The Tornado Trading System

I asked in a post 'how many vendors read these boards and sell back to you what they pick up'?
Always ascribe the worst possible motives to people,that way you'll never be caught offguard.(Plus you'll usually be right)
John Bartlett

trendie said:
have taken delivery this evening of said Tornado.
( thankfully, no concrete blocks where radar should be )

it has a quaintness about it, that I enjoyed.
eg; spelling mistakes, unusual english ( "when the lines are diverging together" ), and dog barking in background. 🙂

nothing unique about it. but appears based on solid TA.
( the "range" idea I first came across at Jake bernstein seminar )

will review more thoroughly over weekend.

seems good value for money. another one to add to my growing collection.

Hi Trendie,

Well then, are you pleased with the Tornado system? Is it 'The Biz' can you recommend it?

Would really be interested in your comments.


Trading system

CONRAN said:

I received an e-mail a few days ago from T2W about The Tornado Trend Trading System. However when I type the title in the search on T2W web-site it can't find any matches. Has anyone heard about this system and if so, any comments would be appreciated.


Go to for full description but I cannot find the order form and don't know what it costs. Can you help. Any further comments on the system would be appreciated.
CONRAN said:

I received an e-mail a few days ago from T2W about The Tornado Trend Trading System. However when I type the title in the search on T2W web-site it can't find any matches. Has anyone heard about this system and if so, any comments would be appreciated.


Hi. I have researched many trading systems and have just started following

There are others out there which I also follow but markettiming seems to deliver better results

Good luck

Newbies out there please disregard anyone with less than 100 posts as they are likely to be selling a system and may not be what they appear to be.

Just my own opinion and I'm not always right.
