The Next US President

They have a daughter.😀 Hopefully, she does not like politics but one can never tell. Trump was not a politician before this year.

What you say, raises a very good point. Trump was not a politician before and when he did choose to run, he did so half-heartedly at first. I think the fact that he wasn't trying to win, allowed him to win. Someone made a comparison on the news between Hillary and Trump. When you make millions of dollars in the public sector, it's a bit unfair and unethical. If you want to make that money in the private sector good for you. To me, the public sector is supposed to be about doing the public good, not making yourself wealthy. Private sector exists for the purpose of making wealth.

Trump made his money in the private sector whereas Hillary made hers in the public sector. I think that was to her detriment. Love him or hate him, he turned $14 million into billions. There is only a few thousand people who can see that they have done that. People say he was only wealthy because he was left money. That argument doesn't hold water because almost every person who wins the lottery, goes bankrupt and or dead. Several times they are given more than $14 million.
Perhaps it's just as well he won. Something new and probably end in tears for some. At least the lying will be muted a bit. He will say it to their faces probably. Another Alan " Your'e fired " Sugar .
Perhaps it's just as well he won. Something new and probably end in tears for some. At least the lying will be muted a bit. He will say it to their faces probably. Another Alan " Your'e fired " Sugar .

The same Sir Alan Sugar who was knighted by the Queen. Very Interesting. Thank God nobility was outlawed. People are talking about Alan Sugar running for PM.
Well I woke up this morning to a position that was 140 pips down from where it was the night before and now it's made it all back and some.
Although the "make America great again" dog whistle was also a factor, perhaps a much larger factor. Keep in mind that Republicans are still in charge of the Senate and the House, as they have been. And that most governorships are still Republican, as they have been. If the voters wanted to vote against establishment politics, they would have voted very differently. If they were voting for something else, however . . .

Apparently in Ohio, Trump voters were predominantly white, uneducated and also the elderly.

These protest votes are doing the rounds and the people actually believe he is going to deliver jobs to them.

He now has to give them something and this could be some infrastructure work, a one off hit. Developers and construction business will get a shot in the arm and then back to the dolldrums again. Cutting back on trade deals and closing off America, will lead to decline in global trade. So what industry will get their mojo working is anyones guess.

Very similar to our Brexit. These protest votes are in the limelight and they can soak up the accolades as much as they like for now. However, delivering on the promises will be another story.

US is talking about protection and trading blocks is the way to go. On the other hand UK is coming out of one with a view to establishing bilateral free trade agreements.

Fruit cakes on both sides of the pond jumping up with joy because we are first in the queue. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

Bigger the hype now greater the deflation they'll feel. Hopefully they'll be let down gently.
I can see that slogan will be used here next time, so " Make Britain great again ".
Better together was also used in the Jockerendum.

Same ole American Dream BS. It works every time. The dummies lap it up.
Apparently in Ohio, Trump voters were predominantly white, uneducated and also the elderly.

These protest votes are doing the rounds and the people actually believe he is going to deliver jobs to them.

I do not believe that the people who elected Trump will be helped by his program in any way. Trump avoided policy specifics to a comical degree. His health-care plan is “something terrific” that will take care of everybody at no cost to anybody. His wall paid for by Mexico is not even a punch line — it is a symbol of his supporters’ fascistic willingness to subordinate all critical faculties and endorse an obvious absurdity. What he will do is sign a quick succession of donor-driven laws written by Paul Ryan whose authentic support is confined to a trivial proportion of the party outside its big-money wing. To whatever extent people voted for Trump for reasons other than racial and cultural resentment, Trump will do nothing for them. He is a buffoon surrounded by a party apparatus that is unable to govern, as the Republican elite demonstrated during the George W. Bush era, and that has grown worse.

At the end of this month, the president-elect of the United States will face trial for committing massive fraud through Trump University. He openly vows to have his children run his family business, which will enrich him through his office in the manner of a post-Soviet kleptocrat. The depths of a Trump presidency defy our imagination. It is safe to assume it will not be popular. Trump and his party will probably respond with vicious anti-democratic measures. But fighting for democracy is part of America’s heritage, from abolitionists to suffragettes to the progressive reformers. Maybe you thought that fight was confined to history. It will go on.

And Trump does not represent the future. He only barely represents its present. His party controls all three branches in large part because its voters are overrepresented in the House, the Senate, and the Electoral College. He represents a rage against the direction of America they have no way of stopping. Even a complete halt to all of illegal immigration and a total deportation of every undocumented immigrant will not prevent the growth of nonwhites into an eventual majority. Republicans are increasingly focused on voter suppression and other anti-democratic measures to allow their shrinking cohort to rule. Trump is the perfect champion of their project.

But I do not believe they will win, at least not over the long run. As the shock of a Trump presidency set in, I told my children Tuesday night that I did not want to hear anything about fleeing. We are not going anywhere. And the America I have raised them to believe in will one day prevail.

--Jonathan Chait
I can't get over the stupidity of people. Like brexit, saying they are now going to pack up and leave the country. There are no words for these people.
I'm waiting for Christopher Meyer to eat his hat now that Trump is elected 🙂
I can't get over the stupidity of people. Like brexit, saying they are now going to pack up and leave the country. There are no words for these people.

plenty of words for them, "Goodbye, good luck, and don't let the door hit you in the azz"

So many doom and gloom people here. Give the new president a chance. He hasn't even taken office yet...People here are tired of what we've had so we try something different.

I can't get over the stupidity of people. Like brexit, saying they are now going to pack up and leave the country. There are no words for these people.

I'm trying to leave... :cheesy:

Will keep you all posted...
To all our Americans friends who are dismayed at Trump's victory, you can take heart from this breaking news . . .

Buoyed by Trump's win, Lord Sugar is said to be in talks with Tory back benchers about a possible coup to become the new leader of the Conservative party and the UK.'s first reality show host Prime Minister.
Some people obviously have too much time in their hands...


The financial world first bought gold, swiss and yen then sold.....They are supporting the results after the initial anxiety.
I am waiting for all those celebrities to eat their words. Samuel L. Jackson, Amy Schumer, Cher, Miley Cyrus, Goldberg ..., said they would flee the US if Trump was elected. Are they going to pack their bags. Where else are celebrities going to paid tens of millions of dollars a year to have multiple failed married, failed rehad stints, DUIs,...? The list is endless. No other country supports that. Why are they complaining about a country that has been so good to them?

Talk about foot to mouth!

Times Live
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News Day
That shows how ignorant you are of the facts. People who voted for Obama both times even voted for Trump. People play the race card way too much. Hillary is white. Would you play the race card there?

you won dude
too shocked to care but that was a response to the obama muslim thing