thought the private area would not appear on the new posts section as more multi-thread mania. Yup. Me too! both wrong there aren't we!
Like DT I really don't think the title "THE TRUTH" does t2w any credit with new visitors.
Sorry. I didn't realise I had to run anything by you or toast before I posted. When did you and toast take over t2w? Now why did I choose 'The TRUTH' as the title. Let me think... mmm... Ah yeah. It's because it is! All backed by fact whether you or anyone else think otherwise.
I am not forcing anything on anyone. However they make their mind up is their right. Just the same right as you and toast have, to click on a link or not.

What even makes you think you have a 'right' to comment on any of my posts or the posts of anyone come to that. Oh, free speech.
Well I have those same rights too.

Exactly the opposite. Sorry t2w, but it's a self-inflicted wound.
Perhaps "Religious corner" would have been more appropriate; a sort of Hyde Park Corner soap box.
I have told you before. It is not about religion. It is about The TRUTH.

Maybe the board should be renamed, "TRUTH2 win"
Mr Charts.

You have to agree since SOCCO left this place the "TRUTH" about trading has vanished from the site completely. Many here post lots of drivel, garbish, foul words.... and this is the REAL cause of the damage and decline to the site and the fact that you have joined the MOB.
When Socco was here, you were a member of high standing and people looked up to you for advice and TRUTH on trading.
In-fact a friend told me (recently) Socrates is very amazed at your dramatic change in your personality/behaviour when he read the contents of your recent posts.

The "TRUTH" will set you free (says the good book)...
and my threads in the foyer.

You have to agree since SOCCO left this place the "TRUTH" about trading has vanished from the site completely.

That indeed is a TRUTH on which I'm certain all would agree, regardless of their beliefs.

Anyone who legitimately uses the site for banter, or social interaction is forced to a greater or lesser extent to adopt the attitude of the mob. Anyone who dares write anything approaching the truth is warned off, and subsequently banned.

You could argue that Mr Charts should face a ban like the rest of us, but then again, as a vendor, he may as well benefit from the situation. If I where in his position I'd probably do the same. Why fight a battle he cant win ?
I hope that, because I protested against DT's post, I am not considered to be a "nutter" by the non-believing community just because I have a different philosophy from them. My own views have been put forward on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, I have, always, considered everyone free to make his own opinions clear, providing they are put forward in a non-insulting way. The lack of the use epithets is not the only way that offence can be given. Making such remarks behind the façade of anonymity is easy. The lack of Christianity is very evident in the UK today and, although life has improved immensely since I was a boy, the decline of Christianity has resulted in a decline in the quality of our culture.

Other religions will take full advantage in filling the gap.

So, according to some and, really, there are very few such posters, believers are losers and cannot go through life without the support of God? I would suggest that there are thousands of sufferers who have, absolutely zero quality of life and who have little hope for the future. If they believe in God and a better world, give them that much, at least. You may say that the Church gives precious little but, still, they get that much.

What DT did was to try to trash those beliefs. I put it to him, as he is an American, what is his reaction to the burning and defiling of the nation's flag by protesters? Well, perhaps, I should not ask that question, considering to whom it is being put. A normal person, when something in which he believes and loves is insulted, feels a feeling of anger and frustration simply because, in our case, we cannot, adequately, reply in the way that we would like. That is why the enemies of the US do it.

What options writes is one set of opinions but there are many more ideas. I will not be a reader of "Truths" on a regular basis, anymore than I am of other threads, and I agree that a special platform should be set aside for such posts. This thread should be there, as well. Perhaps a better name could be with "philosphies" in the title as I see little proof of "truth" in it. It's a belief. Nothing else.

That is what I believe and I don't care what anyone thinks of me because of it.
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Oh, John, whatever happened to you? 🙁

Richard. I am still I.
Still a trader, still trading. In fact my trading is better now than it has been. No it's not from divine intervention.

My recent posts (away) from the main boards are different to my trading. The fact is I have found out that major lies are leading people away from where they should be; By the people they trust and turn to for help and guidance. Because they themselves have been fed lies.

