The Next US President

I agree on what NVP mentioned above. Clinton is palatable compare to duck. Hope everything will be fine as time comes.
Well its certain, we have surely now reached the saturation point where most non-US residents fail to see why this business dominates our news media. Just like the time before and the time before that.

The BBC will just say well its a vital decision, to identify who's in the running to be the leader of the world's largest democracy
, and they simply must report it. But that's just their excuse to take an easy ride, forget about editorial decision-making and report absolutely everything by, about, for or against every single candidate.

I don't say the BBC are worse at this game than the rest of the UK media, they're actually the most responsive to customers' concerns. But they keep doing a crap job nevertheless.

India is the world's largest democracy.

Based on Bush jnr winning the election over Gore some may even question if it really is a democracy and not a private rich members, who can afford to participate club.:idea:
I have always wondered why the Brits get so worked up about the American elections. This idea of getting hot under the collar seems so contrary to their typical demeanor. These are the same people that created the slogan "keep calm and carry on".

Even if a British person's house was on fire, I imagine the person would say "tea time is in 5 minutes, I am sure the firefighters can handle it while I am away for tea". Over here, we would say, "where the $*#! are they?" "They were supposed to be here yesterday". "Two minutes is too long". 😆

Its just media hype. The population here is amused by Trump's latest antics but that's it.
Its just media hype. The population here is amused by Trump's latest antics but that's it.

If it was truly amusement, they would not haphazardly try to ban him from the country. People are definitely loosing their cool. You guys are inadvertantly helping him. Most politicians have to pay for publicity, but you are giving it to him for free.
If it was truly amusement, they would not haphazardly try to ban him from the country. People are definitely loosing their cool. You guys are inadvertantly helping him. Most politicians have to pay for publicity, but you are giving it to him for free.

Its not us, its the media and the politicians they sleep with.
Its not us, its the media and the politicians they sleep with.

I do not even live there and that would make me upset. I cannot remember if the news I watch ever covered any British elections. If they did, they would not remain on the air for long. People would die of boredom. You can choose between the über left and the left.

I hope that the UK leaves the EU. Immigrants could not freely pass through from the Schengen to the UK anymore. That would be good the UK's NHS. When polls in the UK say that people do not want to leave, I am almost certain they are the group of people who take advantage of the system the most. They are also most likely of non-Anglo Saxon origin as well.
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I was just looking at a British census questionnaire. They have so many deviations of white that you can choose. They are much more specific than here.

In the UK, you can choose, Any Other White’ - Polish and Greek, Gypsy, Irish Traveller, British,...


I certainly do not see the purpose all that specificity.
One possible scenario is the GOP refuses to endorse Trump, considering him to be unsuitable to be President. He has the resources to run independently and said he would. Just suppose he wins as an independent and unfettered by Republican grandees like Romney ! Could be the end of the old democracy.
One possible scenario is the GOP refuses to endorse Trump, considering him to be unsuitable to be President. He has the resources to run independently and said he would. Just suppose he wins as an independent and unfettered by Republican grandees like Romney ! Could be the end of the old democracy.

Isn't it great, though!

One possible scenario is the GOP refuses to endorse Trump, considering him to be unsuitable to be President. He has the resources to run independently and said he would. Just suppose he wins as an independent and unfettered by Republican grandees like Romney ! Could be the end of the old democracy.

He will come under unprecedented scrutiny.

He hasn't been grilled by the democrats yet.

Based on his Trump University adventures he has much to answer for!!!

As one of the articles below indicated the Republican Party has failed to keep up with the times and does not capture diversity in the population. Only real logical solution is for them to split along ideological lines.
Parties need not appeal to everybody. The Republican Party is pro-business. It just so happens that there isn't a whole lot of diversity among business owners. If I own a business and don't want to finance the poor, then it makes sense that I would be a Republican.
It’s time for yet another barroom brawl masquerading as a Republican presidential debate!

Aren’t these awesome? Who knew four white guys arguing could be so entertaining?

You can’t even play drinking games. They are so beyond that. Who had “candidate penile size” on their list last time?

Tonight’s debate is probably the last chance for Donald Trump’s rivals to stop him. It’s the final debate before Tuesday’s Ohio and Florida mega-primaries. If Trump wins those, it’s game over for Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio.

