Woodies CCI system

number of indicators

I think how many indicators can be as little or as much as you feel comfortable with. My program uses vix, cpc,mclellan summation on nasi, nysi and sp400, rsi-5 day and mfi-5 day to dtermine/approve when to make trades.

forex87 said:
cci is great for a price direction indicator.
from what i have seen in live trading is it does say to buy or sell before the big movement happens.

I would not use this indicator by itself as suggested though. yes, it may keep your losses small but why have a loss? especially the way i trade.

What i have noticed if I just used CCI alone is that sometimes it will tell you to trade opposite the trend. i tried using it as a standalone as one ebook suggests and when i went back to study my trading it told me to buy at a resistance level.

I still use CCI though, because it helps me make great entries when I have the trend direction established.

Some say 3 indicators is too much, but whatever, I use 3 successfully. I'm in profit rather quickly too. I tend to trade the four hour chart so I don't have to stare at the screen all the time.

I wrote an ebook detailing my trading method. It uses Ichimoku, ADX/DMI, and CCI.

Why all 3?
1. Ichimoku for direction (up, down, or sideways) ... i'm not concerned about trying to catch each move up or down.

2. ADX/DMI (is the market trending or not) . if it's not volatile, you'll have slow price movement or ranging.

3. Price direction.... helps me make a good entry and be in profit soon instead of entering, being negative, then waiting for days for it to go positive.

since I have been trading this way, i'm no longer in the negative on a trade for very long.
If anyone wants to find out all there is to know about Woodies CCI - which by the way is complimented by the use of FuturesTrader by Cristian Crizinch in Germany, then all they have to do is:

1. Go to Google
2. Go to advanced search
3. Type in Woodies CCI
4. Select file type as pdf

You now should have everything you will ever need to learn CCI for trading the ES E-mini.

A word of advice - for someone who has been there and done that -not all markets take a liking to using Woodies CCI method, and the ES E-mini has some unique features that tend to lend itself well to this setup - but I will of course let you find out what they are for yourself - as the joy is in the discovery - not in the showing.

I will however give one little hint - the ES E-mini is, what is called, a FUNGIBLE contract.


Please do be sure to read the big red question mark at the top of the Wikipedia page, as this just happens to be the case with the majority of trading information :idea:

No disrespect to Vendors, as I have a friend who has recently started thinking of becoming one 😆 but would you like to show us your Expectancy figure for trading the ES E-mini?

A word of advice : if something isnt working on all markets, it doesnt work at all

" - for someone who has been there and done that -not all markets take a liking to using Woodies CCI method, and the ES E-mini has some unique features that tend to lend itself well to this setup - but I will of course let you find out what they are for yourself - as the joy is in the discovery - not in the showing."
pssonice said:
" - A word of advice : if something isnt working on all markets, it doesnt work at all ."

What a silly statement, how in God's name did you ever draw such a conclusion 😱
Oh, and I forgot to say a very important fact, Woodie lost a lot of credibility when he became all commercial - he was a much nicer and better trader when he was doing it for FREE - but that is something that we will all have to watch and guard against, for those of us that know what it is all about, also know the true meaning of giving, and to give, means, that you don't take from those who can not afford it, you only take from those who are taking from those that can not afford it, and then give a good portion of what you have taken, to those WHO HAVE NOTHING:idea:
the circumstances on all market r the same 😱ffer,bid in price,volume that s the game

d'accord ?
I cant c any differencec.
pssonice said:
the circumstances on all market r the same 😱ffer,bid in price,volume that s the game

d'accord ?
I cant c any differencec.

But then you still have a lot to learn :idea:

I have already given a hint as to how some markets can offer greater opportunity than others - but if one persists to think that what is written in textbooks, is, in fact, how the markets really and truly operate, then they will always stay with the majority.

Socrates spoke of traders been born - but in reality, he does not, of course, mean this literally.

But, his meaning is indeed obvious to me, and the fact that very few traders can achieve great success, whilst the majority will only ever pay for a holiday, or maybe a new car if they are lucky, clearly shows that what he says has merit. It would be mush more beneficial for someone to try and understand what Socrates said, than trying to look for similarities in markets, which, for the majority, are just like magicians show - another very good hint that Socrates posted that went unnoticed by the majority.

You have just given me an idea :idea:

Thank You.

Edit; funny how that little red face appeared when I put your text in, God does really work in mysterious ways 😱
Steve recommended this on another thread and I spent the 45 bucks required to have a look. Its a short term scalping system plus some extra stuff. If I didnt have a strategy I'd certainly try it and I'm testing adding an extra position to my current HSI trading using the basic NQ strategy.

The strategy, psychology and support look like one of the best deals around 🙂

IMHO ... a new trader would find it easier to look here than at Woodie ... and its only 45 bucks more directly expensive (but ryan seems 100% open about who's paying for his lunch (u and his trading)).