There is a lot more to tell.

I don't think there is a great deal left to say about trading on here that we (The old 'uns) haven't covered before.

New people will still come on here, and rather than read through the site they will plough straight in with a question that they think hasn't been asked before or start a thread that they think is new. Or try to sell something, thinking that they too are the first to have the idea.

Even when you tell people how to trade, they still go off and try to find something else. They make it harder than it is. You know this.
Buy when market is going up, Sell when market is going down. That is the way to trade. It is that simple when broken down.
The variations people add to this is what makes it harder and a cesspool develops that hides the truth to trading, because of the fringe industry that has grown out of people seeking an easy ride. Trade ten minutes a day and make a fortune.
You know the amount of hard work that has to be put in to make even a half way decent trader. Few will ever have this commitment.

But the trading side and this other side of me that searches for the truth are totally different, Okay, there is some entwining but that is not for this post.

I post in the foyer because I can handle the truth. Some will not be able to.
It doesn't matter if you or others believe me. It matters that all the facts are laid out so that they can make their own minds up.
It is something that has to be told.
I have said I am just one messenger.
I hope that, because I protested against DT's post, I am not considered to be a "nutter" by the non-believing community just because I have a different philosophy from them. My own views have been put forward on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, I have, always, considered everyone free to make his own opinions clear, providing they are put forward in a non-insulting way. The lack of the use epithets is not the only way that offence can be given. Making such remarks behind the façade of anonymity is easy. The lack of Christianity is very evident in the UK today and, although life has improved immensely since I was a boy, the decline of Christianity has resulted in a decline in the quality of our culture.

Other religions will take full advantage in filling the gap.

So, according to some and, really, there are very few such posters, believers are losers and cannot go through life without the support of God? I would suggest that there are thousands of sufferers who have, absolutely zero quality of life and who have little hope for the future. If they believe in God and a better world, give them that much, at least. You may say that the Church gives precious little but, still, they get that much.

What DT did was to try to trash those beliefs. I put it to him, as he is an American, what is his reaction to the burning and defiling of the nation's flag by protesters? Well, perhaps, I should not ask that question, considering to whom it is being put. A normal person, when something in which he believes and loves is insulted, feels a feeling of anger and frustration simply because, in our case, we cannot, adequately, reply in the way that we would like. That is why the enemies of the US do it.

What options writes is one set of opinions but there are many more ideas. I will not be a reader of "Truths" on a regular basis, anymore than I am of other threads, and I agree that a special platform should be set aside for such posts. This thread should be there, as well. Perhaps a better name could be with "philosphies" in the title as I see little proof of "truth" in it. It's a belief. Nothing else.

That is what I believe and I don't care what anyone thinks of me because of it.

I agree that the weak and suffering take solace in religion. It is also a fact that religious evangelists prey on the weak and suffering - it is a good recruitment technique.

As for me being American - not so - that's the flag that the T2W software puts by my name and not my nationality or country of residence. You can burn whatever flag you want in my opinion because I don't worship such symbols.

Don't believe everything you read...

I am not anti-religion. I am anti-Options and people like him.
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Options - it is no surprise the 10 commandments were changed by man, the story was made up by man in the first place.

Obviously, something has happened in your life recently. I have seen this happen to people myself. I've seen religion replace the personality. I've not seen this occur within any of the mainstream churches, although I have seen it in some of the more 'culty' forms of Christianity.

I hope you get through it. I hope you get the help you needed before you went down this blind allweyway.
I agree that the weak and suffering take solace in religion. It is also a fact that religious evangelists prey on the weak and suffering - it is a good recruitment technique.

As for me being American - not so - that's the flag that the T2W software puts by my name and not my nationality or country of residence. You can burn whatever flag you want in my opinion because I don't worship such symbols.

Don't believe everything you read...

I am not anti-religion. I am anti-Options and people like him.

