Why are you deleting my posts - This is not democratic, to say the least, it is outrageous, and should not be allowed.QUOTE]
It might just be that you are probably in breach of the following site guidelines 😆 😆 😆 and therefore the moderator, is simply moderating.
4.3 Advertising includes, but is not limited to: posting the URL of your commercial web site; offering for sale (or a free trial of) your product and/or service; posting references to, excerpts from, or details of your product and/or service; submitting a post with minimal content that, even in the absence of explicit references towards your product and/or service, is clearly designed to act as a lure towards it; posting your Email address or asking members to contact you for details of your product and/or service.
("Your" in the instances above includes any commercial connection between the vendor ("you") and the product and/or service in question).
4.7 Members found infringing these guidelines will receive a warning and a subsequent ban if they continue to do so.
5.1 Vendors - anyone who has a commercial interest in selling/marketing their product or service to T2W members must declare this interest in their personal user profile. If a member found to have an undeclared commercial interest has also clearly been deceiving the community in this respect for the purpose of, or with a view to, his/her commercial gain, he/she may receive an immediate ban at the discretion of the moderators.
7.1 Each forum has a different topic, so what is appropriate in one forum or thread may not be appropriate in another. Take some time to find a forum and topic which best fits the subject matter of your new message.
7.4 Do not make a post for the sole use of increasing your post count - also known as "post padding." An example is a reply simply stating "Yes" or "No", unless you have been specifically asked to respond in this way.
7.6 Please don't pretend to be an expert if you aren't one. Humility is better than arrogance. It is fine to not know something or to be a beginner. Beginners masquerading as experts or who repeatedly give advice to others hurt the forum as learning traders may not yet be able to tell who is actually an expert, and who merely thinks he is one.
7.7 Posts or threads which knowingly lead to overly strong negative and emotional responses (‘trolling’) are not allowed.
7.8 Avoid spamming. This is defined as posting forum messages that offer no significant value to the topic. Most of these kinds of posts are just single-word posts that have no meaning or value whatsoever.
7.9 Keep your posts related to the topic of the thread. Irrelevant posts, particularly those which are intended to take the thread completely off topic will be moved to a new thread, or may be removed altogether.
7.10 Please keep your posts as constructive as possible and avoid making a post that adds little or no value to the discussion, for example "That's so cool." Poor grammar, spelling and misleading titles, make it harder to read the forums.
7.11 Please do not double post (two posts in a row). If you do need to amend a post, please do so by using the edit button next to your original post.
7.12 Do not post the same message more than once, in different forums.
7.13 Do not "shout" online (using all CAPITAL LETTERS). It's considered bad net etiquette, makes other members uncomfortable, and is difficult to read.
7.15 Do not post for the purpose of linking through to another page on an external website eg. 'for more information'.
9.1 It is fine to mention, link to, or discuss other Web sites that are of interest to our users, as long as they don't violate our other guidelines. But please don't use our community to generate traffic for another trading community. This goes against basic "etiquette." We'll delete posts that, in our judgment, mention or link to our competitors for the sole purpose of encouraging our users to participate elsewhere.
11.2 Please remember the moderators are volunteers. Try not to make their tasks even more time consuming by seeking to draw them into debate on the implementation of the rules in any particular case. Any thread which appears to be going down this route will be closed and/or removed by the site administrators.
13.1 Any breach of the above rules will result in the member being suspended for 7 days, although depending on the circumstances and at the moderators’ discretion, any action may be preceded by a warning.