(*)- actual pollution that is, as opposed to the "pollution" by CO2 - quite ridiculous since CO2 is produced naturally by humans and other mammals, and is an essential part of the photosynthesis cycle.
Depends on what you mean by a "pollutant". It is a greenhouse gas which causes highly undesirable global temperature change. You can call that a pollutant or not, but that doesn't change the science.
CO2 is most certainly a pollutant when changes in atmospheric concentration of C02 cause change in ocean pH of sufficient magnitude to threaten ocean ecosystems and in particular coral reefs. The evidence on this is already quite clear with Ocean pH having decreased by 0.1 since preindustrial era which much greater changes forecast. The detrimental effects on coral of such changes in pH have been confirmed in laboratory experiment.
You can read more about the evidence for and issues surrounding ocean acidification here:
But I'm sure that's of no real interest to you as you clearly know everything there is to know about whether CO2 is a pollutant or not. After all there is a clearly a logical progression and no further thought about the matter is required:
CO2 essential part of photosyntheses => under no circumstance can CO2 ever be a pollutant.
There is no logic in that.
Attached. CO2 levels in ocean:
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