The Guerrilla Stock Trading System

5 Secrets

destiny said:
hi there
i have been subscribed to CMS/James Edward for more than 2 years. The 5 secrets, master class, the big picture are to name a few of the courses that i have done with him. anyone read the 5 secrets!? i want to share opinion, for the time being ill make no comment on the material!
regarding the Guerrilla Stock Trading System. i did buy it in the intention of sending it back if i did not like it. i must admit that was taking the ****... i am not exaggerating, it was the most **** thing i have ever read in my life. how they valued it at £1777 beats me... you could buy a book for £10 and i promice would have more information in it... it was stating the obvious, the principle behind it makes sence, basically the mailshot you got had most of the detail in there! it wasnt even spelt and printed correctly!! the CD's that came with it had the worstest sound ever! came on 4 CD's which i found to be less than 100Mbytes combined!! im sooooo glad i did end up getting a refund on it. it went through how you use the **** dealing platform!! screenshots of finspread i think!, you could have that kind of info for free!. and very very basic stuff like how to trade etc enuff said...

another james edwards snippet....
so called james edwards went abroad to LA to find out about a trading system, how did i know this? he mailed me to let me know like many others!, in a week i received a mail advising me to check my mail in in a few days giving a date AND time. i did and i saw the mailshot, he said that he written the mailshot in a few hours in his hotel room! what a coencident that the system he went to check out he liked! the way the shot was written was as if it is the holy grail and there are only a few places left!! from what i remember he actually mentioned that they are only a few left as he speaks! what the hell does he take us for!! and said something like in 24 there wont be any left. LOL. i took no notice as ive become used to the way he persuades and takes us as fools, i just laffed it off, a week later i received it in the post, same one! what happened to the 24 hours... hmmmm LOL. then again another one in 2 weeks (with the different courses) so i decided to have a look only for the money back gurantee, if i had read this board i wouldnt have.. anyway i paid for it on card over the phone. a week later i recieved a letter saying unfortunatly they have all gone!, he ordered more and even they had been sold out becuase of the high demand!! they can only publish certain amounts as it could affect the stockmarket as a whole if everyone has it!!!! but at the bottom it said but as you are my loyal customer i will specially order one more. what made me laff even more is that it was on my mums name who wasnt ever his customer!! theres much more to it but its been time and ive slept since then!

anyone read the 5 secrets? im currently subscribed to "the big picture" which i is very usefull..(sorry to contradict!)

Hi there

I have the complete course from James Edwards/ The 5 secrets.
I would consider swaping for something else.
Any suggestions welcomed
Please e-mail me privately to: [email protected]

Happy trading

This is from THISISMONEY link. As you can see, anything from CMS and Jim Sheridan is probably toxic waste...

Debt scheme reveals a network of scams
30 November 2003
EVERY week, Tony Hetherington replies to readers' letters, adding comments, advice and the results of his enquiries.

If you think you are a victim of financial mismanagement, or want advice before investing, write to Tony Hetherington, Financial Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TS. Sorry, but he cannot give personal replies. Please send only copies of documents - if these are relevant to your enquiry. We regret that they cannot be returned.

Mrs D. H. writes: My husband received a business proposal from James Edwards of Wellsbridge Services Ltd in Reading, Berkshire. For £2,177, he can be licensed as an Asset Protection Specialist marketing a scheme in which people can put their home and savings beyond the reach of debt collectors. Is this legal, and if so, would it be profitable?

wELL, I opened the can, and guess what I found? Worms. Wellsbridge Services Limited is supposed to be at 12 Tilbury Close in Reading. In fact, it is not even in this country.

It trades here and asks people to send cheques made out to Wellsbridge, but has overlooked the formality of registering with Companies House. And there is no sign of James Edwards either.

What I did find at Tilbury Close, though, was a very interesting network of small companies.

There is CMS Publications Ltd, Field Management Services Ltd and Medina Ltd. CMS advertises collagen pills, claiming that they can 'beat arthritis'. And James Edwards wants people to pay him £2,992 for a licence to sell them. Government health watchdogs are questioning CMS about its medical claims.

CMS is also behind an expensive course in becoming an airline pilot. Signing himself 'Capt. J. Edwards', James Edwards says: 'We are a bricks and mortar company which has been established for years.' Really? CMS Publications was set up in February this year and Edwards is not even a director.

Trading Standards officers in Reading are also aware of CMS Publications and would be interested to hear from readers who have had dealings with it.

Medina Ltd is just as interesting. In 1999, Medina issued a disgraceful advertising mailshot. It claimed the Millennium Bug would cause computers to crash, banks to close and civilisation to collapse. Under a secret 'Plan X', armed guards would fight howling mobs and looters.

Medina's answer was a £65 manual on protecting yourself and ripping off your neighbours by buying their homes and valuables for a song.

Medina is run by Stuart Godfrey Smith, alias Stuart Goldsmith, who is as elusive as James Edwards. There is no sign of him at Tilbury Close either. However, two people at CMS's offices last Thursday were husband and wife Marion and Peter Field, who both worked for Smith in the past. In fact, some people suggest that Smith and Edwards are one and the same.

