A new (lulz) high

In the last few years, these people have all left:

Mean reversion
Dash (although currently back)
Probably more I've forgotten.

All good posters in my view.
So why did they leave?
There is a common theme that is being ignored.
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In the last few years, these people have all left:

Mean reversion
Dash (although currently back)
Probably more I've forgotten.

All good posters in my view.
So why did they leave?
There is a common theme that is being ignored.

I think there's a fair chance some of these might have just left because they don't have time or got bored, but yeah, a lot of good posters have gone/been booted. GammaJammer, dc2000 (I don't understand it, but I like his Taylor stuff). Martinghoul rarely posts, although he recently returned. DBPhoenix pops by maybe once a year. BBMac is here but rarely posts. I also found TWI and lurkerlurker interesting.
Well I stopped trading (don't miss it), that's why I left*. Although I did stop enjoying the site long before that. Others can't post due to changing jobs (within trading).

I can't speak for others, but I stopped because I wasn't allowed to get away with the Lulz I wanted to. The Banter could be really good, and I tried to even my ratio out by making an effort in other posts. But, without the lulz, I found it to be a one-way thing, putting effort in and getting nothing out.

I suspect a similar thing will be true for other people, though. If your bright eyed and bushy tailed, this place can be entertaining. If you've been around the block a bit, the novelty wears off.

*Before you ask, I was just lolling about on the computer and dropped back in to see what was what. Then I got caught up in the long/short thing. That's why.
Well I stopped trading (don't miss it), that's why I left*. Although I did stop enjoying the site long before that. Others can't post due to changing jobs (within trading).

I can't speak for others, but I stopped because I wasn't allowed to get away with the Lulz I wanted to. The Banter could be really good, and I tried to even my ratio out by making an effort in other posts. But, without the lulz, I found it to be a one-way thing, putting effort in and getting nothing out.

I suspect a similar thing will be true for other people, though. If your bright eyed and bushy tailed, this place can be entertaining. If you've been around the block a bit, the novelty wears off.

*Before you ask, I was just lolling about on the computer and dropped back in to see what was what. Then I got caught up in the long/short thing. That's why.

Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in. - YouTube
Well, re-reading your post Steve,

"And you did this. You bitch and moan about why this person and that person was banned (who in all the cases I have investigated deserved it) and then proceed to hound someone out of office"

"You complain when new guidelines are introduced"

"Which way do you want it?"

Some of these apply to me, but this plural 'you' doesn't have one opinion or one thing that's wanted, so you can't expect it to. You are given suggestions, ultimately you choose, and some will be happy, others unhappy. You don't have to listen to the unhappy ones, but you also can't expect to pull the wool over their eyes.

Constructive criticism is apparently welcomed, but I don't have to look far back to see LM having to go on the defensive because he suggested mods be more proactive.

Fair point but you should also know that before this stuff blew up I opened a line of PM dialogue with LM, i'll not disclose how far that went because that's inappropriate but I tried.

I criticised BArjon for his handling of something, and apparently he was hounded out of office :|

It was not just that.

Aiming for the same things...I'd like good, interesting trading content, and a good atmosphere.

Spot on

So recently I see the site lose two educational/interesting members in the hare and Lee,

There's no need to vent about the Hare and I have already made my views known on this matter. Where Lee is concerned we dropped the ball. I have communicated with him and asked for another chance, he has declined. I think others would share my aim to get him back.

and also (perhaps) lose a good mod in Barjon. Yet you're venting only about Barjon, who is still here to post content whether he resigns as mod or not. The loss in trading content is where? Which are you angry about? Are you sure we are aiming for the same things?

Yes I am.