The Next US President

Backing away from the position how pray tell? I am for the Republican Party. While I said I agree with many of trump's policies, I never once stated that I hoped he would win. I would not mind if he won or lost the nomination.

What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding? How many delegates do they have? At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?

@Atilla is a self proclaimed atheist. You @counter_violent recently gave a thumbs up to Cruz's win in Iowa. Cruz is the most conservative and Christian of the Republican candidates.

Now, it sounds as though you are backing away from your argument. What argument did I back out of? You may have assumed many things all of which I did not state. I would not be so foolish to state that the Republican race is a foregone conclusion as some of you have stated. I will be reminding you guys of these posts when the primaries have concluded.

I await your responses to these questions since you have stated that you understand American politics. You said that I did not know what I was talking about.

What type of primary will New Hampshire be holding?
How many delegates do they have?
At what date will the primaries switch to winner take all?

The ONLY thing that matters is, he is NOT Trump.

That statements implies that you do not care if it is a hard core Conservative like Cruz or any Republican for that matter. Don't tell @Atilla 😆

British prime ministers are the true lame duck leaders. They go to war if the US tells them to. 😆

Remember Blair a.k.a Bush's lap dog.
Epic purpotions! I reported you because you always used name calling. @Pat494 started this thread just to bash on the presidents and Americans. You don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to calling others offensive.

They didn't do anything about the post I reported anyway. They didn't even remove your post.

The only thing I've done in my post is use facts to rebut your so called arguments with actual sources.

So, you meant "What's that for does this mean?"

It is clearly and medically proven that socioeconomic status has a direct link and cause in brain development. Socioeconomic status leads to up to a 65% variance in the intelligence of a person by the time they reach adulthood. Epigenetic's plays a very important role in intelligence i.e., environmental factors. Growing up in slough or Northamptonshire will result in environmental factors completely different than growing up in Chelsea.

T2W Admin did do something.

I got a telling off and posts were removed as a matter of fact. Get your facts right!

I am also apologetic for embarrassing the T2W administration whom I respect.

Reason why I started challenging your stupid posts again is because I noticed whilst I had you on ignore you were still quoting my name and commenting on my posts with your daft ridicule entertaining your little ego.

However, you are very quick to become hoity toity when you get slightest rebuke.

Yet you feel at liberty to quote your BS gene b0ll0cks effectively putting down the rest of humanity that does not conform to what you think intelligent people should look like but that's ok by your standards and remarkably stupid intellect to believe such dribble, contrary to physical, scientific and biological evidence.
T2W Admin did do something.

I got a telling off and posts were removed as a matter of fact. Get your facts right!

I am also apologetic for embarrassing the T2W administration whom I respect.

Reason why I started challenging your stupid posts again is because I noticed whilst I had you on ignore you were still quoting my name and commenting on my posts with your daft ridicule entertaining your little ego.

However, you are very quick to become hoity toity when you get slightest rebuke.

Yet you feel at liberty to quote your BS gene b0ll0cks effectively putting down the rest of humanity that does not conform to what you think intelligent people should look like but that's ok by your standards and remarkably stupid intellect to believe such dribble, contrary to physical, scientific and biological evidence.

I will tie this back into the thread's topic. Political issues have been turned into class warfare. Republicans are pro business. They are for pulling yourself up from your bootstraps. Your education has a relationship with your voting style or lack thereof as the case may be for some.

Contrary to what scientific evidence? I posted several reliable sources that confirm what I said. I post things that you may disagree with but I am not in the habit of calling people perjoratives and using expletives as you do.

These are very real sources. They are not written by some nobody with a computer on Wikipedia. Do you have any real sources asserting anything to the contrary.

University of Southern California Pediatrics by Sowell

Center for Neuroscience and Society - University of Pennsylvania
Socioeconomic Status and Brain

Poverty may affect the growth of children’s brains

Scientifc American Journal
Poverty Disturbs Children's Brain Development and Academic Performance
Delayed brain development predicts lower tests scores in low-income children

JAMA Pediatrics
Association of Child Poverty, Brain Development, and Academic Achievement
JAMA said:
Children living in poverty generally perform poorly in school, with markedly lower standardized test scores and lower educational attainment. The longer children live in poverty, the greater their academic deficits. These patterns persist to adulthood, contributing to lifetime-reduced occupational attainment.

What posts did they remove? I reported your post #294. It was never removed. None of your posts on this thread with foul language have been removed.
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What posts did they remove? I reported your post #294. It was never removed. None of your posts on this thread with foul language have been removed.

It could be, the moderators, on careful consideration, found Atillas posts to be fair comment.
It could be, the moderators, on careful consideration, found Atillas posts to be fair comment.

You must've missed the conversation. Atilla said he was reprimanded and posts were removed. What posts? I replied that the post I reported was not removed. How is it that he can complain about being reprimanded?
Hi Hhiusa

Slightly off topic but this car below owned by CJ Wilson,an American Football player and I believe he drives it often around his home town of Newport Beach - ie your home town

Superb car - but then again its British

You must've missed the conversation. Atilla said he was reprimanded and posts were removed. What posts? I replied that the post I reported was not removed. How is it that he can complain about being reprimanded?

