Gorillas, Collagen & the Internet
Hi folks. New member, first post
Not personally aware of the gorrilla trading scheme though
I do wonder if someone is trying to make a monkey out of me -
Jim Sheridan of CMS Publications mailed me this morning an offer to make £110,174 in 24 hours if I bought a video for £52 including shipping and VAT.
The video would show "very specific and exact ways to create multiple streams of 'auto-pilot' income as an Internet Deal Broker"
A bonus includes a free handbook(value £97) -
"How to make a living on E-Bay."
The deal includes 4 other bonus offers -
Internet Deal Broker software (worth £50)
£200 voucher for web site design
A foolish secret which could make you 100K in 3 months
+ a secret bonus (value £100)
in total value £447
with a"rock solid" money back guarantee" if returned within 28 days;
the whole deal sounding just too good to pass over.
When I started to check out CMS I found that their expertise is not limited to gorilla trading and Internet deal broking.
CMS Publications have been active in the medical arena
in the past marketing "Pure Collagen" :-
I copy from the following link-
Reading Trading Standards department objected to a direct mailing, for a business opportunity, that was headlined "... At last! A REAL Business With A Breakthrough Product For YOU To Cash In On The Next Craze!". It stated "... Pure collagen ... proved to be THE anti-ageing miracle of the day ... it's available in tablet form. Bye-bye surgery, hello huge profits for a few people! ... Its recently been PROVEN that Type II Pure collagen drastically reduces arthritis! Furthermore, if you combined pure collagen with ingredients such as Vitamin C and Aloe Vera, evidence suggests this might even CURE arthritis! It does this by actually replacing the lack of cartilage that leads to arthritis. Dr. Alex Duarte, O.D. Ph.D., specialist in arthritis studies states: ... Collagen type II contains glucosamine sulfate which has over 30 years of double-blind, placebo-controlled studies indicating that it actually helps to rebuild the cartilage in arthritis joints ... I'm offering you a chance to get on board and grant you the license to offer Col-Ease to the millions of people who desperately need it! ... You'll receive an operations manual ... a CD-ROM packed with ready-to-go adverts, flyers, web-site material, brochures, letters, testimonials ... I'm also giving you ?3,000 Worth Of Stock Absolutely FREE!! ... 3 packages cost your customer ?120 ... You bought those 3 packages for ?24 meaning a profit for YOU of ?96 per order usually. Do you know of how many businesses can only dream about such profit margins? ... ?3355-80 A MONTH? No Problem! ... you'll be surprised to learn the cost of the Col-Ease collagen business license is only ?2997 plus VAT! ...". The complainants challenged whether the advertisers:
1. could prove the efficacy of the product and
2. had made medicinal claims for an unauthorised product.
The Authority challenged whether:
3. the mailing might discourage recipients from receiving essential treatment for the serious medical condition arthritis and
4. the advertisers could substantiate the earnings claims for the business opportunity.
Codes Section: 3.1, 7.1, 50.1, 50.3, 50.11, 52.5 (Ed 11)
1. Complaint upheld
The Authority noted the advertisers did not send clinical trials testing the advertised product. It considered that the advertisers' evidence did not substantiate the claimed efficacy of the product and advised the advertisers to amend the advertisement with help from the CAP Copy Advice team.
2. Complaint upheld
The Authority understood from the MHRA that the advertisers' product did not have a marketing authorisation. It considered that the claims that referred to arthritis were medicinal claims for an unauthorised product. The Authority welcomed the advertisers' assurance that the mailing had been amended and that distributors had been told that the product was not a cure or treatment for arthritis.
3. Upheld
The Authority was concerned that the advertisement referred to arthritis, which was a serious medical condition, and considered that claims such as "this might even cure arthritis" might discourage recipients from receiving essential treatment for arthritis. The Authority welcomed the advertisers' assurance that the mailing had been amended and that they would consult the CAP Copy Advice team for future marketing communications.
4. Upheld
The Authority considered that, because the advertisers had not shown that distributors could earn between ?3,350 and ?3,380 each month, the mailing was misleading. It advised the advertisers to remove the earnings claims from the mailing and welcomed their assurance that they would consult the CAP Copy Advice team for future marketing communications.
Where four specific complaints about their advertising were
JS states that Internet Deal Broking produces £110,174 in 24
hours (presumably he cleared this with the CAP Copy Advice Team) so I was just a tad surprised to find that that he feels the need, or has the time, to punt collagen and gorillas to boost his income stream as well.
Following the thread of source origination, there is an
established fleet-of-foot city organisation, streets ahead of their competitors in the provision of mailing lists for companies like CMS to use when promoting their 'opportunities.'
I have been the recipient of literally hundreds of offers of this nature (including MCI - Star Trader) since 1996. If I had kept them all it would have filled three bin liners for sure.
Apologies for the length