Marion Field is company secretary of CMS Publications and the company's only boss in Britain. The sole director is Linda Sheridan, who lives in Florida and is James Edwards' wife.

Marion Field would not talk to me. However, Peter Field, company secretary of Field Management Services, told me: 'Field Management Services is just a fulfilment company.

'The mailing is from the United States.'

But the mailing is done in the name of CMS Publications, and surely his wife is the company secretary? 'Not as far as I know,' Peter Field replied - though Companies House confirms she is.

How about Wellsbridge Services then? 'I don't know it. We don't deal with them,' Field said.

So what happens when someone sends a cheque to Wellsbridge at 12 Tilbury Close? 'I expect we would forward it on,' he replied.

How could that happen if he had not heard of the company? Magically, Field then came up with a Florida address for Wellsbridge.

As a parting shot, I asked Field whether the asset protection scheme in the mailshot issued by his wife's company is based on United States law. Would it be legal and sound in Britain?

He told me: 'I don't know anything about the content. We just do the fulfilment here.'

So the deal offered to your husband comes from a man in Florida who pretends that both he and his company are in Reading. And the people in Reading can't say whether it will work.

I think you just saved your husband £2,177.
seancass said:
Has anyone else received a mail shot sent by a Mr. Jim Sheridan operating via CMS Publications of Reading, on the The Guerrilla Stock Trading System ?

Any views?


I've just been offered this from Fleet Street Publications
Price £1777 if I'm quick!
It's only open to 100 people.

If there were only 100 copies available when FSP offered them on 26 Jan they aren't selling very well. According to the link on the ADVN board today I need to be quick because they are only available to the first 100 applicants in the UK.

Guerrilla Trading System

[One year later, I have just received an email with a link to the Guerrilla trading system. Wondering if you ever gave it a try for 3 months as you said you were tempted... with thanks darkvoices

QUOTE=pchees]I have also received this mail shot.

Clearly these guys are acting as a reseller for a US group, so I went hunting on the web

Found the following web site

I think these are the guys who created this system.

Interestingly you can subscribe to the solution for $100 a month and test at will

You can then cancel at any time.

I am tempted to give this one a try for 3 months and that would still be £200 approx given the exchange rate.

you get the software and loads of other bits as well.

The principle is sound. News does affect stock market prices because people react emotionally to it.

Let me know what you think?


I just registered with this trade2win because i was trying to do some research into the Guerrilla trading system that I see has been discussed at length here. All i can say is 'thank god i found you'. I received mailshot about this fantastic trading system. According to the presentation, the author of the literature, which was compelling, had ended his years of searching for a trading system that works. I must admit, half of me fell for it while the other has tried to reserve a little judgment. I thought the price was a little high, but I reasoned that this cost could be seen as financial advice, which would reap rewards tha would at worst cover the cost. There was urgency in the mailshot, buy now - only 100 left which would be gone in 24 hours.

I this forum has made up my mind, from what i have read. I am surprised however that Fleet Street Publications is acting as a seling point for it, as i have been impressed with the quality of what they have offered me in the past.

I would also say that there are decent web sites that you can use that won't cost you a penny and could probably help you make some decent gaines using the strategy suggested by the bogus Guerrilla trading system.

Many thanks FLOYDI

As I suspected. I have not been very impressed with most stuff I've tried from FSP. I will admit though they generally give a money back garantee - not with this system though I guess?
Any website addresses you have good experiences with?

More thanks
i think such systems should be avoided like the plague. the advertisement of them is so obviously riddled with hooks and all the rest of it. The 'magic formula' is such an obvious hook and the term guerrilla trading I believe traditionally lends itself to the whizzkid day traders that have a direct line into the markets buying and selling vast amounts of stock to capitalise on fraction of a cent movements in sp. these guys have a good understanding of the markets and make vast amounts of money acting on instantaneous price movements.

whether we like it or not, it will never be a case of rolling out of ones pit at midday to switch on a money machine - as suggested by these conmen. but there is certainly money to be made out there and all the information we need to make it is also out there absolutely free and on the net. seek and you shall find.
Mr Edwards/ Sheridan is now also offering his Guerrilla Stock Trading System through Streetwise Publications.: There are only 340 places. In January this was offered through Fleet Street Publications:
. Then there were only 100 places. I believe that it was two years ago that he first offered this, then through his discredited company CMS Publications Ltd. As always the offer is only valid for 3 days; but he cannot quite make up his mind whether it is better to state that there are only a 100 places or 340. As with most of his products, he doesn't offer anything substantial himself. In this case he seems to be offering a couple of manuals he that he wrote and photocopied and added some tapes. But he really just offers an introduction to a US company that offers this service; probably for $50 a month or so. I suspect this is one of the ways in which he makes more than £100000 in 24 hours, as he explains in one of his other products.

What he describes on his sales pages in something called "newstrading", a term he carefully avoids. He also says that it is not day trading, which it is anyway. He avoids this terms probably because that would enable you to find it on the internet..