All right. Point taken and sorry for any mistakes.

options is not important. Most people do not follow that line.
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All right. Point taken and sorry for any mistakes.

options is not important. Most people do not follow that line.


Options had obviously found a web site where he's getting his info from. Perhaps cutting some of his stuff and pasting it in a google search would be more revealing of the truth than any of his actual posts :whistling

Of course, with the bible being such a lengthy book and Chrstianity existing in many forms, it is quite easy to find discrepancies and call yourself a revealer of truths.

I just call him a whackjob !
For someone that states they are against religion you seem dedicate time to following options threads and the threads that have spawned to complain or ridicule him, for no other purpose than pushing your views as you see them to be the truth in your eye's and usually in some way hurling insults.

Question for you. Have you ever read the bible?

The bible shows that God does communicate with man, from the beginning of the book to the end.

Do yourself a favour. Pick up the bible, start at the new testament and read the first four books, it isn't that much to read, but before you start do this if you dare. Just say God I don't believe in you but if you do exist and if this is your word please reveal yourself to me. If you do this with an open heart and open mind, read it God will reveal himself.

Question is really do you have the guts to do this honestly, or would you be too afraid that God will reveal himself and prove all your current views to be false. God doesn't push himself on us, he wants us to seek him. So do it with an open heart and mind.

I sincerely hope you and anyone else reading this to take up this challenge, if not then you obviously don't care about any truth you may find. In that case just stop following these threads and let people that do care about the subject get on with it.

On the point of the content of these threads Options clearly wants to share what he has learned, much of which still has not been revealed (hopefully he hurries up 😉) there will be points that many including myself will disagree on, but that is the essence of what should be discussed an example would be my post on the Black Pope thread. Now Options did post on the Present and Future thread a prediction and it seems to have happened, luck, coincidence, power, contacts, I don't know but I would like to find out!


Options had obviously found a web site where he's getting his info from. Perhaps cutting some of his stuff and pasting it in a google search would be more revealing of the truth than any of his actual posts :whistling

Of course, with the bible being such a lengthy book and Chrstianity existing in many forms, it is quite easy to find discrepancies and call yourself a revealer of truths.

I just call him a whackjob !
The bible is a work of fiction. Why would I read it ? I wouldn't read it any more that I would read the Koran.

It doesn't take guts to read the bible. It is not a challenge to read it. It is just a work of fiction and nothing more.

I find the idea that an omnipotent being put people on the earth to worship them absolutely ludicrous. That is very different to being enlightened enough to believe that one doesn't exist.

If I wanted to push my views on you, I would show you the origins of the bible, the stories that existed for 1000's of years before it's creation & on which it is based. As it is, I don't want to burst your bubble.
I figured this would pretty much be your response. If the bible is a book of fiction as you say and you are so sure you know its origins then what is the big deal, it only takes a few hours to read the books suggested and no it doesn't take guts to read the bible, it does take the guts to read it as I suggested. I mean imagine God did reveal himself to you, what would you do?

Just because you find the idea of an omnipotent being ludicrous doesn't mean there isn't one. But I figure you are the sort that has made up there minds that risking a few hours would just be a too greater cost.

The bible is a work of fiction. Why would I read it ? I wouldn't read it any more that I would read the Koran.

It doesn't take guts to read the bible. It is not a challenge to read it. It is just a work of fiction and nothing more.

I find the idea that an omnipotent being put people on the earth to worship them absolutely ludicrous. That is very different to being enlightened enough to believe that one doesn't exist.

If I wanted to push my views on you, I would show you the origins of the bible, the stories that existed for 1000's of years before it's creation & on which it is based. As it is, I don't want to burst your bubble.
Actually - I didn't say I found the idea of an omnipotent idea ridiculous.

The idea that an omnipotent being needs people to worship them is ridiculous. Religion is ridiculous regardless of whether there is an omnipotent being or not.

There is a difference.