I have no idea how Trump has survived the debates so far. He talks complete gibberish. He repeats himself. His shtick sounded old three months ago. Yet he carries on and racks up the votes.

So will someone please hit him with these questions?

“Mr. Trump ...”

1. How are you a great businessman when your companies have filed for bankruptcy four times, and when you ran a public company, the stockholders lost 89% of their money?

2. Given your own record, if you became president, why shouldn’t America’s college graduates feel free to default on their own student loans? How credible are you going to be calling them “deadbeats” if they don’t?

3. Why do you keep claiming that America “owes $19 trillion” when the actual amount of U.S. national debt held by foreigners is only a third as much, and when you strip out Treasuries owned by overseas subsidiaries of U.S. companies, it’s probably close to around $4 trillion?

4. Why are you stoking a panic about the Mexican border when the big surge in illegal immigration was over a decade ago, and the number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has actually been flat or falling for the past nine years?

5. How is Obamacare a “job killer” when the private sector has created 17 million new jobs — or a total increase of 15% — in the six years since it was passed?

6. How will you repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate but keep the consumer protection on pre-existing conditions? Without a mandate, why wouldn’t someone just wait till they got sick before getting health insurance, which would be legally required to cover their pre-existing condition?

7. If America is getting “killed” on trade and is “in a lot of trouble,” why has the dollar shot up by 20% in the past two years? Why is it now higher than it was when President Obama took office?

8. If our government faces a debt crisis, why are investors willing to lend money it money for 30 years at just 2.7% interest?

9. Why do you keep saying China is still manipulating its currency downwards to “kill” us on trade when the Chinese currency has actually risen 23% against the U.S. dollar over the past 10 years?

10. If you slap a 35% tariff, or even 45% tariff, on imports from countries such as China, Japan, South Korea and elsewhere, what will you do if they respond by slapping tariffs on our goods in return?

Will anyone ask The Donald these questions? Don’t hold your breath. And good luck with that drinking game. Don’t drive home.
Speaking of things that don't make sense. The majority of people that parachute in the UK do so for charity to raise money for the NHS. However, for every £1 that they raise for charity it cost the NHS £13.50 to treat the injuries caused by parachuting.
Questions for The Donald:

11: Do you like pretzels? Where can I send you a continuous supply? (until I run out of money, or until you choke)
Yes, its great!
Though, you do know the golden, sunny trip up this escalator ends with with a 2 mile drop on the other side? (a rather apt metaphor for the opiate of "jam tomorrow" mentality of the "american dream", where, at some point, the credit-card spree comes to a juddering halt)

Isn't it great, though!

i have a theory on trump...which kind of makes sense
if he gets the nomination we may see a scandal...something sexual in nature or maybe a major fraud situation dating back decades. the fact that the republicans are attacking him is because they know the liberals have the ace of spades.....they probably told him to drop out......but he didnt listen and they are feeding us the bankruptcy and university situation but in all actuality this is a guy who partied with cheerleaders and bribed his way to the top of ny elite. the dems have dirt on him......the proof lies with the story on him raping his ex wife....then within 3 days the story was pulled out. from all major news outlets....back in the summer. they are going to cook this guy.....just feel bad for the hopeful people. fox is on it since he disrespected murdoch hence why they defend him....until he gets the nom
Yes, its great!
Though, you do know the golden, sunny trip up this escalator ends with with a 2 mile drop on the other side? (a rather apt metaphor for the opiate of "jam tomorrow" mentality of the "american dream", where, at some point, the credit-card spree comes to a juddering halt)

It does not matter if we go up the escalator and fall off the other side. We will just sell Europe our bad debt like we did in 2008. Whatever misfortune may befall us, will be multiplied when it hits Europe. What happens here, does not just affect the US, but the entire world.

I say who cares. The US did it once, and they will do it again at the expense of other countries for the pursuit of the American dream.

Vive the American dream!

A nice bit of hypocracy from the US President himself, blaming Britain and France over the mess in Libya. The US record of patching up failed states in the Middle East is just very poor. Either they meant to degrade Syria and Iraq to help Israel against her enemies or as is probable made crass decisions.

It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black imo or is it white in these mixed up days ?