Yes. Exactly.
It was on another thread, not this one, in response to your racist crap and other bs.

Your logic and memory is limited indeed. Are you able to think for your self?

How many posts have you reported?

I haven't reported any yet but i certainly wouldn't give free forum access to brandish your aryan tosh about.

I find it remarkable for an educated man you have trouble applying intelligence.

Ask for your money back:idea:
It was on another thread, not this one, in response to your racist crap and other bs.

Your logic and memory is limited indeed. Are you able to think for your self?

How many posts have you reported?

I haven't reported any yet but i certainly wouldn't give free forum access to brandish your aryan tosh about.

I find it remarkable for an educated man you have trouble applying intelligence.

Ask for your money back:idea:

More admittedly unrelated garbage. I think it is you who should ask for your money back.

You must not have any decent sources to rebut my arguments. I didn't think that you would but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I will tie this back into the thread's topic. Political issues have been turned into class warfare. Republicans are pro business. They are for pulling yourself up from your bootstraps. Your education has a relationship with your voting style or lack thereof as the case may be for some.

Contrary to what scientific evidence? I posted several reliable sources that confirm what I said. I post things that you may disagree with but I am not in the habit of calling people perjoratives and using expletives as you do.

These are very real sources. They are not written by some nobody with a computer on Wikipedia. Do you have any real sources asserting anything to the contrary.

University of Southern California Pediatrics by Sowell

Center for Neuroscience and Society - University of Pennsylvania
Socioeconomic Status and Brain

Poverty may affect the growth of children’s brains

Scientifc American Journal
Poverty Disturbs Children's Brain Development and Academic Performance
Delayed brain development predicts lower tests scores in low-income children

JAMA Pediatrics
Association of Child Poverty, Brain Development, and Academic Achievement

What posts did they remove? I reported your post #294. It was never removed. None of your posts on this thread with foul language have been removed.

These links do not prove any of your rubbish allegations.

If a family is poor it can restrict a child's development by means of not having access to education, books, instruments, clothes. Coupled with social issues with respect conduct of parents, peer group, environment one grows up in whether safe or not can impact development yes.

However, if a child gets love and kisses and is cherished in a warm family, is safe and well and has desire to get ahead to do well being poor doesn't restrict academic achievement at all.

These combinations are more likely in a high income family than one that is poor. But to try and proximate to income and physical attributes without a wider study of other factors is just simply wrong.

I doubt academics would not qualify their findings either. Your interpretation of data is skewed to suit your personal racist leanings. You are not a truth seeker but select articles to complement your sick aryan mind.

This is why the Asians, Indians are high performers in the UK including the poor ones. You are such a daft stupid idiot words fail me. They come to this country poor and they end up millionaires by working their socks off.
These links do not prove any of your rubbish allegations.

If a family is poor it can restrict a child's development by means of not having access to education, books, instruments, clothes. Coupled with social issues with respect conduct of parents, peer group, environment one grows up in whether safe or not can impact development yes.

However, if a child gets love and kisses and is cherished in a warm family, is safe and well and has desire to get ahead to do well being poor doesn't restrict academic achievement at all.

These combinations are more likely in a high income family than one that is poor. But to try and proximate to income and physical attributes without a wider study of other factors is just simply wrong.

I doubt academics would not qualify their findings either. Your interpretation of data is skewed to suit your personal racist leanings. You are not a truth seeker but select articles to complement your sick aryan mind.

This is why the Asians, Indians are high performers in the UK including the poor ones. You are such a daft stupid idiot words fail me. They come to this country poor and they end up millionaires by working their socks off.

Kisses and love is not going to make up for socioeconomic status. Now I know that you haven't read the articles.
Kisses and love is not going to make up for socioeconomic status. Now I know that you haven't read the articles.

I did read two of them and scanned the third. I've studied the subject matter too you moron.

I'm also one such specimen amongst many others that contradicts your BS.

Time to put you on ignore again. One can only stomach so much of your tripe.

I did read two of them and scanned the third. I've studied the subject matter too you moron.

I'm also one such specimen amongst many others that contradicts your BS.

Time to put you on ignore again. One can only stomach so much of your tripe.


Again with the name-calling. Please continue to show us your lack of class and education. You have not shown any proof that you read the articles with any modicum of comprehension.

You haven't studied anything. All of your posts I've ever read, you've never shown that you have a shred of knowledge of biochemistry or psychology. I majored in it. If you actually think you know better why do you get so upset. "The lady doth protest too much methinks."

I would love to see you describe how cortisol works. You haven't written a single sentence that can rebut what I have said. Why don't you try behaving like an adult, use your words, and actually post something worthwhile besides calling things BS.

The only one talking about Aryans is you.
Pat494 started this thread just to bash on the presidents and Americans.


You have that point wrong too. I think the many posts have been quite enlightening. It does matter to the USA and the rest of the world who the next President is. The US system is far from perfect and won't be changed for the better while Americans are brainwashed into believing their own patriotic BS.