Like I say - the bible is a creation of man. I would not waste my time on it.
I just went there to see. Think or Swim sponsors it?
Weird. As for the rest, well, maybe I'll have a little fun posting some stuff later on about the origins of some of this? I can't quite figure out why this is such a big deal. Standard internet nuttiness, far as I can tell. It's actually kind of interesting there's so little of it on this forum.
I figured this would pretty much be your response. If the bible is a book of fiction as you say and you are so sure you know its origins then what is the big deal, it only takes a few hours to read the books suggested and no it doesn't take guts to read the bible, it does take the guts to read it as I suggested. I mean imagine God did reveal himself to you, what would you do?

Just because you find the idea of an omnipotent being ludicrous doesn't mean there isn't one. But I figure you are the sort that has made up there minds that risking a few hours would just be a too greater cost.

Actually, what I said about options' version not being important is not right. It is important to him, just the same as all of us have our own view of the matter and which we believe is the correct version of what God is, or does. None of us knows and I am inclined to agree with DT, that the bible is a collection of parables told over the centuries, with embellishment as they go on. We must all do the best that our intelligence tells us.

However, trashing and insulting each others' ideas is not a solution.

I am surprised that this thread has not been put into "TRUTHS" by now.
Actually, what I said about options' version not being important is not right. It is important to him, just the same as all of us have our own view of the matter and which we believe is the correct version of what God is, or does. None of us knows and I am inclined to agree with DT, that the bible is a collection of parables told over the centuries, with embellishment as they go on. We must all do the best that our intelligence tells us.

However, trashing and insulting each others' ideas is not a solution.

I am surprised that this thread has not been put into "TRUTHS" by now.

"The bible is a work of fiction. Why would I read it ? I wouldn't read it any more that I would read the Koran."

"the bible is a collection of parables told over the centuries, with embellishment as they go on."

I USED to think like this. I remember saying to my teacher in school many years ago that I considered the 'Bible' to something akin to an early Ian Fleming.
But the Bible is a book of predictions also. Not in the vein of say Nostradamus. But more or less in plain English given how people spoke back then. ALL of those predictions written about before the event have come true. Without exception!
How do you explain that?
What about the predictions already laid down concerning our future and are yet to happen?
With a 100% hit rate so far, Surely he must strike out soon shouldn't he?

"If I wanted to push my views on you, I would show you the origins of the bible, the stories that existed for 1000's of years before it's creation & on which it is based. As it is, I don't want to burst your bubble."

"well, maybe I'll have a little fun posting some stuff later on about the origins of some of this?"

Toast and Benton. It's an open ended invite guys, come on in.
And Benton Sink or Swim are just sponsors of the area. Just a way to get their name 'out there'. They are not sponsoring my words... although they could be very appropriate sponsors after all.
Sink or swim,eh?
Just say God I don't believe in you but if you do exist and if this is your word please reveal yourself to me. If you do this with an open heart and open mind, read it God will reveal himself.

Question is really do you have the guts to do this honestly, or would you be too afraid that God will reveal himself and prove all your current views to be false. God doesn't push himself on us, he wants us to seek him. So do it with an open heart and mind.

This approach also works with miracles, reiki, dowsing, magic, fairies, ghosts, goblins, santa, etc etc.

The 'it only works if you believe' approach may seem relatively harmless, but in one solitary example it has been responsible for hundreds of deaths and millions of dollars wasted which could have saved and improved many lives. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/04/world/middleeast/04sensors.html?_r=2&ref=world
But the Bible is a book of predictions also. Not in the vein of say Nostradamus. But more or less in plain English given how people spoke back then. ALL of those predictions written about before the event have come true. Without exception!
How do you explain that?

That is your view that this is the case and the Jewish people do not believe that to be the case and neither do many other religions. It is only Christians that beleive this and then only some of them.

If it is all as simple as you are saying then why do we have literally hundreds of different versions of Christianity ?
Also there are a lot more writings than is included in the bible with many not being included because it did not fit with the storyline that it now currently is. Do you know who it was who decided to filter these down ? Why did they not include many of the other Jewish texts ?

These are important questions because the story would be very different if other books that are now not there were included.