Quote from steve0617:

Try this one. It works. It's DIRT CHEAP. And it's a scalping system that doesn't seek huge trades but it'll make you a damn fine living. And it's got an active online room and also an active private Yahoo group.

It's run by a guy named Ryan who's (I believe) a Christian (each Yahoo message answered is signed 'God Bless,' Ryan) and he's clearly not in it for the sales dollars generated by the method.

I use it every day and it WORKS.

I have no financial interest or any sort of gain by posting this stuff. And the boards on Yahoo has all sorts of preset up ELD's for TS or EPS (is that it?) for Esignal plus plenty of other chart vendors (Sierra etc.)

A fitting time for this; and I must thank a certain member who sent me this book 😀

I have sent you a PM regarding this book, so do please get back to me, when you have the time.

The Basis of Your Life Is Absolute Freedom
You were born with an innate knowledge that you do create your own mind. And, in fact, that knowledgeis so basic within you that when someone attempts to thwart your own creation, you feel an immediatediscord within yourself. You were born knowing that you are the creator of your own reality, and althoughthat desire to do so pulsed within you in a powerful way, when you began to integrate into your society,you began to accept much of the same picture that others held of the way your life should unfold. But still, within you today lives the knowledge that you are the creator of your own life experience, that absolute freedom exists as the basis of your true experience, and that ultimately the creation of your life experience is absolutely and only up to you. You have never enjoyed someone else telling you what to do. You have never enjoyed being dissuaded from your own powerful impulses. But over time, with enough pressure from those who surrounded you who seemed convinced that their practiced way was more valid than your way (and, therefore, ultimately better), you gradually began to release your determination to guide your own life. You often found it easier just to adapt to their ideas of what was best for you rather than trying to figure it out for yourself.
But in all this adapting to your society’s attempts to make you fit in, and in your own attempt to find less trouble, you have unwittingly relinquished your most basic foundation: your total and absolute freedom to create. You have not given up this freedom easily, however, and, in fact, you can never truly release it, for it exists as the most basic tenet of your very being. Still, in your attempt to release it for the sake of getting along, or in your hopeless resignation that you have no other choice than to give up your powerful right to choose... you have gone crossways to your natural current, and contrary to your very soul.

Kiwi said:
Steve recommended this on another thread and I spent the 45 bucks required to have a look. Its a short term scalping system plus some extra stuff. If I didnt have a strategy I'd certainly try it and I'm testing adding an extra position to my current HSI trading using the basic NQ strategy.

The strategy, psychology and support look like one of the best deals around 🙂

IMHO ... a new trader would find it easier to look here than at Woodie ... and its only 45 bucks more directly expensive (but ryan seems 100% open about who's paying for his lunch (u and his trading)).

If you really want to do a service KIWI, then give it away. You may be surprised at the joy this will bring you, and also, it may just help you improve on those results :idea:

But, I would not just give it to someone just because they ask, for if you do that, you are really doing them an injustice. They must do some work for themselves first, as if they receive without giving, then they are not operating to the given Laws, which one must do, if one wants to achieve any real success.

And, btw, my reference to God is different than most, but if you have read my posts so far, then you will know this.

People who use the name of God in vain, will indeed get their just reward, but not for the reason most think, but, none the less, they will still get what they deserve, guaranteed.

what kind of opportunity ?

I have already given a hint as to how some markets can offer greater opportunity than others
>>> give me one reason for different opportunities
- but if one persists to think that what is written in textbooks
>>> r written wo realtime examples
, is, in fact, how the markets really and truly operate
>>> truly ? is market depth and bid/offer in price and volume confirmed by spreads a dream ?
, then they will always stay with the majority.
>>> I can get it. what s your story ?

your thesis is : " there are different opportunities"
my answer is : "there cant be any different opportunities on different markets because all markets are based on the same fundamentals. The reacting forces are acting on a moving equilibrium of bids and offers.

give me just one reason to think about your STRANGE statement.
pssonice said:
I have already given a hint as to how some markets can offer greater opportunity than others
>>> give me one reason for different opportunities
- but if one persists to think that what is written in textbooks
>>> r written wo realtime examples
, is, in fact, how the markets really and truly operate
>>> truly ? is market depth and bid/offer in price and volume confirmed by spreads a dream ?
, then they will always stay with the majority.
>>> I can get it. what s your story ?

your thesis is : " there are different opportunities"
my answer is : "there cant be any different opportunities on different markets because all markets are based on the same fundamentals. The reacting forces are acting on a moving equilibrium of bids and offers.

give me just one reason to think about your STRANGE statement.

I do not mean to be rude, but I find it very hard to follow your posts.

