Absolutely! Says so many dumb things and I would have guessed smart people would endorse his perspective but do they? No he has to pay Sarah lipstick on a pig Payne to endorse him, having insulted women. How crazy is that?
People hang on Warren Buffet's every word. Brilliant man in character, stature and wealth in every aspect of the word.
On the other hand we have Donald Trump. Totally the opposite.
Re: North Korea he said he'll apply pressure on China to sort Kim out.
He obviously hasn't worked it out that it is China feeding North Korea to be a thorn on US rear in response to dispute in the Pacific Ocean over gas deposits with the Japanese.
Not to mention dispute with Russia and Japan too.
These are simply proxy wars as it is far too dangerous to get tangled with China or Russia so if there ever is any chest beating it will be conducted between the super powers over proxy countries like Syria, North Korea and Japan.
He is about clued up about foreign affairs and policies as he is about what true capitalism is. Not competition but corruption and coercion.
Can't wait to find out how much tax his paid???