The US has meddled unnecessarily, particularly in the Middle East. That problem is now rampant in the USA. It would have been better for them had they minded their own business. It seems to be a human characteristic not to learn from others but just plough on in the same old way.
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here are the odds on The Race. Things are changing a bit.


  • US Presidents bets..PNG
    US Presidents bets..PNG
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here are the odds on The Race. Things are changing a bit.

The odds generated by whom? How did they generate those odds? It seems pointless to post odds if you do not know how they calculated.

People in other countries like you do not matter as far as the election is concerned. You guys do not even understand how it works completely. I have been asking you guys questions and nobody answers them. If you can't be bothered to learn how something works completely, then you do not deserve to participate or lecture others about it.
The odds generated by whom? How did they generate those odds? It seems pointless to post odds if you do not know how they calculated.

People in other countries like you do not matter as far as the election is concerned. You guys do not even understand how it works completely. I have been asking you guys questions and nobody answers them. If you can't be bothered to learn how something works completely, then you do not deserve to participate or lecture others about it.

The bookies put their money where their mouths are and so do make a big effort to be right most of the time. I would think they are more right than wrong or they would be out of business.

Did I lecture ?

It can be beneficial sometimes to step back from the action to get a clearer view. Those there on the spot maybe can't see the wood for the trees.

The USA elections are always closely tied to the biggest war chests. That is an observation, not much of a lecture.
But here's what each candidate and their backers now claim, ranked by the size of their hauls thus far.

Jeb Bush: $114.4 million

Campaign: $11.4 million

Super PAC: $103 million

Bush delayed launching his own campaign in order to fundraise directly for his super PAC, which some charge allowed him to skirt around campaign-finance laws but nevertheless allowed him to enter the presidential race with a record-shattering sum to back him.

Hillary Clinton: $60.6 million

Campaign: $45 million

Super PAC: $15.6 million

Clinton is also supported by the opposition research firm American Bridge, which has strong ties to her campaign but is technically not a pro-Clinton group. It has two spending vehicles that raised an additional $8.7 million.

Ted Cruz: $52.2 million

Campaign: $14.2 million

Super PACs: $38 million

Cruz has had two quarters to raise his $14 million -- he filed a first-quarter fundraising report with just over $4 million raised in April -- but has turned heads with the surprisingly strong performance of his super PACs.

Marco Rubio: $43.9 million

Campaign: $12 million

Super PAC: $16.1 million

Nonprofit: $15.8 million

The Florida senator is backed up by two outside groups: a super PAC, the Conservative Solutions PAC, and a nonprofit, the Conservative Solutions Project.

Rick Perry: $17.9 million

Campaign: $1.1 million

Super PAC: $16.8 million

Perry's weak fundraising haul was tucked in last week mere minutes after his super PAC announced an impressive total that came almost entirely from three big donors.

Bernie Sanders: $15 million

Campaign: $15 million

Jeb Bush's huge fundraising haul

Sanders rails against the "billionaire class" on the stump and has sworn off the help of a super PAC -- though nothing can prevent his supporters from eventually starting one.

John Kasich: $11.5 million

527 committee: $11.5 million

Kasich does not yet have an official campaign account because he doesn't yet have a campaign (he's expected to launch next week). But his political committee, New Day for America, raised over $10.5 million in its first two months, while "allied organizations" took in the rest.

Chris Christie: $11 million

Super PAC: $11 million

The New Jersey governor won't file his first campaign-finance report until the fall since he announced his campaign on the last day of the second quarter. His super PAC, however, said Tuesday it had raised $11 million to support him.

Ben Carson: $10.5 million

Campaign: $10.5 million

Carson is a favorite of small donors who give online. The two independent super PACs -- which haven't yet released their totals -- are reportedly feuding with one another.

Mike Huckabee: $8 million

Campaign: $2 million

Super PAC and nonprofit: $6 million

A senior adviser to the former Arkansas governor's campaign said Tuesday that the super PAC supporting him, Pursuing America's Greatness, and the nonprofit group, America Takes Action, combined to raise $6 million.

Rand Paul: $7 million

Campaign: $7 million

Paul may have had nearly the entire quarter to raise money for his campaign, but he raised much less than some of his Republican competitors. Paul has reportedly had trouble collecting the early money that he's expected to need to succeed. He has two main super PACs -- America's Liberty PAC and Concerned American Voters -- that have not yet released their fundraising totals.

Donald Trump: billionaire and independent of the money raising machines.
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The US system is based on money or should one say bribes ?

A nobody starting out with little money has NO hope of getting anywhere.
Pat494 started this thread just to bash on the presidents and Americans.


You have that point wrong too. I think the many posts have been quite enlightening. It does matter to the USA and the rest of the world who the next President is. The US system is far from perfect and won't be changed for the better while Americans are brainwashed into believing their own patriotic BS.

The US has meddled unnecessarily, particularly in the Middle East. That problem is now rampant in the USA. It would have been better for them had they minded their own business. It seems to be a human characteristic not to learn from others but just plough on in the same old way.

That's rather pathetic. Did you completely forget about this post?