I found an ebook which costs $10 or so and which explains what newstrading is, and what is explained in the ebook pretty much corresponds to Sheridan's sales letter:

However it doesn't introduce you to the company which provides this sophisticated software which analyses news headlines and then predicts whether the stock will go up or down. Instead it explains that this is a skill you have to develop yourself.

I did find two identical sites (mentioned earlier) and which do offer this service. I tried this out, but the problem is that the software was lagging behind hours with giving the buy or sell signals, after which the stock had gone up or down long ago. Also their results presented are crooked. I used it for one month, but after I noticed several times that they didn't record a loss if a stop was just hit and the stock went up afterwards. These trades they recorded as profitable.

In any case, I do not think this is the company that Edwards introduces you to, because this company doesn't have any telephone contact details, they seem to be based offshore. The company that Edwards introduces you to is US based and apparently telephone consultations are part of the deal.

Does anyone know which company this is?
herbie said:
Does anyone know which company this is?

Hi Herbie - interesting the way these things go round the news system punting tipsheets and pop up in ads on news sites but are otherwise invisible in normal investment mags etc.. I suspect the system they're selling is :

..but that outfit don't seem to answer emails asking if that is the case so can't confirm. It's notable that I can't find any site which has tested this system, and Fleet Street Publications didn't seem to know anything about what they were selling when I spoke to them. Having read all I can find about people's experience with this kind of 'magic' system over a few months, I suspect most are a pretty good way to lose money.

james edwards

mik1973 said:
Hi Destiny,
When you mention CMS are you referring to their dealing platform for FX? I've recently downloaded the demo version- it seems ok to me- have you had any particular bad experiences with this firm (rather than the individual you have mentioned in your post?).
Could you also tell me what connection James Edward
has with this firm.

Hi mik1973,

James Edwards also writes under the pen name Jim Sheridan, CMS I believe is his publishing company. Publishing it seems is where the money is judging by the sheer volume of publications out there. Pun intented. :cheesy: Experienced the "big picture" was quite good but the trading recommendations were similar to that of a Nick Gurino (wall st underground) without the hype.

Try this site (found it after searching Max's link) (thanx)

They say that their software has been tried tested by forbes, barrons and technical anaylsis of stocks and commodities. I'll see what I can uncover, shall post when I do.

Waiting for an email frm a source, says mite be able to tell me whats what with this Guerilla Trading programme.

negtheory 😎
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Neither the website nor offer a service that is comparable to the service that the sales copy of the Guerilla Stock Trading System of Business Opportunity Man Jim/James offers. The GSTS is a newstrading system, the idea is to buy on the basis of news as soon as it is released and sell a couple of minutes later. The real name of the system is obviously not Guerrilla STS; he is too smart a marketing man for that, that would make it too easy to find on the internet. He has hidden it really well. It is hard to believe that this company is not on the internet.. Searched for "newstrading", which is the proper name for this kind of trading but it doesn't bring up something that quite matches all the clues given in the sales copy. Anyone who bought this and can give us the name of the web-site? Knowing Jim his £1999 programme probably sells for $100 on the internet. That is how he makes his money; not with guerilla trading.
The Guerilla Stock Trading System

Has anyone actually tried using this system to see if it actually works???

Yes, I do agree that his marketing strategies are DREADFUL but he might have a trading strategy that actually works! And it doesn't matter to me if you can find the info elsewhere for cheaper, all I what to know is - does it actually work consistantly??? Has anyone put it to the test?

Guerilla Trading System


I have the System now, its news trading but with a few twists that are not what you would expect. From my observations it works best when the difference between the expectation and the market are wide, so on the bull side when we are in the last stages of a bear market and on the bear side in the last stages of a bull market. This is when the stock jumps consideraby and there are large profits available if you get it right. I would not say it worth the orginal price but it clued me into a a new way of trading that does not rely on the normal stuff. The site above are not linked to this system as it depends on having a special screening software for the news.

The orginal website is down now so it no longer available on the web.

I have the system for sale considering putting it up Ebay. Can email me a message here if interested.

Hope that helps
Hi David

DavidUK said:

I have the System now, its news trading but with a few twists that are not what you would expect. From my observations it works best when the difference between the expectation and the market are wide, so on the bull side when we are in the last stages of a bear market and on the bear side in the last stages of a bull market. This is when the stock jumps consideraby and there are large profits available if you get it right. I would not say it worth the orginal price but it clued me into a a new way of trading that does not rely on the normal stuff. The site above are not linked to this system as it depends on having a special screening software for the news.

The orginal website is down now so it no longer available on the web.

I have the system for sale considering putting it up Ebay. Can email me a message here if interested.

Hope that helps

Hi David,

I am interested in buying the trading software from you but I do not have much money available at this time as I am saving up investment capital to invest in the markets. Would you be willing to keep hold of it for a while until I have enough money for your asking price?

If not, could you please let me know when you have posted the software on eBay.

Many thanks,