Can you please restate, and post in a logical and readable manner, doing away with those text style words, for, they are, to say the least, ridiculous

I will reply later on when you have posted as requested, as I must go now.

your thesis is : " there are different opportunities"

my answer is : "there cant be different opportunities on different markets because all markets are based on the same fundamentals. The reacting forces are acting on a moving equilibrium of bids and offers.

give me just one reason to think about your STRANGE statement.
pssonice said:
my answer is : "there cant be different opportunities on different markets because all markets are based on the same fundamentals. The reacting forces are acting on a moving equilibrium of bids and offers.

give me just one reason to think about your STRANGE statement.

To say that there can't be different opportunities on different markets is not correct.

In fact, the opportunities that present themselves, will be in direct proportion to your level of true knowledge about the market in question.

If you persist to limit your awareness to the so called "fundamentals" of the market, then you are blocking out some real valuable information, which, some will rightly call, their "EDGE".

The reacting forces are not always acting on a moving equilibrium of bids and offers, and it might be more factual to say, that, the bids and offers that you see, do, in fact, appear to most, for the majority of the time, to defy logic.

Why is this - why do we buy, anticipating that the price will go up, based on the "fundamentals", and then, the majority of the time, the price actually goes the other way!

Now, when you have the answer to this worked out, for all of the markets that you trade, then, and only then, have you attained the level of Trading Mastery that starspacer refers to, when he is around that is, for I see he is not staying around too long these days.

I have already given you a very sound reason for thinking about my STRANGE statement, and that is the FACT, that the ES E-mini is a FUNGIBLE contract.

Now, I am not going to tell you what advantage this simple piece of information can be to a daytrader, or even how it can be even of more advantage to a scalper with the correct data feed, for when one learns to understand why this STRANGE FACT happens, then one will cease to be amazed as to why the price has suddenly gone the WRONG WAY, and how it is, that Woddies CCI works well on the ES E-mini, and is just pure rubbish when tried on other markets:idea:

I am a bit surprised that this has not been mentioned on this site so far, as I thought that there is a lot of full time experts trading here. Let me do a search to make sure, just in case I start to think I actually know something, God forbid 😱

Remember, I always speak The Truth, and if the majority want to consider that rubbish, then by all means go ahead, just keep on going in the same direction, for, the only one that you are fooling, is YOURSELF :idea:

Some may want to read my previous post on:

The Basis of Your Life Is Absolute Freedom

as in post #70.

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u cant present any opportunities, that s for real

and your presentation is boring while u r talking too much about everything and nothing.

the potential of all forces pulling the equilibrium of the price out of the center of what u r expecting as a trade is the standarddeviation. u didnt get it til u read it; right now.

I m very sorry to say this, but it seems to me that u r trying to isolate the loser from your winning part. the loser isnt the dark side of yourself.
only the loser and the winner inside yourself are characterizing yourself as a trader.

take it cool. this game is a game of give and take.
pssonice said:
and your presentation is boring while u r talking too much about everything and nothing.

Whilst I admit, and have always admitted, that I know nothing about anything, others persist to speak as if they know everything.

the potential of all forces pulling the equilibrium of the price out of the center of what u r expecting as a trade is the standarddeviation. u didnt get it til u read it; right now.

Understanding standard deviation is about as much use as spitting in the wind :idea:

I m very sorry to say this, but it seems to me that u r trying to isolate the loser from your winning part. the loser isnt the dark side of yourself.
only the loser and the winner inside yourself are characterizing yourself as a trader.

I am trying to hold a decent conversation with some people who want to learn something of real value, not academic textbook rubbish, but then again, what would you know about that :cheesy:

take it cool. this game is a game of give and take.

Yes, and I doubt if you are taking much, by the way you present yourself :cheesy:

I will do my best, but I don't like it when people start talking rubbish, especially when it is clear that they have absolutely no idea what it is they are talking about, and then they try to cover up their ignorance by attacking people who write something that is based on facts, and all that they are doing is preventing other members from learning something of real value.

It really is a pity, but it is also a fact of life that must be dealt with - so, look and learn.

I take it I can use the Smiles - as that is what they are there for, No :cheesy:
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CYOF said:
Understanding standard deviation is about as much use as spitting in the wind

That’s a strange thing to say, particularly on a thread discussing a methodology, based on an indicator, which utilises standard deviation in its construction.

zupcon said:
That’s a strange thing to say, particularly on a thread discussing a methodology, based on an indicator, which utilises standard deviation in its construction.


I say what I think Zu.

I did not say that I use Woodies CCI - although I did use it for some time to see enough of how it behaves with the Es E-mini.

Would I use it for trading myself - no way.

Would I use some other indicator based on a similar construction using mathematical formulae - well, I may have to think before I answer that one, as I have a little problem in that I am unable to tell lies, it is just in my nature.